Return to White Hound fan-fiction
Disclaimer: I'm not muscling in on JK's turf - just gambolling on it, like a spring lamb, having fun working out the literary and psychological puzzles which she is having fun setting us
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Icons of Peace and War [drabble: 100 words exactly]
The exhibition winds away: glittering Russian saints holding holy books and raising two fingers in blessing; iconic images from Muggle wars, the bulldog-man gesturing V-for-Victory.
Finally, the moving Vold War portraits - Potter, Dumbledore, Granger, Black, all our warriors, culminating in the Martyr's straight black hair and pale face, a weighty Potions tome in the crook of his marked arm. Tight-lipped, he raises two fingers towards the red sky of battle, turns his hand and parts his fingers in benediction....
"You know, I'm sure when Churchill did it the palm of his hand was towards the viewer...."
Written by whitehound, plot-bunny by Dyce. If anybody foreign doesn't understand this, ask anybody British what "the old two-fingered salute" means....