Cumberland Roots
A male person found on the sea shore1854(D);
A male person name unknown 1847(D);
A male person a vagrant name unknown 1849(D);
ADAMSON Josephine 1842(B); Maria 1846(D); Mary 1842(P); Robert 1842(P);
ADDISON Elizabeth 1870(P); George 1838(M); George 1850(M); George 1861(D); Isabella 1870(B); John 1838(P); John 1870(P); Mary 1847(D); Mary 1864(D);
AIKET Robert 1843(P); Sarah 1843(M); Francis 1844(D);
AIRTON Joseph 1842(P); Joseph 1842(W); Skelton 1842(M); Frances 1842(P); Mary 1842(B); Skelton1842(P);
AITON(?) William 1844(D);
ALISON Barbara 1844(P); James 1844(P); Margaret 1844(B); William 1850(P);
ALLARDICE James 1846(B); Jane 1844(P); Jane 1846(P); Thomas 1844(B); William 1844(P); William 1846(P);
ALLEN Isabella 1847(B); John 1847(P); Mary 1847(P);
ANDERSON Elizabeth 1842(P); Jane 1840(D); Jane 1842(B); Joseph 1842(P); Joseph 1851(D); Susan 1860(D);
ARCHER Mary 1841(P); Mary 1842(M); Sarah 1841(B);
ARMSTONG Agnes 1871(D); Andrew 1855(D); Ann 1842(B); Ann 1843(P); Ann 1845(B); Ann 1847(D); Ann 1856(B); Ann 1857(D); Ann 1859(D); Anne 1839(P); Anne 1839(P); Betsy 1868(P); Betsy 1870(P); Betsy 1871(P); Catherine 1841(P); Catherine 1844(P); Catherine 1847(P); Catherine 1848(D); Catherine 1870(D); Christopher 1843(D); Dinah 1852(B); Dinah 1852(P); Dinah 1852(P); Dinah1852(P); Dinah 1852(P); Dinah 1856(P); Dinah 1858(D); Dinah 1858(P); Elisbeth 1839(W); Elizabeth 1846(W); Elizabeth 1848(M); Elizabeth 1848(P); Elizabeth 1852(P); Elizabeth 1853(M); George 1839(B); Hannah 1840(B); Hannah 1842(P); Hannah 1844(P); Hannah 1846(P); Hannah 1848(B); Hannah 1848(P); Hannah 1850(P); Hannah 1860(P); Hannah 1866(D); Hannah1839(B); Henry 1849(B); James 1839(M); James 1841(P); James 1844(P); James 1847(P); James 1852(B); James 1852(B); James 1862(D); Jane 1839(P); Jane 1840(P); Jane 1841(B); Jane 1841(P); Jane 1843(P); Jane 1843(W); Jane 1845(P); Jane 1847(P); Jane 1849(B); Jane1849(P); Jane 1852(P); Jane 1858(B); Jane 1839(P); Jane 1859(D); Jefferson 1852(M); Jefferson 1852(P); John 1839(P); John 1840(B); John 1840(D); John 1840(D); John 1843(B); John 1844(B); John 1844(B); John 1850(B); John 1850(B); John 1850(P); John 1851(D); John 1852(P); John 1859(D); John 1865(D); John William 1868(B); Jonathan 1850(P); Joseph 1841(M); Joseph 1841(P); Joseph 1847(D); Joseph 1849(P); Joseph 1852(P); Joseph 1852(P); Joseph 1852(P); Joseph 1852(P); Joseph 1856(P); Joseph 1858(P); Joseph 1865(D); Joshua 1852(B); Joshua 1867(D); Mary 1842(W); Mary 1845(W); Mary 1846(P); Mary 1848(D); Mary 1848(M); Mary 1849(P); Mary1850(P); Mary 1852(P); Mary 1854(D); Mary 1854(M); Mary 1857(D); Mary 1861(D); Mary Ann 1844(P); Mary Dent 1868(P); Mary Jane 1849(D); Mary Peat 1844(B); Nancy 1840(D); Nancy 1848(B); Nancy 1849(D); Nancy 1850(P); Nelson Sanderson 1868(B); Nicholas 1871(B); Nicholson 1860(B); Richard 1847(B); Robert 1841(P); Robert 1852(B); Robert 1853(D); Robert 1856(W); Sarah 1839(B); Sarah 1840(P); Sarah 1843(B); Sarah 1846(B); Sarah 1846(D); Sarah 1850(D); Sarah 1863(D); Sarah 1870(B); Thomas 1841(M); Thomas 1842(P); Thomas 1844(P); Thomas 1846(P); Thomas1847(B); Thomas 1848(P); Thomas 1850(B); Thomas 1850(D); Thomas 1850(P); Thomas 1851(D); Thomas 1852(B); Thomas 1859(D); Thomas 1860(P); Thomas 1864(D); Thomas 1870(W); Walter 1843(D); William 1839(B); William 1839(P); William 1839(P); William 1841(B); William 1841(D); William 1841(M); William 1841(P); William 1841(P); William 1843(P); William 1843(P); William1843(W); William 1845(P); William 1846(B); William 1847(P); William 1848(P); William 1848(P); William 1848(W); William 1849(P); William 1849(W); William 1852(B); William 1852(D); William1852(P); William 1861(D); William 1865(D); William 1868(P); William 1870(D); William 1870(P); William 1871(P);
ASHBRIDGE(?) John 1848(W);
ASHCROFT Elizabeth 1866(D); Esther 1871(D); Nicholas 1860(D);
ASHLEY Hannah 1840(W);
ASHWORTH Arthur 1863(P); Arthur 1864(P); Arthur 1865(P); Arthur 1866(P); Arthur 1868(P); Arthur 1869(P); Arthur 1871(P); Arthur Howard George 1864(B); Arthur Howard George 1864(D); Beatrice Howard 1869(B); Charles Frederick Howard 1868(B); Charles Frederick Howard 1868(D); Edith Amelia Howard 1865(B); Ethel Howard 1866(B); Mary 1869(P); Mary Howard 1863(B); Rose Eveline Howard 1871(B); Sarah 1863(P); Sarah 1864(P); Sarah 1865(P); Sarah 1866(P); Sarah 1868(P); Sarah 1871(P);
ATKINSON Ann 1844(P); Elizabeth 1845(W); Elizabeth 1848(M); Esther 1844(B); Grace 1853(P); Henry 1858(D); Henry 1858(D); John 1839(D); John 1853(P); John Younghusband 1870(B); Joseph 1848(P); Joseph 1869(P); Mary 1845(M); Mary 1870(P); Rachel 1856(D); Railton 1845(W); Ruth 1848(W); Ruth 1851(W); Ruth 1869(M); Sarah 1863(D); Thomas 1845(P); Thomas 1870(P); William 1844(P); William Anderson 1853(B);
AUTER(?) Mary Ann 1846(D);
BACKHOUSE Ann 1839(M); Ann 1848(D); Ann 1849(B); Ann 1856(M); Bridget 1846(P); Bridget 1849(P); Bridget 1869(D); Jane 1839(P); Jane 1839(W); Jane 1840(M); Jane 1840(M); Jane 1841(P); Jane 1843(P); John 1840(P); John 1840(W); John 1840(W); John 1845(M); John 1846(D); John 1846(P); John 1849(P); John 1866(D); John 1871(P); Joseph 1839(P); Joseph 1839(W); Joseph 1841(P); Joseph 1842(M); Joseph 1843(P); Joseph 1845(W); Joseph 1846(M); Joseph 1847(P); Joseph Ismay 1869(D); Mary 1839(B); Mary 1841(D); Mary 1844(D); Mary 1846(B); Mary 1847(B); Mary 1850(M); Mary 1871(M); Matthew Messenger 1841(B); Matthew Messenger 1846(D); Nancy 1847(P); Thomas 1839(P); Thomas 1840(P); Thomas 1842(P); Thomas 1845(P); Thomas 1846(P); Thomas 1853(D); William 1843(B);
BAILEY Robert 1869(W); Thomas 1869(P); William 1869(M);
BAINBRIDGE Abigail 1856(D);
BAMBER Jane 1839(P); John 1839(B); John 1839(P);
BARKER John 1853(M); John 1853(P); Mary 1841(M); Mary 1842(W); Matthewman 1853(B); Rebecca 1853(P);
BARNES Ann 1841(D); Ann 1854(B); Betsy 1838(D); Betty 1844(D); Dorothy 1855(B); Dorothy 1858(D); Esther 1856(P); Francis 1851(M); Grace 1860(P); Grace 1862(P); Hannah 1856(B); Hannah 1863(W); Isabella 1844(D); Jane 1851(W); Jane 1859(B); John 1840(D); John 1841(D); John 1847(D); John 1850(D); John 1852(B); John 1855(D); John 1860(P); John 1862(P); John 1869(P); Joseph 1844(M); Joseph 1844(P); Joseph 1848(W); Joseph 1857(B); Joseph 1860(B); Joseph 1869(W); Martha 1865(B); Mary 1839(P); Mary 1843(B); Mary 1843(D); Mary 1843(P); Mary 1844(D); Mary 1848(W); Mary 1851(D); Mary 1852(P); Mary 1854(P); Mary 1855(P); Mary 1857(P); Mary 1859(P); Mary 1861(P); Mary 1862(B); Mary 1863(B); Mary 1863(P); Mary 1865(P); Richard 1839(P); Richard 1843(P); Richard 1855(D); Richard 1869(D); Richard 1869(M); Robert 1843(D); Thomas 1852(P); Thomas 1854(D); Thomas 1854(P); Thomas 1855(P); Thomas 1857(P); Thomas1859(P); Thomas 1861(B); Thomas 1861(P); Thomas 1863(P); Thomas 1865(P); Walter 1845(D); William 1841(D); Wilson 1839(B);
BARNETT Joseph 1839(W);
BARNS Isabella 1839(M); Robert 1839(P);
BARRETT Francis 1838(D);
BARROW John 1865(W);
BARTON Ann 1856(P); Ann 1858(P); Ann 1863(P); Ann 1869(P); John 1852(W); John 1856(B); John 1856(P); John 1858(P); John 1863(P);
John 1869(P); Margaret Ann 1863(B); Margaret Ann 1866(D); Thomas 1869(B); William 1858(B); William 1861(D);
BARWISE Charles 1844(B); David 1855(B); David 1857(D); Dorothy 1847(D); Eleanor 1838(P); Eleanor 1841(P); Eleanor 1846(P); Eleanor 1847(P); Eleanor 1849(P); Eleanor 1855(P); Fanny 1841(P); Fanny 1844(P); George 1838(B); George 1867(P); George 1869(P); Hannah 1867(P); Hannah 1869(P); James 1840(P); James 1847(B); Jane 1846(B); Jane 1850(D); Jane Ann 1860(B); Jane Ann 1860(D); John 1840(B); John 1854(D); Joseph 1854(D); Joseph 1867(D); Mary 1844(D); Ruth 1840(P); Ruth 1840(W); Ruth 1840(W); Ruth 1842(D); Sarah1860(P); Thomas 1838(D); Thomas 1838(P); Thomas 1839(D); Thomas 1841(B); Thomas 1841(P); Thomas 1846(P); Thomas 1847(P); Thomas 1849(P); Thomas 1855(P); Thomas 1861(D); Thomas 1869(B); Walter Blu(a)ck 1841(B); William 1840(D); William 1841(P); William 1844(P); William 1849(B); William 1869(D); William Blair 1867(B);
BATEMAN John 1849(P); Thomas 1849(M);
BAXTER Elizabeth 1840(D); Elizabeth 1855(P); Elizabeth 1858(P); Elizabeth 1861(P); Fanny 1861(B); Joseph 1855(P); Joseph 1858(P); Joseph 1858(W); Joseph 1864(P); Lancelot 1858(B); Mary Ann 1864(M); Robert 1855(B); Temple? 1861(P);
BEATTIE John 1840(D);
BEATTY Elizabeth 1840(P); John 1840(B); Robert 1843(W);
BEATY Hytton 1838(B); Jane 1847(W); Jane 1848(W);Mary 1847(M); Matthew 1838(B); Nancy 1838(P); Nancy 1838(P); Nancy 1838(P); Robert 1847(P); William 1838(B); William 1838(P); William 1838(P); William 1838(P);
BEEBY John 1849(P); Mary 1849(P); Mary 1849(P); Nicholas 1849(B); William 1849(B);
