The Three Peaks Challenge...

St Peter's Hospice

St Peter's, Bristol's Hospice, provides specialised care and support for patients with severe and progressive disease, usually cancer, where curative treatment is no longer possible. Their commitment is to improve the quality of life of patients while extending care and support to their relatives.

Patients are referred to St Peter's with the approval of their family doctor.

No charge is made and all services for patients are free due to the generosity of the people of Bristol. There are two Hospice buildings, one in Knowle serving South & East Bristol, and one at Brentry serving the North & West.

At Home

There are four teams of Community Nurse Specialists who visit patients in their own homes. They provide expert advice and support to the patients, families and primary health care teams.

Hospice at Home

St Peter's also offers 'Hospice at Home' when a short period of intensive home nursing is provided to enable patients to remain in their own homes for the last days of their lives.

At the Day Hospice

Patients have the opportunity to spend one day a week at one of the two Day Hospices where as well as companionship and new interests, they benefit from the specialist attention of medical and nursing staff.

The In-patient Unit

Patients can be admitted to one of the In-patient Units for a period so that difficult symptoms can be brought under control, Alternatively, they may be admitted for short periods to provide respite for the family caring at home. Patients also come to the Unit for the last days of their illness, should this be what they, their family and their own doctor wish.

St Peter's Hospice Social Workers and the Chaplain

These work together to provide patients and their families with emotional, spiritual and practical support.


The Hospice, through its education programme, shares its skills and expertise with those involved and interested in palliative care. This is the only service for which the Hospice makes a charge.


There are numerous opportunities to be a volunteer at the Hospice, both in the Day Hospices and In-patient Units. Some volunteers help patients in their own homes. Both Hospices are centres for Community Support services.

St Peter's Hospice, Knowle:

St Agnes Avenue, Knowle, Bristol, BS4 2DU

Tel: 0117 977 4605

St Peter's Hospice, Brentry:

Charlton Road, Brentry, Bristol, BS10 6NL

Tel: 0117 915 9400

St Peter's Hospice, Fundraising:

Office 23, Whatley Road, Clifton, Bristol, BS5 2PS

Tel: 0117 973 3069            Fax: 0117 973 0737

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