A guide to the proper care of rats as companion animals: history of the rat in Europe; health-care tips (including care of the diabetic rat); setting up a cage; introducing new rats to an existing colony etc..
Now includes
*RatLines* ratty items for sale - rat-cartoon T-shirts, toys for rats, toy rats for humans etc..
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The site looks best in a medium text-size, and is set to adjust the width of images to look more or less the same at all screen-resolutions and as far as possible for all browsers (it works with IE, Netscape, Opera and WebTV, anyway), provided you have JavaScript enabled: in the absence of JavaScript it assumes you have an old system and sets the images to fit a 640x480 screen. If you resize the browser window and then reload/refresh, for most browsers the images will adjust to the new window-size. This scripted version is new: if you encounter any problems getting it to work, please let me know.
[Although all pages will load correctly in Netscape, Netscape 4.7 is so flaky that it may take two or three attempts. If a page-header is missing, or the page looks wrong in some other way, allow it to finish loading and then go back out and come in again, and it should come up perfectly at the second or, failing that, the third pass. Most pages are broken into separate table-blocks, to aid loading in Netscape and also to minimize formatting problems in Netscape 4.7 by confining them to small sections - since Netscape 4.7 randomly refuses to justify text around particular images and any other text within the same table-block. There's no apparent rhyme or reason to it and no way of controlling it, since which images are affected varies with your browswer's font-size. Readers who look at the HTML will find there are inconsistencies in the way images are formatted, e.g. in some cases the image itself is aligned right or left; in others it is set in a paragraph which is so aligned. This was done to get round bugs in Netscape 4.7. I cannot tell you how much I loathe Netscape 4.7.]