BELL Adam 1845(P); Ann 1845(P); Ann 1848(P); Ann 1848(W); Ann 1849(B); Ann 1849(D); Ann 1849(P); Ann 1851(B); Ann 1851(P); Ann 1854(D); Ann 1861(P); Ann 1863(P); Ann 1865(D); Annie 1861(B); Ben 1840(W); Ben 1846(M); Benjamin 1845(P); Benjamin 1847(B); Benjamin 1847(P); Benjamin 1870(P); Betty 1846(D); Dinah 1870(P); Edward 1869(B); Elizabeth 1846(B); Elizabeth 1848(P); Elizabeth 1849(B); Elizabeth 1849(P);Elizabeth 1849(P); Elizabeth 1849(P); Elizabeth 1851(D); Elizabeth 1855(D); Elizabeth 1870(W); Hugh James 1848(P);Hugh James 1849(P); James 1848(P); Jane 1842(D); Jane 1843(B); Jane 1845(P); Jane 1847(M); Jane 1848(B); Jane 1848(D); Jane 1848(M); Jane 1870(P); John 1840(B); John 1845(B); John 1845(M); John 1845(P); John 1846(D);John 1847(P); John 1847(W); John 1848(M); John 1849(P); John 1850(M); John 1851(P); John 1861(P); John 1863(B); John 1863(P); John 1867(P); John 1869(P); John 1869(P); John James 1870(B); Joseph 1842(P); Joseph 1842(W); Joseph 1844(D); Joseph 1845(B); Joseph 1851(B); Joseph 1870(P); Mary 1851(W); Mary 1862(D); Mary 1869(P); Mary Agnes 1867(P); Mary Agnes 1869(P); Mary Ann 1848(B); Mary Ann 1849(D); Mary Peat 1845(B); Matthew 1842(M); Matthew 1845(P); Matthew 1848(P); Matthew 1851(P); Matthew 1869(B); Nancy 1845(P); Nancy 1847(P); Omega 1846(P); Prudence 1851(M); Rachel 1867(B); Rebecca 1840(P); Rebecca 1843(P); Rebecca 1847(B); Rebecca 1847(P); Robert 1842(M); Robert 1842(P); Robert 1843(P); Robert 1844(P); Ruth 1843(P); Ruth 1844(P); Sarah 1851(P); Thomas 1840(P); Thomas 1842(P); Thomas 1843(B); Thomas 1843(P); Thomas 1844(B); Thomas 1847(P); Thomas 1848(W); Thomas 1849(B); Thomas 1858(D); William 1840(W); William 1842(M);William 1846(P); William 1849(D); William 1860(D);
BELL(Now Noble) Mary 1870(B);
BENDALL Mary Ann 1840(P); William 1840(B); William 1840(D);
BENDEL Nancy 1843(P); Richard 1843(B); William 1843(P);
BENDLE John 1865(D); Joseph 1838(B); Mary 1861(D); Mary Anne 1838(P); William 1841(D);
BENN Sarah 1850(M); William 1852(D);
BEWES Betty 1852(P); Elizabeth 1852(B); Fanny 1854(B); John 1845(B); John 1846(D); Joseph 1848(B); Mary 1845(P); Mary 1848(P); Mary 1854(P); Roger 1845(P); Roger 1848(P); Roger 1852(P); Roger 1854(P); Joseph 1844(P);
BEWLEY Agnes 1862(P); Agnes 1863(P); Agnes 1865(P); Francis 1844(B); Francis 1846(D); Hannah Bowe 1860(B); Isaac 1840(B); Isabella 1841(W); James 1838(P); James 1840(P); James 1842(B); James 1842(P); James 1844(P); John 1838(B); John 1857(B); John 1861(D); John 1862(P); John 1863(B); John 1863(P); John 1865(P); Joseph Bowe 1857(B); Mary 1838(P); Mary 1839(W); Mary 1840(P); Mary 1842(P); Mary 1844(P); Mary 1845(D); Mary 1848(D); Mary 1857(B); Ruth 1863(B); Sarah 1857(P); Sarah 1857(P); Sarah 1857(P); Sarah 1857(P); Sarah 1857(P); Sarah 1860(P); Sarah 1863(P); Sarah 1865(B); Sarah Ann 1857(B); Thomas 1841(M); Thomas 1841(P); Thomas 1856(D); Thomas 1857(P); Thomas 1857(P); Thomas 1857(P); Thomas 1857(P); Thomas 1857(P); Thomas 1860(P); Thomas 1863(P); William 1857(B);William 1862(B);
BIERS Sarah 1840(B); Sarah 1840(P); William 1840(P);
BIGLANDS Betsy 1862(B); Betty 1867(P); Hannah 1866(B); Isabella 1862(P); Jane 1839(B); Jane 1848(W); Jane 1857(B); John 1838(M); John 1838(P); John 1839(P); John 1840(M); John 1841(P); John 1843(P); John 1845(P); John 1857(P); John 1862(P); John 1862(P); John 1866(P); John 1866(P); John 1866(P); John 1866(P); John 1867(B); John 1867(D); John 1866(B); John Holliday 1841(B); John(decd) 1867(P); Joseph 1843(B); Joseph 1868(P); Joseph Ross 1867(M); Joshua 1840(P); Joshua 1867(P); Martha 1839(P); Martha 1841(P); Martha 1843(P); Martha 1845(P); Mary 1866(B); Rachel 1857(P); Rachel 1862(B); Rachel 1862(P); Rachel 1866(P); Rachel 1866(P); Rachel 1866(P); Rachel 1866(P); Rachel 1868(P); Robert 1845(B); Robert 1868(B); Robert 1866(B);
BIRD Jane 1841(W);
BIRKETT Dorothy 1838(P); Silas 1838(P); William Wilson 1838(B);
BIRRELL Betty 1847(M); James 1847(P);
BISHOPBRIGG Hannah 1840(B); Henry 1838(P); Henry 1840(P); Henry 1844(P); Sarah 1838(P); Sarah 1840(P); Sarah 1844(P); Sarah Jane 1844(B); Thomas 1838(B);
BLACK Agness 1839(P); Mary Anne 1839(B); Thomas 1839(P);
BLACKBURN Richard 1844(M); Sarah 1843(D); William 1844(P);
BLACKLOCK Barbara 1842(M); John 1842(P); John 1860(B); Mary 1852(P); Mary 1860(P); Rachel 1852(B); Robert 1840(P); Thomasina 1849(D); William 1850(M); William 1852(P); William 1860(P);
BLAIR Betty 1848(M); Frances 1854(P); Frances 1855(P); Frances 1858(P); Frances 1860(P); Frances 1863(P); Frances 1866(P); Isaac 1860(B); John 1838(W); John 1840(W); John 1848(P); John 1854(B); John 1855(D);Joseph 1858(B); Margaret 1848(W); Mary 1845(B); Mary 1850(W); Sarah 1845(P); Stephen 1863(B); Thomas 1866(B); Wiliam 1855(B); William 1854(P); William 1855(P); William 1858(P); William1860(P); William 1863(P); William 1866(P);
BLAYLOCK David 1838(B); Joseph 1838(B); Joseph 1840(B); Mary Anne 1840(P); Robert 1838(M); Robert 1840(P); Tabitha 1838(P);Tabitha 1838(P); Thomas 1838(P); Thomas 1838(P); William 1838(P);
BLENKIN Ann 1847(P); Ann 1850(P); Ann 1851(P); John 1847(M); John 1847(P); John 1850(B); John 1850(P); John 1851(P); Nicholas 1851(B); Thomas 1847(B); Thomas 1847(P);
BLENKINSHIP Asher? 1862(P); John 1839(B); John 1839(D); John 1860(W); Joseph 1862(M); Joseph 1863(P); Mary 1842(D); Interred at Newton ArloshMary 1862(W); Mary 1863(P); Nancy 1839(P); Nathan 1840(P); Nathaniel 1848(D); Salkeld 1863(B); Sarah 1840(M); William 1839(P);
BORRICK Anne 1838(P); Joseph 1838(P); Mary 1838(B);
BOUSTEAD Robert 1857(W);
BOW Joseph 1841(W);
BOWE Sarah 1841(M); William 1841(P);
BOWMAN Agnes 1853(B); Anne 1865(M); James 1865(W); John 1841(B); John 1841(P); John 1849(P); John Joseph 1849(M); John Joseph 1853(P); John Joseph 1855(B); John Joseph 1855(P); Joseph 1854(D); Joseph 1865(D); Joseph(decd) 1865(P); Mary 1853(P); Mary 1855(P); Nelly 1841(P);
BRADLEY John 1849(D);
BRAYSON George 1865(B); Jane 1865(P); Jane 1867(B); Jane 1867(P); William 1865(P); William 1867(P);
BRIERLEY John 1861(W);
BRIGGS Esther 1867(B); Esther 1867(P); Wilson 1867(P);
BRISCO Robert 1871(W);
BROCKBANK James 1844(P); William 1844(M);
BROUGH Ann 1857(D); Ann 1859(B); Ann 1859(P); Ann 1859(P); Ann 1862(P); Ann 1864(P); Ann 1866(P); Ann 1868(P); Anne 1840(B); Anne 1846(B);Annie 1866(M); Annie 1871(B); Betty 1839(P); Betty 1840(P); Betty 1849(P); Betty 1868(D); Bridget 1868(D); Daniel 1849(D); Elizabeth 1844(P); Elizabeth 1867(D); Esther 1852(M); Eunice 1849(B); Fanny 1839(P); Fanny 1841(P); Fanny 1844(B); Fanny 1844(P); Frances 1854(W); Francis 1851(W); George 1862(B); Hewson? 1870(D); Hodgson 1838(W); Hodgson 1839(P); Hodgson 1839(W); Hodgson 1848(W); Hodgson 1849(W); Hodgson 1850(W); Hodgson 1850(W); Hodgson 1851(W); Hodgson 1854(W); Hodgson 1858(W); Hodgson 1859(W); Hodgson 1866(P); Hodgson 1867(W); James 1868(B); Jane 1840(D); Jane 1846(D); Jane 1854(P); Jane 1864(B); Jane 1871(P); John 1839(B); John 1846(P); John 1849(W); John 1855(D); John 1859(P); John 1859(P); John 1862(P); John 1864(B); John 1864(P); John 1866(P); John 1868(P); John 1869(D); Jonathan 1848(B); Joseph 1838(P); Joseph 1839(B); Joseph 1841(W); Joseph 1848(B); Joseph 1848(W); Joseph 1851(M); Joseph 1859(D); Joseph 1869(D); Julia 1852(M); Margaret 1838(D); Margaret 1852(W); Margaret 1866(B); Martha 1841(B); Martha 1844(B); Mary 1839(D); Mary 1846(D); Mary 1846(P); Mary 1848(P); Mary 1848(P); Mary 1854(B); Mary 1854(D); Mary 1864(P); Mary 1866(P); Mary 1868(D); Mason 1847(W); Michael 1846(D); Nancy 1845(D); Nelson 1857(W); Pattinson1859(B); Phebe 1866(W); Pheobe 1871(D); Rachel 1852(M); Richard 1866(B); Robert 1838(M); Robert 1839(P); Robert 1840(P); Robert 1844(P); Robert 1849(P); Robert 1860(D); Ruth 1849(W); Ruth 1852(W); Ruth 1852(W); Ruth 1866(W); William 1841(P); William1844(P); William 1864(P); William 1866(P); William 1871(P);
BROWN Ann 1848(B); Ann 1849(P); Ann 1852(D); Catherine 1843(B); Catherine 1845(M); Christopher 1843(P); Christopher 1859(D); Edward 1847(D); Elenor 1843(P); George 1857(W); George 1869(D); Grace 1839(P); Grace 1842(P); Grace 1857(B); Isabella 1843(M); James 1857(M); Jane 1838(M); Jane 1843(W); Jane 1851(M); Jane 1853(B); Jane 1862(D); John 1838(W); John 1839(D); John 1841(D); Buried at Newton Arlosh John 1845(P); John 1849(P); John 1852(M); John 1853(P); John 1855(B); John 1855(D); John 1855(P); John1857(D);John 1857(P); John 1859(B); John 1859(P); John 1866(D); Joseph 1841(D); Buried at Newton ArloshJoseph 1843(B); Joseph 1843(D); Joseph 1850(W); Joseph 1854(W); Joseph 1864(B); Joseph 1869(D); Margaret 1848(P); Margaret 1858(P); Margaret 1869(B); Mary 1843(P); Mary 1849(B); Mary 1851(M); Mary 1869(P); Nancy 1840(D); Rachel 1853(P); Rachel 1855(P); Rachel 1857(P); Rachel 1859(P); Rachel 1864(P); Robert 1842(B); Robert 1843(P); Robert 1854(M); Robert 1858(P); Sarah 1839(B); Thomas 1838(P); Thomas 1846(D); Thomas 1858(B); William 1839(P); William 1842(P); William 1869(P); William 1870(D);
