The Ballroom

Mephs SmithHorny Lil Devil

Fancy being a member of an old and long established private members club. Admittance used to be open to every, Tom, Dick & Harry, trainspotter or anorak. With the recent appointment of one, Mephistopheles Smith (who bears an uncanny resemblance to Richard O'Brien), a suave and sophisticated character with a devilish sense of humour, as Head Honcho of the Membership Selection Committe things have changed!

Fed up with accepting Heavens rejects, he has set out on his own personal crusade, to recruit a new class of client for the recently relaunched Club Inferno PLC, THE place in the afterlife to Rock in Hell. A number of us have accepted this invitation and have attended recruiting crusades in both London's West End and Edinburgh's Fringe Festival.

Pat QuinnIn London we circulated in the foyer of the theatre amongst invited stars and celebrities, who were also planning for their future happiness. Showing her support was a refugee from Transsexual, Transylvania; one Miss Patricia Quinn (aka Magenta, RHS & RHPS).

In Edinburgh, M. Smith was taking his message to the public masses, with a great deal of success it must be added. A spot on BBC radio, on late Richard & Conight television and various local newspapers helped spread the message. An opportunity before the shows to chat with M. Smith about the strict dress code in Club Inferno PLC (no anoraks allowed) also give the opportunity to obtained an autograph and photos.

It is anticipated that the recruiting will continue for a number of years to come, so keep an eye out in your neighbourhood, (he's already been to New York, USA) and do you self a favour and plan to have a hell of a time in the afterlife!

Stills from 'Angel'Mephistopheles Smith has released his haunting and moving song 'Angel in Me' as a promotional video. It was filmed in and around London's  busy Convent Garden and involved a number of invited individuals from TimeWarp, the UK Rocky Horror fanclub.

Mephs. makes his way slowly through the hustle and bustle of the world around him, while a white clad, skinhead style Angel slowly approaches him, a blood red rose in her hand. The whole episode comes to an end with them meeting in a back alley away from the crowd. Above their heads esoteric symbols appear, including amongst others, the Seal of Solomon. The symbols spin off into the sky, followed by the Angel.

Ab O'BAlthough there are a number of bootlegs circulating of Mephs. in concert if you would like quality recordings by this King of Demons then check out 'Absolute O'Brien' is Richard O'Brien's new CD, on which are a number of Mephs tracks. If you would like to hear two snippets of these songs click HERE! But don't forget to come back..... The CD can be purchased from Interfishnet or ordered from your local record shop. Simply quote;

'Absolute O'Brien', released on Medical Records, order number DoctorCD1.

A black winged Angel or was it a Demon, looking strangely like M. Smith was seen at Transylvania '99, {UK Rocky Horror Convention} where he was even heard to sing some songs previously only song by Messers Smith! At this stage it is unclear if this persona is likely to be seen again. But our own sprite on the spot doubts if this metamorphose will be seen again .........