BULMAN Isaac 1838(B); Jane 1841(P); Jane 1843(P); Jane 1850(P); John 1838(P); John 1840(B); John 1840(D); John 1840(P);John 1844(P); John 1846(P); Jonah 1844(B); Joseph 1843(B); Joseph 1865(D); Mary 1838(P); Mary 1840(P); mary 1844(P); Mary 1846(P); Peggy 1850(D); Robert 1840(M); Robert 1841(P); Robert 1843(P); Robert 1850(P); Thomas 1841(B); Thomas 1846(D); Thomas 1850(B); Thomas 1851(M); William 1846(B);
BULMER Jane 1846(P); Mary 1846(B); Robert 1846(P);
BUNTING Lancelot 1847(W);
BURNEY James 1846(B); John 1854(D); John Drape 1851(B); Mary 1846(P); Mary 1848(B); Mary 1848(P); Mary 1850(P); Mary 1851(P); Sarah 1850(B); Thomas 1844(M); Thomas 1844(P); Thomas 1846(P); Thomas 1848(P); Thomas 1850(P); Thomas 1851(P);
BURNS Sarah 1848(D);
BURROW Matthew 1857(B); Matthew 1857(P); Sarah 1857(P);
BYERS John 1843(B); Mary 1844(B); Richard 1849(B); Sarah 1839(P); Sarah 1843(P); Sarah 1844(P); Sarah 1849(P); William 1839(B); William 1839(P); William 1843(P); William 1844(P); William 1849(P);
CANSON? William Waite 1871(D);
CARLIE David Carlie 1871(B); James 1871(P); Mary Ann 1871(P);
CARR Ann 1863(D); Frances 1855(B); Jane 1853(P); Jane 1855(P); Jane 1855(W); Jane Agnes 1843(B); John 1851(M); John 1853(P); John 1855(P); John 1865(B); Jonathan 1843(P); Jonathan 1845(B); Jonathan 1851(W); Jonathan 1853(B); Jonathan 1865(P); Joseph 1843(W); Margaret 1839(P); Martha 1839(B); Mary 1865(P); Mary Ann 1843(P); Mary Ann 1845(P); Mary Ann 1847(B); Mary Ann 1847(P); Richard 1838(M); Richard 1839(P); Richard 1842(D); Richard 1855(W); Ruth 1852(D); Sarah 1838(D); Thomas 1838(P); Thomas 1838(W); Thomas 1843(D); Thomas 1843(M); Thomas 1843(P); Thomas 1845(P); Thomas 1847(P); Thomas 1861(D); Christopher 1851(B); Fanny 1855(M); Jane 1851(P); John 1851(P);
CARRICK Frances 1851(P); Frances 1857(P); John 1851(B); John 1851(D); Margaret 1859(W); Sarah 1857(B); Thomas 1851(P); Thomas 1857(P);
CARRUTHERS Ann 1862(B); Ann 1871(D); Annie 1845(B); Elizabeth 1842(P); Elizabeth 1844(P); Elizabeth 1846(B); Elizabeth 1846(P); Elizabeth 1849(B); Frances 1844(B); Francis 1845(P); Francis 1847(B); Francis 1847(P); Francis 1849(P); Isaac 1841(D); Jane 1845(P); Jane 1847(P); Jane 1849(P); Jane 1865(D); John 1839(B); John 1842(B); John 1859(B); John 1870(M); Joseph 1846(B); Margaret 1846(P); Margaret 1848(P); Margaret 1849(P); Mary 1839(P); Mary 1842(P); Mary 1849(B); Mary 1850(M); Mary 1869(D); Mary Anne 1871(B); Mary Jane 1860(B); Mary Jane 1871(D); Nancy 1859(P); Nancy 1859(P); Nancy 1860(P); Nancy 1862(P); Nancy 1864(P); Nancy 1866(P); Nancy 1869(P); Nancy 1871(P); Rachel 1862(D); Richard 1846(P); Richard 1848(P); Richard 1849(P); Richard 1869(B); Richard 1871(D); Robert 1839(P); Robert 1842(P); Robert 1857(D); Robert 1859(P); Robert 1859(P); Robert 1860(P); Robert 1862(P); Robert 1864(B); Robert 1864(P); Robert 1866(P); Robert 1869(P); Robert 1871(P); Robert(decd) 1870(P); Sarah 1866(B); Thomas 1856(D); Thomas 1858(D); Thomas 1859(B); William 1842(B); William 1842(D); William 1842(P); William 1844(P); William 1846(P); William 1848(B); William 1848(D);
CARSON Ann 1864(P); Anne 1862(P); Daniel 1864(B); John 1862(P); John 1864(P); William Waite 1862(B);
CARTNER Ann 1860(P); Ann 1866(P); Isabella 1863(P); John 1860(B); John 1860(D); John 1863(B); Joseph 1860(P); Joseph 1866(P); Wilson 1866(B);
CASSIDY James 1870(P); John 1870(B); Robert 1858(P); Sarah 1870(P);
CASSON Ann 1856(P); Ann 1858(P); Ann 1860(P); John 1843(W); John 1856(P); John 1858(P); John 1860(P); John Joseph 1860(B); Joseph 1844(B); Joseph 1852(D); Martha 1844(P); Martha 1845(P); Mary 1856(B); Sarah 1858(B); William 1843(M); William 1843(P); William 1844(P); William 1845(B); William 1845(P); William 1869(D);
CHADWICK Joseph 1857(D);
CHAMBERS Ann 1848(P); Ann 1851(P); Ann 1856(B); Ann 1856(P); Betsy 1853(B); Elizabeth 1856(D); Isabella 1838(P); Isabella 1842(P); Isabella 1848(P); Isabella 1849(P); Isabella 1853(P); Jane 1855(P); Jane Agnes 1851(B); John 1842(B); John 1845(D); John 1847(P); John 1850(M); John 1851(D); John 1851(P); John 1855(P); John 1856(P); John Pattinson 1838(B); Joseph 1842(P); Joseph 1842(P); Margaret 1842(M); Mary 1839(P); Mary 1842(P); Mary 1842(P); Mary Ann 1848(B); Mary Ann 1848(D); Mary Ann 1849(B); Robert 1839(B); Robert 1839(D); Robert 1842(B); Robert 1844(D); Ruth 1842(M); Sarah 1842(B); Thomas 1838(P); Thomas 1842(P); Thomas 1842(P); Thomas 1842(P); Thomas 1847(M); Thomas 1848(P); Thomas 1848(P); Thomas 1849(P); Thomas 1851(D); Thomas 1853(P); Thomas 1855(B); William 1848(B); William 1849(D);
CHARTERS Hannah 1838(D); Robert 1853(D); Thomas 1843(D);
CLARK Anne 1840(B); David 1862(W); Jane 1839(B); Jane 1841(D); Jane 1858(D); John 1862(M); John 1862(P); Joseph 1839(P); Joseph 1840(P); Joseph 1846(D); Mosely 1863(W); Roger 1862(W); Sarah 1839(P); sarah 1840(P);
CLARKE Joseph 1842(P); Martha 1842(B); Sarah 1842(P);
COCKTON Betsy 1849(B); Elizabeth 1849(P); Elizabeth 1855(P); Jane 1868(W); Joseph 1849(P); Joseph 1855(P);Joseph 1864(P); Joseph Ross 1864(M); Mary 1864(W); Sarah Catherine 1855(B);
COLLIN Elizabeth 1852(B); Jane 1839(B); John 1839(P); John 1844(B); John 1844(P); John 1847(P); John 1852(P); Mary 1839(P); Mary 1844(P); Mary 1847(P); Mary 1852(P); William 1847(B);
COLLINS Ann 1862(P); Anne 1842(B); John 1842(P); Mary 1842(P); Robert 1862(B);
CORRIE Joseph 1839(M); Thomas 1839(P); William 1843(W);
CORRY Betty 1843(M); James 1843(P);
CORSON Joseph 1855(M); Ann 1856(D);
COULSON Eunice 1841(B); Frances 1838(P); Frances 1841(P); Frances 1843(P); John 1838(P); John 1841(P); John 1858(P); John 1843(P); Mary 1838(B); Michael 1843(B);
COULTHARD Elizabeth 1845(B); Elizabeth 1853(B); Elizabeth 1855(D); Hannah 1839(D); Hannah 1843(B); Hannah 1850(D); Hannah Jane 1855(B); Hannah Jane 1862(D); James 1841(B); Jane 1838(P); Jane 1841(P); Jane 1843(P); Jane 1845(P); Jane 1849(P); Jane 1853(P); Jane 1855(P); John 1838(B); John 1838(P); John 1841(P); John 1843(P); John 1845(P); John 1849(P); John 1853(P); John 1855(P); Joseph Johnson 1849(B); Joseph Johnstone 1842(D); Margaret 1850(P); Margaret 1853(P); William 1850(B); William 1853(B);
COWAN Jane 1849(B); Jane 1851(P); John 1840(P); John 1848(P); John 1849(P); John 1851(B); John 1851(P); Jonathan 1840(B); Margaret 1849(P); Mary 1840(P); Mary 1848(B); Mary 1848(P); Mary 1849(B); Mary 1849(P);
COWAP John 1870(P); John 1870(W); Mary Ellen 1870(W); William Butler 1870(M);
COWEN John 1842(P); John 1859(M); Jonathan 1841(D); Jonathan 1842(B); Mary 1842(P); William 1838(W);
COWX Robert 1851(M);
CREIGHTON Frances 1856(W); Isaac 1849(P); Jane 1849(M); Sarah 1856(M); Thomas 1844(W); Thomas 1849(W);
CRONE Daniel 1839(P); Grace 1838(W); Grace 1840(M); Grace 1840(P); John 1840(B); Joseph 1838(P); Joseph 1838(W); Joseph 1839(M); Joseph 1840(P); Mary Anne 1838(M);
CROZIER Ann 1871(B); Mary 1871(P); Robert 1870(P); Thomas 1870(M); Thomas 1871(P);
CRUICKSHANKS Alexander 1841(P); Robert 1841(M);
CUBBY Jane 1847(D);
DAND Jane 1856(P); John 1856(B); John 1856(P); Mary 1838(D);
DAVIDSON Betsy 1863(P); Betty 1839(P); Betty 1844(W); Edward 1863(P); Elizabeth 1847(P); Elizabeth 1847(P); Francis 1839(B); Jane 1849(D); Mary Jane Elizabeth 1863(B); Robert 1847(B); Thomas 1839(P); Thomas 1847(P); Thomas 1847(P); William 1847(B);
DAVISON Mary 1859(M);
DAWSON Jane 1847(D); John 1852(D); Mary 1840(D);
DEAN John 1841(P); Thomas 1841(M);
DEANS Isabella 1858(W);
DENWOOD Jane 1847(P); John 1847(P); Margaret 1847(B);
DEWSNAP Ann 1864(P); Ann 1866(P); Ann 1868(P); Ann 1869(P); Hannah 1868(B); John 1864(P); John 1866(P); John 1868(P); John 1869(P); Margaret 1866(B); Sarah 1869(B); Thomas 1864(B);
DIXON Betsy 1840(B); Betsy 1863(P); Betty 1840(P); Betty 1843(P); Betty 1845(P); Betty 1849(P); Betty 1850(D); Betty 1850(P); Betty 1852(P); Betty 1856(P); Betty 1858(P); Betty 1861(P); Betty 1864(P); Betty 1866(P); Betty 1869(P); Elizabeth 1852(B); Esther 1861(B); Gerard 1843(P); gerard 1845(P); Gerard 1848(P); Gerard 1859(P); Gerard 1862(P); Gerrard 1870(D); Hannah(aged 8 years) 1866(B); Jane 1850(B); Jared 1840(P); John 1843(B); John 1858(B); Lillah(?) 1844(D); Margaret 1859(P); Margaret 1862(P); Mary 1841(B); Mary 1841(P); Mary 1849(B); Mary Ann 1859(B); Mary Jane 1863(B); Mungo 1855(D); Mungo 1862(B); Mungo 1864(B); Mungo 1868(D); Robert 1848(M); Robert 1849(P); Robert 1850(P); Robert 1852(P); Robert 1856(P); Robert 1858(P); Robert 1861(P); Robert 1864(P); Robert 1866(P); Robert 1869(B); Robert 1869(D);Robert 1869(P); Sarah 1856(B); Susannah 1862(M); Thomas 1845(B); William 1862(P);
DOBSON Ann 1849(P); Joseph 1848(P); Thomas 1848(M); Thomas 1849(B); Thomas 1849(P);
DOCHERTY James 1845(P); Jane 1845(M);
DODD John James 1869(B); Joseph 1857(D); Sarah 1867(P); Sarah 1869(P); Sarah Ann 1867(B); William 1867(P); William 1869(P);
DONALD Isabella 1844(P); Isabella 1846(P); Mary 1844(B); Mary 1844(D); William 1843(M); William 1843(P); William 1844(P); William 1846(B); William 1846(P);
DONALDSON Mary 1864(D);
DONOWHO Eleanor 1866(D);
DOUGHTY Margaret 1844(M);
DOWLING John 1860(P); Martha 1860(P); Martin 1860(B);
DRAPE Bridget 1844(W); Elizabeth 1861(M); Harrison 1861(W); Isaac 1870(D); Jane Ann 1861(M); John 1838(P); John 1844(P); John 1853(D); John 1861(M); John 1861(P); John 1869(D); John(decd) 1869(P); Joseph 1841(D); Martha 1838(M); Martha 1846(D); Martha 1858(D); Martha 1868(D); Mary 1838(W); Mary 1844(M); Richard 1844(W); Richard 1849(D); Richard 1861(P); Richard 1861(P); Richard 1863(W); Richard 1869(M);Thomas 1860(D); William 1860(D);
DRAPER Deborah 1857(D);
DRUMMOND Hannah 1867(B); Joseph 1867(P); Mary 1867(P);
DUGGAN William 1858(D);
DUNN Ann 1856(D); Daniel 1869(D);
DYER Peter 1840(D);
DYNWIDDIE Ann 1857(B); Jane 1857(B); Jane 1857(P); Jane 1857(P); Joseph 1857(P); Joseph 1857(P);
EARL John 1840(P); Margaret 1840(P); Margaret 1841(D); Thomas 1840(B);
EDGAR Ann 1848(M); George 1848(P); Martha 1848(W); Robert 1843(D);
EDGER Ann 1845(P); Catherine 1845(P); Catherine 1849(P); David 1849(B); Hannah 1845(B); Jane 1845(B); Jane 1846(P); Jane 1866(P); Jeremiah 1846(P); Jeremiah 1866(P); John 1846(B); Margaret 1845(P); Mary 1845(B); Ostle 1866(B); Robert 1844(M); Robert 1844(P); Robert 1844(P); Robert 1845(P); William 1841(W); William 1844(M); William 1845(P); William 1849(P);
EDMUNDSON Ellen 1852(M);
ELLIOT Ann 1841(D); Anne 1838(B); Bella 1848(B); Frances 1845(B); Harriet 1847(B); Jane 1838(P); Jane 1840(P); Jane 1841(B); Jane 1842(P); Jane 1843(P); Jane 1845(P); Jane 1847(P); Jane 1848(P); John 1839(B); John 1839(P); John 1841(P); John 1843(P); John Brown(?) 1842(B); Mary 1839(P); Mary 1840(B); Mary 1841(P);
Mary 1843(P); Mary Ann 1843(B); William 1838(P); William 1840(P); William 1842(P); William 1843(B); William 1843(P); William 1845(P); William 1847(P); William 1848(P);
ELLIOTT Mary 1867(D);
ELLWOOD Elizabeth 1871(P); Hodgson 1871(P); Jane 1838(P); Jane 1844(P); John 1838(P); John 1844(B); Sarah 1871(B); Thomas 1838(B); William 1838(M); William 1838(P); William 1844(P); William 1849(W);
ENGLISH Beaty 1860(P); Sarah Ann 1860(M); William Pattinson 1860(W);
ESPARZA Don Jose Maria de 1841(D); A native of Pampeluna in Spain
FARISH Ann 1843(M); Elizabeth 1841(B); Elizabeth 1842(B); James 1838(P); James 1841(P); James 1842(P); James 1843(P); Jane 1838(P); Jane 1841(P); Jane 1842(P); William 1838(B); William 1838(D);
FARLAM Ann 1839(P); Ann 1869(D); Anne 1862(P); Jane 1840(B); Jane 1840(P); Jane 1845(P); Jane 1848(P); Jane 1857(D); Jane 1869(D); John 1840(P); John 1845(P); John 1848(P); John 1849(D); John 1865(D); John Mathewman 1864(D); John Matthewman 1855(W); John Matthewman 1860(D); Jonah 1838(P); Jonah 1849(D); Jonathan 1839(P); Jonathan 1848(B); Jonathan 1852(D); Jonathan 1868(D); Mary 1838(M); Mary 1841(D); Mary 1851(D); Mary 1862(B); Mary Anne 1842(W); Matilda Jan 1870(W); Matilda Jane 1839(B); Pattinson Pape 1845(B); Thomas 1862(P); Thomas 1870(D);
FARRELL Margaret 1863(D);
FAULDER Betsy 1838(B); John 1839(B); John 1839(P)John 1843(P); John 1846(P); Jonathan 1843(B); Joseph 1838(P); Joseph 1845(D); Martha 1839(P); Martha 1843(P); Martha 1846(P); Martha 1848(D); Nancy 1846(B); Phillis 1838(P);
FAWCETT John 1844(P); Mary 1844(M);
FEARON Emma Martin 1847(M); Isaac 1847(P);
FELL Agnes 1844(P); Agnes 1847(P); Agnes 1849(P); Agnes 1850(W); Ann 1840(P); Ann 1844(B); Ann 1844(P); Ann 1847(P); Ann 1849(P); Fanny 1849(B); Jane 1849(B); Jane 1849(P); John 1840(B); John 1842(B); John 1849(P); Joseph 1840(P); Joseph 1842(M); Joseph 1844(P); Joseph 1844(P); Joseph 1847(P); Joseph 1847(P); Joseph 1849(P); Joseph 1849(P); Joseph 1850(W); Margaret 1849(B); Martha 1842(P); Mary 1838(P); Mary 1844(B); Mary 1849(D); Matthew 1845(W); Susan 1838(B); Susanna 1847(B); Thomas 1842(P); Thomas 1847(B);
FERGUSON Ann 1845(B); Ann 1859(D); Anne 1838(P); Betsy 1840(B); Bridget 1845(M); Feddon 1838(P); Feddon 1840(P); Feddon 1842(P); Feddon 1845(P); Feddon 1847(P); Feddon 1850(P); Feddon 1853(P); Feddon 1854(P); Feddon 1856(P); Feddon 1858(P); Feddon 1860(P); Francis 1845(W); George 1854(B); James 1838(B); James 1848(D); James 1858(B); James 1869(D); Jane 1838(P); Jane 1840(M); Jane 1840(P); Jane 1842(P); Jane 1843(W); Jane 1845(P); Jane 1847(P); Jane 1850(P); Jane 1853(P); Jane 1854(P); Jane 1856(P); Jane1858(P); Jane 1860(P); Jane 1850(B); John 1840(P); John 1841(D); John 1845(P); John 1847(D); John Robson 1840(D); Joseph 1856(B); Margaret 1860(B); Mary 1838(B); Mary 1842(D); Richard 1842(B); Richard 1850(D); Richard 1871(D); Richard William 1853(B); Thomas 1838(P); William 1847(B); William 1850(D);
FIDLER Jane 1868(P); John 1868(B);
FISHER Ann 1845(B); Bella 1840(P); Elizabeth 1843(P); Elizabeth 1845(P); Elizabeth 1847(B); Elizabeth 1847(P); Elizabeth 1849(P); Elizabeth 1870(B); George 1843(P); George 1845(P); George 1847(P); George 1849(P); John 1849(B); Joseph 1840(P); Joseph 1843(B); Margaret 1870(P); Mary 1840(B);
FLEMING Thomas 1849(D);
FLETCHER Elizabeth 1847(P); Elizabeth 1849(P); Hannah 1846(D); Humphrey 1844(P); James 1849(B); Jane 1838(D); John 1847(B); John 1867(M); John(decd) 1867(P); William 1844(M);
FORESTER Anne 1839(P); Joseph 1839(P); Margaret 1839(B);
FORSTER Hannah Porter 1843(B); Jane 1843(P); Jane 1860(B); Jno. P 1849(W); John 1854(B); John Porter 1843(P); Mary 1854(P); Mary 1856(P); Mary 1860(P); Mary 1856(B); Mary ann 1841(W); Thomas 1854(P); Thomas 1856(P); Thomas 1860(P); Ann 1852(B); Mary 1852(P); Thomas 1852(P);
FORTAY James 1845(P); Jessie 1845(W); William 1845(M); Ellen 1848(B); Isabella 1848(P); William 1848(P);
FOSTER Ann 1847(D); Ann 1869(D); Jane 1855(B); Margaret 1871(P); Mary 1855(P); Mary 1864(P); Mary 1868(D); Phyllis 1871(B); Phyllis 1871(D);Robinson 1854(M); Robinson 1855(P); Thomas 1864(B); Thomas 1864(P);
FREDERICK?? Mary Ann 1871(W);
FRENCH James 1856(M); Jane 1842(P); Mary 1842(B); Robert 1840(P); Thomas 1840(M); Thomas 1842(P);
FROST Betsy 1845(B); Eliza 1853(B); Eliza 1856(D); Eliza 1861(B); Eliza 1867(B); George 1840(P); George 1840(W); George 1841(P); George 1843(P);George 1844(P); George 1847(P); George 1849(B); George 1849(P); George 1850(P); George 1852(W); George 1853(P); George 1861(P); George 1867(P); George 1867(P); George 1867(P); Hannah 1850(B); Hannah 1867(W); Isabella 1843(B); Isabella 1866(P); Isabella 1867(M); James 1867(D); Jane 1838(P); Jane 1840(P); Jane 1841(B); Jane 1841(P); Jane 1843(P); Jane 1844(P); Jane1847(P); Jane 1849(P); Jane 1850(P); Jane 1853(P); Jane 1861(P); Jane 1867(P); Jane 1867(P); Jane 1869(D); Jane Anne 1840(B); John 1838(B); John 1838(P); Mary 1843(B); Mary 1867(B); Rachel 1844(B); Rachel 1846(D); Rachel 1847(B); Robert 1839(B); Sarah 1839(P); Sarah 1841(P); Sarah 1843(P); Sarah 1845(D); Sarah 1845(P); Sarah Jane 1866(B); Sarah Jane 1866(D); Thomas 1839(P); Thomas 1840(P); Thomas 1841(B); Thomas 1841(D); Thomas 1841(P); Thomas 1843(P); Thomas 1845(P); William 1840(M);
FULLER Mary 1862(W);
FURNASS Ann 1849(P); Betsey 1853(M); Christopher 1839(D); Christopher 1861(D); Eleanor 1852(D); Eleanor 1860(D); Grace 1838(P); Grace 1845(P); Grace 1847(B); Grace 1847(P); John 1845(B); Robert 1838(B); Robert 1838(P); Robert 1845(P); Robert 1847(P); Robert 1849(B); Robert 1849(D); Robert 1849(P);
FURNESS Ann 1841(P); Christopher 1841(B); Eleanor 1841(B); Grace 1841(P); Robert 1859(W); Thomas 1841(P);
G??LDES Elizabeth 1864(D);
GARNER George 1852(B); Joseph 1849(P); Joseph 1850(B); Mary 1850(P); Mary 1852(D); Mary 1852(P); Thomas 1849(M); Thomas 1850(P); Thomas 1852(P); Thomas 1866(D); Esther 1847(D);
GARR??? Mary Ann 1846(D);
GASGARTH Joseph 1856(B); Joseph 1856(P); Mary 1856(P);
GASH Ann 1855(P); Ann 1857(D); Ann 1857(P); Ann 1857(P); Elizabeth 1864(B); Esther 1859(B); Esther 1859(D); Esther 1860(B); Fletcher 1861(D); Jane 1871(B); John 1867(D); Joseph 1855(P); Joseph 1857(P); Joseph 1857(P); Joseph 1859(P); Joseph 1860(P); Joseph 1862(P); Joseph 1864(P); Joseph 1866(P); Joseph 1868(P); Joseph 1871(P); Martha 1855(B); Martha 1857(W); Mary 1857(B); Mary 1857(D); Mary 1862(B); Nancy 1861(D); Ruth 1859(P); Ruth 1860(P); Ruth 1862(P); Ruth 1864(P); Ruth 1866(B); Ruth 1866(P); Ruth 1868(P); Ruth 1871(P); Thomas 1857(B); Thomas 1857(D); Thomas Simpson 1868(B);
GATE Ann 1842(B); Elizabeth 1844(B); Esther 1842(B); Hannah 1849(B); Hannah 1849(B); Henry 1840(B); Jane 1847(D); Jeremiah 1842(B); Jeremiah 1864(D); John 1839(B); John 1839(P); Joseph 1842(P); Joseph 1847(B); Margaret 1838(B); Margaret 1849(P); martha 1839(P); Martha 1842(P); Mary 1838(P); Mary 1840(P); Mary 1842(P); Mary 1842(P); Mary 1844(P); Mary 1850(P); Mary Ann 1842(P); Mary Ann 1847(P); Mary Ann 1849(P);Mary Anne 1842(B); Robert 1842(P); Robert 1842(P); Robert 1850(B); Robert 1850(P); Thomas 1849(P); William 1838(P); William 1840(P); William 1842(P); William 1844(P); William 1847(P); William 1849(P);
GEDDES William 1845(W);
GIBSON Alice 1847(B); Alice 1847(D); Eliza 1847(P); Joseph 1839(P); Joseph 1840(W); Joseph 1842(P); Joseph 1845(P); Joseph 1847(P); Joseph Hewitson 1868(B); Keddy 1845(B); Keddy 1846(D); Martha 1847(B); Martha 1849(D); Rebecca 1839(P); Rebecca 1842(P); Rebecca 1845(P); Rebecca 1847(P); Rebecca 1859(D); S. 1859(W); Sarah 1839(D); Sarah 1842(B); Sarah 1868(P); Thomas 1839(B); Thomas 1846(D); William 1847(P);
GILL Betsy 1854(B); Dolly 1838(D); Elizabeth 1854(P); Henry 1858(P); Isaac 1854(P); Isaac 1857(P); Isaac 1859(P); Joseph 1851(D); Margaret 1857(P); Margaret 1859(P); Mary 1852(D); Mary 1859(D); Mary Ann 1859(B); Sarah 1857(B); Thomas 1847(D); Wilkinson 1843(D);
GLAISTER Ann 1840(W); Ann 1841(W); Ann 1845(D); Ann 1846(P); Ann 1846(P); Ann 1848(D); Ann 1853(P); Ann 1855(P); Ann 1857(P); Ann 1864(D);Ann 1866(D); Anne 1839(B); Anne 1840(M); Betsey 1840(P); Betsy 1839(P); Betsy 1842(P); Betsy 1845(P); Betsy 1845(P); Betsy 1848(P); Betty 1854(D); Catherine 1845(B); Catherine Sarah 1839(P); Catherine Sarah 1841(P); Catherine Sarah 1844(B); Catherine Sarah 1844(P); Catherine Sarah 1846(P); Catherine Sarah 1849(P); Catherine Sarah 1852(P); Catherine Sarah 1855(P); Chambers 1841(P); Chambers 1842(B); Daniel 1857(W); Elisabeth 1838(W); Elizabeth 1839(P); Elizabeth 1840(W); Elizabeth 1841(M); Elizabeth 1842(W); Elizabeth 1845(B); Elizabeth 1845(M); Elizabeth 1846(B); Elizabeth 1846(P); Elizabeth 1848(P); Elizabeth 1868(M); Elizabeth 1868(W); Elizabeth Jane 1849(B); Emma Maria 1841(B); Frances 1842(M); Jane 1842(W); Jane 1855(B); Jane 1868(D); Jane W 1856(W); John 1839(B); John 1846(B); John 1846(D); John 1851(D); John 1853(B); John 1860(D); Joseph 1857(B); Joshua 1840(B); Joshua 1871(D); Ma(r)y 1848(W); Margaret 1841(D); Martha 1854(D); Martha 1855(B); Martha 1868(W); Mary 1840(D); Mary 1842(W); Mary 1844(D); Mary 1845(B); mary 1845(W); Mary 1846(B); Mary 1847(W); Mary 1849(D); Mary 1849(M); Mary 1859(B); Mary Ann 1849(M);Mary Ann 1856(M); Mary Anne 1839(B); Mungo 1839(P);Mungo 1840(P); Mungo 1842(P); Mungo 1845(M); Mungo 1845(P); Mungo 1845(P); Mungo 1846(P); Mungo 1848(P); Mungo 1848(P); Mungo 1858(D); Mungo 1863(D); Mungo 1868(P); Richard 1850(D); Richard 1853(B); Richard Wills 1845(P); Richard Wills? 1862(D); Robert 1838(W); Robert 1839(P); Robert 1839(P); Robert 1840(W); Robert 1841(P); Robert 1842(W); Robert 1844(P); Robert 1845(D);Robert 1846(P); Robert 1849(P); Robert 1849(P); Robert 1852(P); Robert 1855(P); Ruth 1859(P); Ruth 1859(P); Ruth 1867(P); Ruth 1869(P); Ruth 1871(P); Sanderson 1848(B); Sarah 1845(P); Sarah 1853(P); Sarah 1856(P); Sarah 1859(B); Sarah 1867(B); Thomas 1840(P); Thomas 1842(P); Thomas 1842(P); Thomas 1846(B); Thomas 1853(P); Thomas 1855(P); Thomas 1857(P); Thomas 1858(D); Thomas 1859(P); Thomas 1859(P); Thomas 1867(P); Thomas 1869(P); Thomas 1871(P); Thomas Isaac 1871(B); William 1841(W); William 1845(P); William 1846(P); William 1846(P); William 1846(W); William 1848(B); William 1849(P); William 1852(B);William 1853(D); William 1853(D); William 1856(B); William 1859(D); William 1868(W); William Creighton 1869(B); Wilson 1869(D);
GLISTER William 1870(D);
GOLPHIN Ann 1842(M); Ann 1842(P); Ann 1863(D); David 1849(P); David 1851(P); David 1851(W); David 1854(B); David 1854(P); David 1856(P); David 1859(P); David 1863(P); David 1865(P); Dixon 1863(B); Isabella 1859(B); John 1842(P); John 1842(B); John 1849(B); John 1851(M); John 1861(D); Margaret 1849(P); Margaret 1851(P); Margaret 1854(P); Margaret 1856(P); Margaret 1859(P); Margaret 1863(P); Margaret 1865(P); Mary 1843(W); Mary 1851(W); Mary 1857(D); Mary Ann 1856(B); Tom 1865(B); William 1851(B);
GOODFELLOW Archibald 1841(P); Martha 1841(P); Martha 1843(B); Martha 1843(P); Martha 1847(D); martha 1849(P); Martha 1851(P); Mary 1841(B); Mary 1847(D); Mary 1851(B); William 1841(M); William 1841(P); William 1843(P); William 1849(B); William 1849(P); William 1851(P);Martha 1846(P); Salkeld 1846(B); William 1846(P);
GORDON James 1839(D);
GRAHAM Agnes 1851(P); Agnes 1854(P); Agnes 1858(D); Agnes 1858(P); Agnes 1859(P); Agnes 1862(P); Agnes 1868(P); Agnes 1870(B); Anne 1865(M); David 1843(B); David 1844(B); David 1866(P); David 1868(B); David 1868(D); David 1871(D); Elizabeth 1847(B); Fletcher 1847(P); George 1866(B); Hannah 1866(P); Henry 1851(B); James 1859(B); James 1860(D); Jane 1838(B); Jane 1844(P); Jane 1845(P); Jane 1846(B); Jane 1846(P); Jane 1846(P); Jane 1847(P); Jane 1850(D); Jno 1841(W); John 1838(P); John 1840(P); John 1845(B); John 1851(M); John 1851(P); John 1853(P); John 1855(P); John 1857(P); John 1862(B); John 1870(W); Joseph 1850(B); Joseph 1854(D); Joseph 1855(B); Joshua 1839(B); Martha 1848(P); Martha 1850(P); Martha 1854(P); Martha 1855(P); Mary 1838(B); Mary 1838(P); Mary 1841(D); Mary 1844(D); Mary 1850(P); Mary 1865(W); Mary 1870(M); Mary Ann 1851(B); Mary Anne 1870(P); Mary Jane 1854(B); Mary Jane 1854(D); Prudence 1851(P); Prudence 1853(P); Prudence 1855(P); Prudence 1857(P); Rachel 1839(P); Rachel 1840(M); Robert 1838(P); Robert 1840(B); Robert 1840(P); Robert 1843(P); Robert 1845(B); Robert 1845(P); Robert 1846(B); Robert 1846(P); Robert 1846(P); Robert 1847(P); Robert 1851(P); Robert 1854(P); Robert 1858(B); Robert 1858(P); Robert 1859(P); Robert 1862(P); Robert 1865(P); Robert 1865(W); Robert 1868(P); Robert 1870(D); Robert 1870(P); Sarah 1838(P); Sarah 1840(P); Sarah 1843(P); Sarah 1845(P); Sarah 1847(D); Sarah 1847(P); Sarah 1847(P); Sarah 1868(M); Sarah Ann 1857(B); Thomas 1848(B); Thomas 1849(D); Thomas 1850(B); Thomas 1858(D); Thomas 1868(W); Timothy 1847(B); Timothy 1847(D); William 1847(B); William 1848(P); William 1850(P); William 1850(P); William 1851(W); William 1853(B); William 1854(B); William 1854(P); William 1855(B); William 1855(P); William 1868(P);
GRAINGER F. 1869(W); Francis 1856(B); Francis 1859(D); Jane 1847(D); Jane Ann 1846(B); Jane Ann 1869(M); John 1843(P); John 1846(P); John 1854(M); John 1856(P); John 1869(P); John Francis 1843(B); John Francis 1847(D); Mary 1843(P); Mary 1846(P); Mary 1852(D);Sarah 1856(P);
GRAY Catherine 1870(B); John 1870(P); Mary 1870(P);
GREENWOOD Paul 1857(P);
GREG Elizabeth 1862(M); Shadrach 1862(P);
GREGG Ann 1858(D);
HADDAN Betsy 1854(D);
HALLIFAX Joseph 1845(P); Samuel 1845(M);
HANLEY Jane 1848(D); Joseph 1855(P);
HARDING Bridget 1853(P); Mary 1853(B); Robert 1853(P);
HARKER Ann 1867(D); John Biglands 1867(B); Patrick 1867(P); Rachel 1864(P); Rachel 1867(M); Rachel 1867(P); William 1864(B);
HARKIN Anne 1839(P); Mary 1843(P); Patrick 1839(P); Patrick 1869(D); Rachel 1839(B); Thomas 1843(B);
HARKNESS John 1848(P); Margaret 1848(D);
HARRINGTON Mary 1853(W);
HARRIS John Little 1842(M); Mary 1857(D); Robert 1842(P);
HARRISON Agnes 1855(D); Alice 1846(M); Ann 1838(W); Ann 1862(D); Anne 1839(M); Elizabeth 1841(P); Esther 1850(D); George 1861(D); George Thomas Barwise 1841(D); Hannah 1838(M); Hannah 1842(W); Hannah 1844(P); Ismay 1845(B); John 1838(P); John 1839(P); John 1839(P); John 1839(W); John 1841(B); John 1842(P); John 1845(P); John 1846(P); John 1848(D); John 1849(P); John 1849(W); Joseph 1848(D); Julian C Ian? 1871(D); Juliana 1845(D); Juliana 1848(D); Margaret 1842(B); Margaret 1842(D); Margaret 1842(D); Mary 1839(P); Mary 1842(P); Mary 1845(P); Mary 1845(W); Mary 1846(W); Mary 1846(W); Mary 1849(M); Mary 1849(P); Mary 1859(D); Mary 1861(W); Mary Ann 1850(M); Mathew 1839(W); Matthew 1838(W); Matthew 1841(P); Matthew 1844(B); Matthew 1846(D); Matthew 1858(M); Samuel Foster 1849(B); Thomas 1842(W); Thomas 1846(W); Thomas Barwise 1841(D); Thomas Stubbs 1839(B); William 1839(D); William 1846(W); William 1849(P);
HARRY Adam 1844(P); Ann Elizabeth 1848(B); John 1870(D); John Hayton 1845(B); Joseph 1841(W); Mary 1845(P); Mary 1848(P); Robert 1844(M); Robert 1845(P); Robert 1848(P);
HAWTHORN John 1848(P); Martha 1848(B); Martha 1848(P);
HAYSTON Ada 1847(B); Ann 1845(P); Ann 1847(P); Eleanor 1846(B); Elizabeth 1838(D); Esther 1844(M); Frances 1845(P); Frances 1848(P); Isaac 1845(W); Isaac 1848(P); Isaac 1851(W); Jane 1846(P); Jane 1848(P); Jane 1848(P); John 1845(M); John 1846(P); John 1848(M); John 1848(P); Joseph 1844(P); Joseph 1845(B); Joseph 1845(D); Joseph 1845(P); Joseph 1848(B); Joseph 1848(B); Joseph1848(P); Sarah 1848(B); Skelton 1845(P); Skelton 1848(P); Thomas 1845(B); Tubal 1845(P); Tubal 1847(P);
HAYTON Amos 1839(B); Amos 1839(P); Amos 1842(P); Amos 1844(P); Amos 1848(P); Amos 1849(D); Amos 1849(W); Amos 1869(D); Amos 1870(P); Amos(decd) 1870(P); Amos? 1871(P); Ann 1865(D); Elizabeth 1841(D); Esther 1844(W); Esther 1848(M); Hannah 1849(M);Hannah 1870(D); Jane 1852(D); Jenny 1868(D); John 1848(P); John 1840(P); John 1844(B); John 1844(P); John 1846(D); John 1848(B); John 1848(D); John 1849(P); John 1854(P); John 1857(D); Joseph 1847(W); Joseph 1852(D); Margaret 1840(M); Mary 1840(W); Mary 1844(M); Mary 1849(W); Mary 1854(M); Mary 1856(M); Nancy 1839(P); Nancy 1842(P); Nancy 1844(P); Nancy 1848(P); Nancy 1856(W); Nancy 1857(D);Peter Hodgson 1870(B); Rachel 1842(B); Rachel 1870(M); Ruth 1855(W); Ruth 1858(D); Ruth 1871(B); Sarah 1845(D); Sarah 1870(P); Sarah 1871(P); Susan 1859(D); Thomas 1854(D); William 1853(D);
HENDERSON Anne 1838(P); Betsey 1858(B); Betsy 1871(D); Edward 1838(P); Hannah Barnes 1844(P); Hannah Barwise 1846(P); Isaac 1844(M); Isaac 1844(P); Isaac 1846(P); Isabella 1846(P); Jane 1854(P); Jane 1858(P); Jane 1860(P); Jane 1870(B); Jane 1870(P); Jane 1870(P); Jane 1870(P); John 1844(B); John 1844(P); John 1870(B); John 1870(D); Jonathan 1846(B); Mary Ann 1854(B); Samuel 1840(D); Sarah 1840(B); Susannah 1840(P); Susannah 1840(P); Susannah 1845(P); Susannah 1870(B); Thomas 1838(B); Thomas 1840(B); Thomas 1842(D); Thomas 1845(B); William 1860(B); William Hayton 1846(B);
HESLOP Jane 1839(M); John 1839(P); John 1844(W); Thomas 1839(W);
HETHERINGTON Ann 1849(M); Elizabeth 1848(W); Elizabeth 1856(P); Jane 1839(M); John 1856(B); John 1861(D); Margaret 1849(B); Mary 1849(P); Richard 1840(D); Richard 1849(P); Thomas 1856(P); William 1839(P);
HEWITSON Ann 1859(P); Ann 1862(P); Betsy 1859(D); Catherine 1862(B); Elihu 1841(B); Elihu(?) 1841(D); James 1859(P); James 1862(D); James 1862(P); Jane 1841(W); Jane 1844(W); John 1859(B); Keddy(?) 1841(P); Kiddy 1844(B); Martha 1841(P); Martha 1844(P); Mary 1841(M); Thomas 1844(W); Thomas 1844(W); Thomas 1852(D); Thomas James 1856(D);
HEWITT John 1844(W);
HEWSON Jane 1859(D);
HIGGINSON Hannah 1871(D);
HILL Martha 1842(B); Mary 1842(P); William 1842(P);
HIND John 1841(P); John 1844(P); John 1860(P); Mary 1841(P); Mary 1844(B); Mary 1844(P); Priscilla 1860(P); Ruth 1841(B); William 1860(B);
HODGSON Anne 1838(D); Anne 1840(B); Betty 1838(M); Betty 1843(P); Betty 1850(P); Betty 1852(P); Betty 1856(P); Eleanor 1843(W); Elizabeth 1845(P); Elizabeth 1847(P); Elizabeth 1850(D); Eunice 1856(B); Frances 1840(P); James 1850(B); Jane 1839(W); Jane 1840(P); Jane 1842(B); Jane 1842(P); John 1842(P); John 1843(W); John 1869(P); Jonathan 1840(P); Jonathan 1840(B); Joseph 1838(P); Joseph 1840(P); Joseph 1843(P); Joseph 1845(B); Joseph 1845(P); Joseph 1851(W); Martha 1847(B); Mary 1847(M); Mary 1848(D); Mary Ann 1858(D); Sarah 1838(W); Sarah 1845(M); Sibson 1843(M); Sibson 1843(P); Sibson 1845(P); Sibson 1847(P); Sibson 1850(P); Sibson 1852(P); Sibson 1856(P); Sophia 1843(B); Sophia 1852(B); Thomas 1838(W); Thomas 1850(M); Thomas 1867(D); Twentyman 1847(P); William 1847(W); William 1869(M);
HOLDEN Elizabeth(or Betsy) 1865(P); Isabella 1866(D); Jonathan 1857(B); Joseph 1857(B); Mary 1840(D); Mary 1857(B); Mary 1857(P); Mary 1857(P); Mary 1857(P); Mary 1857(P); Mary 1860(D); Ruth 1857(B); Ruth 1865(B); Thomas 1857(P); Thomas 1857(P); Thomas1857(P); Thomas 1857(P); William 1864(D);
HOLIDAY Thomas 1848(D);
HOLLIDAY Agnes 1840(P); Ann 1870(W); Anne 1840(B); Betty 1843(W); Catherine 1838(P); Catherine 1840(P); Catherine 1842(P); Catherine 1845(P); Catherine 1847(P); Dan 1846(D); Daniel 1852(M); Daniel 1853(P); Daniel 1854(P); Daniel 1856(P); Daniel 1862(P); Daniel 1863(D);David 1860(P); Eleanor 1838(P); Eleanor 1841(P); Eleanor 1843(P); Eleanor 1845(B); Eleanor 1845(P); Eleanor 1848(P); Eleanor 1850(W); Eleanor 1853(M); Elizabeth 1848(P); Elizabeth 1850(M); Esther 1838(P); Esther 1840(P); Esther 1844(B); Esther 1844(P); Esther 1845(P); Esther 1853(P); Esther 1854(P); Esther 1856(P); Esther 1860(P); Esther 1862(P); Esther 1870(M); George 1871(W); Hannah 1841(D); Hannah 1845(B); Isabella 1845(B); Isabella 1870(W); Isabella 1871(W); Jacob 1839(P); Jacob 1848(B); Jacob 1852(D); Jane 1839(B); Jane 1843(B); Jane 1843(D); Jane 1843(P); Jane 1847(W); Jane 1847(W); Jane 1848(M); Jane 1848(M); Jane 1866(D); Jane Agnes 1853(B); Jane Ann 1843(B); Jeremiah 1838(B); John 1838(D); John 1838(P); John 1839(B); John 1840(B); John 1840(P); John 1840(P); John 1840(W); John 1843(P); John 1844(B); John 1844(P); John 1845(P); John 1848(M); John 1848(P); John 1855(D); John 1866(D); John 1868(D); John Herbert 1860(B); John Tordiff 1870(W); John Tordiff 1871(M); John(decd) 1870(P); John(decd) 1871(P); Jonathan 1838(B); Jonathan 1838(D); Jonathan 1840(P); Jonathan 1847(D); Jonathan 1848(P); Jonathan 1852(D); Jonathan 1862(B); Joseph 1839(P); Joseph 1840(B); Joseph 1840(D); Joseph 1841(P); Joseph 1842(B); Joseph 1844(P); Joseph 1848(P); Joseph 1849(B); Joshua Sim 1842(B); Margaret 1838(B); Martha 1848(W); Martha 1849(W); Martha 1851(M); Martha 1853(D); Mary 1839(D); Mary 1839(P); Mary 1839(P); Mary 1839(P); Mary 1840(B); Mary 1840(D); Mary 1840(M); Mary 1840(P); Mary 1841(P); Mary 1842(P); Mary 1843(P); Mary 1844(M); Mary 1844(P); Mary 1846(P); Mary 1849(P); Mary 1850(W); Mary 1861(D); Mary 1871(D); Mary Ann 1843(M); Mary Ann 1853(W); Mary Ann 1856(B); Mary Ann 1856(W); Rachel 1854(W); Robert 1840(P); Robert Barwise 1841(B); Sarah 1858(D); Soloman 1838(P); Soloman 1840(P); Soloman 1842(P); Soloman 1845(P); Soloman 1847(P); Solomon 1848(P); Solomon 1848(W); Thomas 1852(W); Thomas Brough 1841(B); Waite 1847(B); William 1838(P); William 1839(B); William 1839(P); William 1841(P); William 1842(P); William 1843(B); William 1843(P); William 1844(P); William 1844(W); William 1845(P); William 1846(P); William 1848(B); William 1848(P); William 1848(W); William 1849(P); William Steel 1854(B); Wilson 1846(B);
HOLMES Mary 1852(P); Robert Irving 1852(B); Thomas 1847(M); Thomas 1847(P); Thomas 1852(P);
HOPE Ann 1845(M); Betsey 1856(P); Henry 1840(P); Henry 1842(P); Isabella 1839(D); James 1856(B); James 1857(D); Jane 1856(P); John 1850(W); John 1855(M); John 1856(P); Jonathan 1839(D); Jonathan 1840(B); Joseph 1856(P); Martha 1850(M); Mary 1840(P); Mary 1842(P); Peter 1845(P); Robert 1842(B); Salkeld 1856(B); Thomas 1842(D); Walter 1856(W);
HORNSBY Isaac 1866(P); John 1866(M); Matthew 1866(W);
HOW Margaret 1848(B); Margaret 1848(P); William 1848(P);
HOWE Margaret 1844(P); Margaret 1848(D); Mary Ann 1844(B); William 1844(M); William 1844(P); William 1844(P);
HUDDART Frances 1857(D); Frances 1857(M); hannah 1855(D); Hannah 1865(B); Henry 1861(D); Jane 1838(P); Jane 1839(W); Jane 1843(P); Jane 1863(B); Jane 1868(D); John 1838(B); John 1838(P); John 1843(P); John 1863(M); John 1863(P); John 1863(P); John1865(P); John 1867(P); John 1870(P); John Martin 1867(B); Joseph 1870(B); Joseph 1870(D); Margaret 1857(W); Margaret 1860(W); Mary 1863(P); Mary 1863(W); Mary 1865(P); Mary 1867(P); Mary 1870(P); Mason 1843(B); Thomas 1846(D);
HUDDART? Caleb Martin 1871(B); John 1871(P); Mary 1871(P);
HUGGEN George 1851(P); George 1854(P); Jane 1854(B); Mary 1851(P); Mary 1854(P); Sarah 1851(B);
HUGGON James 1853(W);
HUGHES Elizabeth 1860(P); Robert 1860(B); Robert 1860(P); Susannah 1860(P); William 1860(B); William 1860(P);
HUNT William 1858(W);
HUNTER Hannah 1850(P); Isabella 1845(M); Jane 1850(B); Jane 1868(D); Joseph 1850(P);
HURST Elizabeth 1860(D); John 1859(M); Joseph 1860(D); Joseph 1870(D);
HUTTON Elizabeth 1849(B); Hannah 1847(P); Hannah 1849(P); Hannah 1851(B); Hannah 1851(P); Hannah 1853(P); James 1842(D); James 1849(B); Jane 1839(D); John 1845(D); John 1846(B); Josep 1846(P); Joseph 1841(W); Joseph 1843(W); Joseph 1846(M); Joseph 1847(P); Joseph 1849(P);Joseph 1851(P); Joseph 1853(B); Joseph 1853(P); Joseph 1855(D); Mary 1846(P); Mary 1849(P); Mary 1852(P);Richard 1845(D); Robert 1847(B); Thomas 1846(P); Thomas 1849(P); Thomas 1852(P); William 1852(B);
IRVING Agnes 1852(B); Barbara 1839(D); Betty 1845(M); Catherine 1841(P); Catherine 1844(M); Christiana 1841(P); David 1841(B); David 1844(P); Eleanor 1860(B); Elisabeth 1839(M); Elizabeth 1842(P); Elizabeth 1851(B); Elizabeth 1865(B); Elizabeth 1865(D); Elizabeth 1869(B); Elspie 1841(B); Fanny 1841(B); George 1841(P); George 1841(P); George 1842(P); George 1843(P); George 1845(P); George 1845(P); George 1846(D); George 1848(B); George 1848(P); George 1851(P); Hannah 1843(P); Hannah 1852(W); Hannah 1855(P); Hannah 1865(D); Isaac 1845(B); Isabella 1838(W); James 1855(P); Jane 1860(P); Jane 1870(P); John 1838(P); John 1840(B); John 1840(P); John 1841(B); John 1841(P); John 1842(P); John 1845(B); John 1868(D); John 1869(P); John 1870(P); Letitia 1852(D); Maria 1845(P); Martha 1869(P); Mary 1838(P); Mary 1839(W); Mary 1840(P); Mary 1841(P); Mary 1841(P); Mary 1842(M); Mary 1842(P); Mary1843(B); Mary 1843(P); Mary 1845(P); Mary 1845(P); Mary 1845(P); Mary 1848(P); Mary 1851(P); Mary 1865(P); Mary Ann 1852(P); Mary Jane 1855(B); Nancy 1838(P); Robert 1838(B); Robert 1838(B); Robert 1842(B); Robert 1845(B); Robert 1845(B); Robert 1845(P); Robert 1849(D); Sarah 1840(W); Thomas 1839(P); Thomas 1842(B); Thomas 1842(D); Thomas 1843(B); Thomas 1858(M); Thomas 1860(P); William 1852(P); Wilson 1870(B);
ISMAY Thomas 1854(W);
JACKSON Elizabeth 1845(B); Elizabeth 1859(M); Hannah 1844(B); Hannah 1848(D); James 1845(P); Jane 1861(D); Joeph 1846(B);John 1838(B); John 1838(P); John 1840(P); John 1844(P); John 1846(P); Joseph 1846(D); Mary 1838(P); Mary 1840(P); Mary 1844(P); Mary 1845(P); Mary 1846(P); Mary 1858(P); Mary Anne 1840(B); Nancy 1844(W); Richard 1870(D); Sarah 1858(B);
JAGO Catherine 1839(D);
JAMES George 1840(B); George 1841(D); Hugh 1845(D); Jane 1838(P); Jane 1840(P); Jane 1843(B); Jane 1843(P); Jane 1844(D); John Boyes 1853(M); Mary 1838(B); Robert 1838(P); Robert 1840(P); Robert 1843(P);
JEFFERSON Amelia 1851(P); Anne 1840(D); Hannah 1841(D); Isabella 1844(B); Isabella 1846(D); Jane 1838(P); Jane 1841(P); Jane 1844(P); Jane 1853(B); Jane 1853(P); Jane 1861(D); John 1838(P); John 1841(B); John 1841(P); John 1844(P); John 1851(B); John 1851(W);John 1853(P); John 1855(D); John 1859(P); John Backham 1844(P); John Backhouse 1848(P); Joseph 1859(B); Margaret 1868(D); Martha 1838(P); Martha 1841(P); Martha 1844(W); Martha 1844(W); Martha 1848(M); Martha 1853(D); Martha 1868(D); Mary 1844(M); Mary 1854(D); Mary 1859(P); Mary 1860(D); Mary 1869(D); Susanna 1854(D); Susannah 1838(B); Thomas 1838(B); Thomas 1839(D); Thomas 1851(P); Thomas 1852(D); Thomas 1854(D); Willaim 1858(D); William 1841(B); Wilson 1838(P); Wilson 1841(P); Wilson 1858(D);
JOHNSON Ann 1846(P); Ann 1848(P); Ann 1850(P); Ann 1852(P); Ann 1853(B); Ann 1853(P); Ann 1855(P); Archibald 1843(P); Elizabeth 1845(B); Elizabeth 1850(B); Frances 1848(P); George 1846(P); George 1848(P); George 1850(P); George 1852(P); George 1853(P); George 1855(P); Isaac 1852(B); Isaac 1852(D); Isaac Millburn 1866(D); Isabella 1843(B); Isabella 1845(P); Isabella 1846(P); Isabella 1848(P); Isabella 1850(P); Jane 1843(P); Jane 1846(B); Jane Ann 1867(D); John 1845(P); John 1848(P); Joseph 1848(B); Joseph 1861(D); Margaret 1845(P); Margaret 1848(P); Margaret 1855(B); Mary 1846(B); Mary 1848(B); Robert 1848(B); Thomas 1845(B); Thomas 1848(B); Thomas 1848(P); Thomas 1850(B); William 1845(P); William 1846(P); William 1848(P); William 1850(P);
JOHNSTON Ada 1845(B); Ann 1868(D); Betsy 1854(W); Bidget 1861(D); David 1851(M); Elizabeth 1846(D); Elizabeth 1854(P); Elizabeth 1854(P);Elizabeth 1856(P); Elizabeth 1859(P); Elizabeth 1862(P); Fawcett 1854(M); Frances 1843(B); Frances 1843(P); Frances 1845(P); George 1846(M); George 1866(P); George 1867(D); George 1867(P); Hannah 1865(D); Hannah 1871(D); Isaac 1861(D); Isaac 1863(W); Isabella 1840(P); Isabella 1843(P); Isabella 1866(P); Isabella 1867(P); J. 1859(W); J. 1859(W); James 1838(P); James 1840(B); James 1846(D); James 1854(P); James 1857(P); Jane 1838(B); Jane 1864(D); Jane Ann 1867(D); John 1838(P); John 1844(P); John 1849(D); John 1849(D); John 1859(B); John 1860(D); John 1864(D); John 1867(B); John Bateman 1850(D); John James 1859(M); Joseph 1839(P); Leah Maria 1862(B); Margaret 1844(M); Margaret 1866(B); Martha 1860(D); Mary 1847(D); Mary 1847(D); Mary 1857(P); Mary Ann 1854(B); Richard 1858(D); Robert 1868(D); Sarah 1838(P); Sarah 1860(D); Sarah Ann 1857(B); Simpson 1854(B); Thom 1871(D); Thomas 1843(P); Thomas 1845(D); Thomas 1845(D); Thomas 1845(P); Thomas 1846(P); Thomas 1854(P); Thomas 1856(B); Thomas 1856(P); Thomas 1859(P); Thomas 1862(P); Thomas 1868(D); Tom 1843(B); William 1839(M); William 1839(W); William 1840(D); William 1840(P); William 1841(W); William 1843(P); William 1844(W); William 1851(W);
JOHNSTONE Betty 1841(P); David 1841(B); Elizabeth 1852(P); Elizabeth 1857(P); James 1840(D); James 1852(P); James 1857(P); Jane 1850(M); Joseph 1857(B); Martha 1844(P); Robert 1852(B); Sarah 1859(M); Thomas 1842(D); Thomas 1844(B); Thomas 1844(P);
JONES Henry 1857(M); Mary 1857(W);
JORDAN Betsy 1856(P); John 1856(B); John 1863(D);
KAY John 1857(D); Mary 1842(D);
KEANS Dorothy 1838(D); William 1838(D);
KERR Hugh 1847(D);
KIDD Peggy 1865(D);
KINNEAR Alexander 1861(P); Alexander 1864(P); Alexander 1866(P); Alexander 1869(P); Ann 1861(P); Ann 1864(P); Ann 1866(P); Ann 1869(P); Elizabeth 1861(B); Esther 1853(P); Esther 1856(B); Esther 1856(P); Isaac 1861(P); James 1869(B); Richard 1866(B); Robert 1853(B); Sarah 1861(B); Tamar 1861(P); Thomas 1864(B); William 1852(M); William 1853(P); William 1856(P);
KIRK James 1838(M); Samuel 1838(P);
KIRKPATRICK Betsy 1856(B); Elizabeth 1844(B); Elizabeth 1844(D); Elizabeth 1855(D); Jane 1838(B); Jane 1838(D); Jane 1841(B); Jane 1841(D); Jane 1849(B); John 1844(M); Mary 1838(P); Mary 1841(P); Mary 1842(P); Mary 1844(P); Mary 1845(P); Mary 1849(P); mary 1856(P); Mary Ann 1845(B); Robert 1842(B); Robert 1842(D); William 1838(P); William 1841(P); William 1842(P); William 1844(P); William 1844(P); William 1845(P); William 1849(P); William 1856(P);
KIRKUP Betsy 1853(W); John 1840(P); Wilfred 1853(M); William 1840(M);
KNOTT Alexander 1861(P); Alexander 1861(M);
KNUBLEY Elizabeth 1852(M); Mary 1846(W);
KNUBLEY(?) John 1846(B); Mary 1846(P);
KNUDY(?) Martha 1842(W);
LAIDLE? William 1862(M); William 1862(P);
LAMB Mary 1849(D);
LAMONBY Ann 1842(D); Jane 1843(D); Margaret 1869(D); Robert William 1840(D); Ruth 1863(D);
LANCASTER Ann 1867(B); George 1867(P); George 1869(P); Hugh 1848(D); Mary Ann 1867(P); Mary Ann 1869(P); Nancy 1869(B);
LAW Ann 1848(M); Elizabeth 1841(W); Frances 1841(P); Frances 1845(P); Frances 1845(P); Hannah 1843(D); Hannah 1843(P); Hannah 1848(B); Hannah 1856(D); James 1844(B); James 1844(D); John 1841(B); John 1841(P); John 1841(P); John 1845(P); John 1845(P); John1846(P); John 1848(P); Joseph 1852(D); Martha 1841(M); Martha 1844(P); Martha 1848(P); Martha 1853(P); Mary 1845(B); Mary 1849(B); Mary Ann 1846(M); Nancy 1845(B); Sarah 1849(P); William 1841(M); William 1841(P); William 1843(B); William 1844(P); William 1848(P); William 1853(B); William 1856(D); Frances 1851(P); John 1851(P); Robert 1851(B);
LAWMAN Martha 1851(B); Nancy 1851(P); Thomas 1848(P); William 1848(M); William 1851(P);
LAWS Ann 1842(W); Elizabeth 1855(B); Glaister 1840(M); Glaister 1841(P); Glaister 1844(P); Glaister 1848(P); Glaister 1852(P); Glaister 1855(P); Glaister 1857(B); Glaister 1857(P); Glaister 1860(P); Glaister 1863(D); Glaister 1863(P); Jane 1863(B); John 1840(P); John 1848(B); Joseph 1841(B); Mary 1841(P); Mary 1844(P); Mary 1848(P); Mary 1851(D); Mary 1852(P); Mary 1855(P); Mary 1857(P); Mary 1860(P); Mary 1863(P); Mary Ann 1844(B); Richard 1860(B); William 1858(P);William 1852(B);
LAWSON Elizabeth 1852(W); Elizabeth 1854(B); Jane 1846(D); Jane 1854(P); John 1846(D); Joseph 1844(P); Judith 1844(W); Lot 1853(M); Phillis 1844(M); Richard 1844(W); Richard 1854(P);
LEWES Joseph 1840(P); Margaret 1840(P); Sarah 1840(B);
LEWIS Elizabeth 1845(P); Elizabeth 1846(P); Elizabeth 1847(P); Elizabeth 1849(P); Elizabeth 1851(P); Jane 1845(B); John 1851(B); Joseph 1845(P); Joseph 1846(B); Joseph 1846(P); Joseph 1847(P); Joseph 1849(P); Joseph 1851(P); Martha 1849(B); Rachel 1847(B);
LIGHTFOOT Elizabeth 1845(D); Elizabeth 1848(D); Hannah 1869(P); Jane 1840(D); John 1856(D); Mary 1845(D); Mary Anne 1838(D); Robert 1853(D); Robert 1869(P); Sarah 1839(D); Wilson Waite 1869(B);
LINGHAM?? Peter 1858(D);
LINTON Eleanor 1858(P); Eleanor 1871(D); Ellen 1862(P); Ellen 1864(P); Francis 1858(M); Francis 1858(P); Francis 1862(P); Francis 1864(P); John 1858(B); Mary 1862(B); William 1864(B);
LITLE Richard 1855(D); Wiliam 1854(D);
LITLETON Martha 1871(D);
LITTLE Agnes 1846(B); Ann 1840(D); Ann 1841(P); Ann 1844(P); Ann 1848(P); Ann 1853(D); Ann 1862(W); Anne 1840(P); Betsy 1861(B); Deborah 1844(B); Deborah 1844(D); Deborah 1844(P); Elixabeth 1838(D); Elizabeth 1843(P); Fanny 1859(D); Frances 1839(P); Frances 1844(P); Frances 1858(P); Frances 1860(P); Frances 1862(P); Frances 1865(P); Frances 1867(P); Frances 1870(P); Francis 1841(M); Francis 1841(P); Francis 1844(P); Francis 1847(P); George 1840(P); George 1841(B); George 1843(D); Hannah 1838(P); Hannah 1839(B); Hannah 1846(D); Hannah 1851(B); Isabella 1847(B); James 1839(D); James 1839(M); James 1839(P); James 1839(W); James 1840(P); Jane 1838(B); Jane 1840(P); Jane 1841(P); Jane 1842(P); Jane 1843(B); Jane 1844(P); Jane 1844(P); Jane 1846(P); Jane 1847(P); Jane 1847(P); Jane 1856(B);Jane 1865(P); Jane 1867(B); Jane 1838(P); Jane Ann 1848(B); John 1838(P); John 1839(W); John 1840(P); John 1842(B); John 1842(P); John 1844(P); John 1844(P); John 1846(P); John 1847(P); John 1856(P); John 1858(B); John 1866(D); John 1870(P); Joseph 1843(P); Joseph Millburn 1860(B); Joseph Waite 1870(B); Margaret 1844(B); Margaret 1859(B); Margaret 1862(B); Margaret 1863(D); Margaret 1865(B); Mary 1840(B); Mary 1841(B); Mary 1849(P); Mary 1851(P); Mary 1854(P); Mary 1856(P); Mary 1856(P); Mary 1859(P); Mary 1861(P); Mary 1865(P); Mary 1867(P); Mary 1870(P); Mary Ann 1849(B); Nicholas 1844(B); Nicholas 1847(P); Nicholas1852(D); Richard 1838(P); Richard 1855(D); Robert 1844(P); Robert 1839(P); Sarah 1838(B); Sarah 1840(B); Sarah 1846(D); Sarah 1854(B); Sarah 1857(D); Sarah 1865(B); Sarah 1865(D); Sarah 1867(B); Sophia 1847(B); Thomas 1844(B); Thomas 1844(B); Thomas 1858(P); Thomas 1860(P); Thomas 1862(P); Thomas 1865(P); Thomas 1867(P); Thomas 1868(D); Thomas 1870(B); William 1840(M); William 1841(P); William 1841(P); William 1841(W); William 1844(P); William 1845(W); William 1847(M); William 1848(P); William 1849(P);William 1854(P); William 1856(B); William 1856(P); William 1859(P); William 1861(P); William 1865(B); William 1865(P); William 1867(P); Hannah 1857(M);Robert 1855(P); Thomas 1857(M);
LITTLETON Agnes 1865(B); Ann 1847(W); Ann 1850(W); Ann 1851(M); Henry 1852(B); John 1838(P); John 1858(D); John 1859(D); Martha1852(P); Martha 1853(P); Martha 1856(P); Martha 1865(P); Nicholas 1855(W); Nicholas 1862(W); Nicholas 1864(W); Nicholas 1869(W); Richard 1850(M); Richard 1852(P); Richard 1853(P); Richard 1856(B); Richard 1856(P); Richard 1865(P); Sarah 1838(D); Sarah 1838(P); Sarah 1853(B);Sarah Little 1838(B); Sarah Little 1838(D);
LOGAN Agnes 1869(P); James 1869(P); John 1869(B); John 1870(D);
LOMAN Elizabeth 1867(P); John 1867(B);
LOMAS Ann 1862(B); Ann 1871(B); Eleanor 1864(B); Elizabeth 1870(B); Isaac 1848(D); Isaac 1856(B); Isaac 1860(B); Isabella 1856(P); Isabella 1858(P); Isabella 1860(P); Isabella 1862(P); Isabella 1864(P); Isabella 1866(P); Isabella 1870(P); Isabella 1870(P); James 1838(M); James 1844(P); James 1845(B); James 1845(P); James 1862(B); Jane 1870(B); John 1858(P); John 1860(P); John 1862(P); John 1864(B); John 1864(P); John 1864(P); John 1865(D); John 1866(P); John 1869(B); John 1869(P); John 1871(P); Joseph 1858(B); Mary 1845(P); Mary 1858(P); Mary 1860(P); Mary 1862(P); Mary 1864(P); Mary 1864(P); Mary 1866(B); Mary 1866(P); Mary 1869(P); Mary 1871(P); Samuel 1838(P); Thomas 1860(B); Thomas Bowman 1866(B); William 1844(M); William 1856(P); William 1858(B); William 1858(P); William 1860(P); William 1862(P); William 1864(B); William 1864(P); William 1865(D); William 1866(P); William 1870(P); William 1870(P);
LONGCAKE Anderson 1841(B); Ann 1851(P); Ann 1853(P); Ann 1854(B); Ann 1858(D); Ann 1858(P); Ann 1860(P); Ann 1863(P); Betsy 1844(B); Betsy 1846(P); Betsy 1848(P); Betsy 1867(B); Edward 1863(B); Elizabeth 1858(B); Esther 1854(B); Esther 1855(W); Esther 1857(D); Esther 1858(B); Fanny 1850(D); Frances 1844(P); Frances 1847(B); Jane 1848(B); Jane 1848(D); Jane 1850(P); Jane 1852(B); Jane 1852(P); Jane 1854(P); Jane 1857(P); Jane 1858(P); Jane 1861(B); Jane 1864(D); John 1841(D); John 1846(B); John 1846(D); John 1850(P); John 1851(B); John 1852(P); John 1854(D); John 1854(P); John 1857(B); John 1857(P); John 1858(B); John 1858(D); John 1858(P); John 1871(B); John Wise 1850(D); Joseph 1851(D); Joseph 1860(B); Joseph 1861(D); Joseph 1866(D); Margaret 1839(B); Mary 1838(P); Mary 1839(D); Mary 1839(P); Mary 1841(P); Mary 1842(P); Mary 1843(P); Mary 1847(P); Mary 1850(P); Mary 1855(M); Mary 1862(D); Mary 1866(P); Mary 1870(D); Mary 1871(P); Mary Ann 1849(B); Mary Ann 1853(W); Mary Jane 1871(D); Matthew 1850(B); Nancy 1869(B); Nancy 1871(D); Nicholas 1838(B); Robert 1839(P); Robert 1841(P); Robert 1843(P); Robert 1847(P); Robert 1850(P); Robert Irving 1850(B); Samuel 1839(B); Samuel 1865(B); Sarah 1842(B); Sarah 1849(P); Sarah 1851(P); Sarah 1854(P); Sarah 1858(B); Sarah 1858(P); Sarah 1858(P); Sarah 1861(P); Sarah 1863(P); Sarah 1865(P); Sarah 1867(P); Sarah 1869(P); Susannah 1839(P); Susannah 1839(P); Thomas 1838(D); Thomas 1839(B); Thomas 1851(B); Thomas 1866(B); Thomas 1866(D); William 1838(P); William 1842(P); William 1843(B); William 1849(P); William 1851(P); William 1853(B); William 1853(W); William 1854(D); William 1854(P); William 1858(P); William 1858(P); William 1861(P); William 1863(B); William 1863(P); William 1864(D); William 1865(P); William 1867(P); William 1869(P);
LOW Hannah 1838(B); Hannah 1838(P); Hannah 1838(P);
LOWES Sarah 1861(D); Mary 1870(D);
LOWMAN Isabella 1838(B); Jane 1839(B); Jane 1839(P); John 1839(P); Martha 1838(P); Martha 1838(P); Martha 1838(P); Nancy 1853(P); Rachel 1838(B); Robert 1838(B); Thomas 1838(P); Thomas 1838(P); Thomas 1838(P); Thomas 1853(B); William 1853(P);
LUNSON Anthony 1860(M); John 1860(P);
MACCATH Thomas 1859(W);
MACIVER Janet 1869(P); William 1869(B); William 1869(P);
MALING Christopher 1842(M); Christopher 1843(P); Christopher 1849(D); Hannah 1843(P); Margaret 1843(B); William 1842(P);
MALISON Isaac 1838(P); Mary 1838(P); William 1838(B);
MALLINSON Elizabeth 1841(B); Isaac 1841(P); Mary 1841(P);
MANAH?? Esther 1855(D);
MANDEL Sarah 1843(B); Sarah 1843(P);
MANDELL Ruth 1838(D); Sarah 1843(D); Sarah 1845(D);
MANN Agnes 1848(P); Agnes 1849(P); Agnes 1852(P); Agnes 1852(P); Agnes 1854(P); Agnes 1854(P); Agnes 1855(P); Agnes 1857(P); Agnes 1859(P); Agnes 1862(P); Ann 1838(W); Ann 1841(D); Ann 1841(W); Ann 1843(B); Ann 1843(W); Ann 1847(P); Ann 1855(M); Ann 1859(P); Ann 1861(P); Ann 1861(P); Betsy 1861(B); Dinah 1852(B); Dinah 1861(D); Elizabeth 1839(B); Elizabeth 1839(B); Elizabeth 1839(P); Elizabeth 1839(P); Elizabeth 1841(P); Elizabeth 1843(P); Elizabeth 1847(P); Elizabeth 1848(B); Elizabeth 1850(P); Elizabeth 1851(P); Esther 1841(M);Esther 1851(D); Esther 1852(B); George 1854(B); Isaac 1841(P); Isaac 1850(B); Ismay 1861(B); James 1849(B); James 1859(B); Jane 1838(D); John 1839(P); John 1839(P); John 1841(P); John 1841(P); John 1843(P); John 1846(P); John 1847(B); John 1847(D); John 1847(P); John 1849(P); John 1850(P); John 1851(P); John 1852(D); John 1862(B); Jonathan 1847(W); Jonathan 1849(W); Jonathan 1855(W); Jonathan 1858(W); Joshua 1851(D); Margaret 1841(M); Martha 1851(B); Martha 1859(B); Mary 1854(B); Mathew 1862(P); Matthew 1841(B); Matthew 1848(P); Matthew 1849(P); Matthew 1850(D); Matthew 1852(P); Matthew 1852(P); Matthew 1854(P); Matthew 1854(P); Matthew 1855(P); Matthew 1857(B); Matthew 1857(P); Matthew 1859(P); Phebe 1849(M); Sarah 1845(D); Sarah 1850(D); Thomas 1841(W); Thomas 1841(W); Thomas 1846(M); Thomas 1847(P); Thomas 1852(W); Thomas 1859(P); Thomas 1861(P); Thomas 1861(P); William 1847(B); William 1855(B);
MANSFIELD Margaret 1869(B); Mary 1869(P); William 1869(P);
MARK Ann 1851(M); George Gill 1870(B); John 1851(W); John 1865(D); John 1868(M); John 1869(B); John 1869(P); John(decd) 1868(P); Jonathan 1844(P);Mary Ann 1870(P); Richard 1844(M); Sarah 1851(W); Sarah 1854(M); Sarah 1869(P); Thomas 1870(P);
MARSHALL Frances 1862(P); Matthew 1862(P); William 1862(B);
MARTIN Anne 1871(B); Caleb 1838(W); Caleb 1839(P); Caleb 1841(P); Caleb 1843(P); Caleb 1863(P); Hannah 1841(B); Jane 1839(B); Jane 1839(P); Jane 1841(P); Jane 1843(D); Jane 1843(P); John 1871(P); Joshua 1838(P); Joshua 1854(B); Margaret 1843(B); Mary 1838(M); Mary 1838(W); Mary 1854(P); Mary 1863(M); Sarah 1871(P); William 1840(P);
MARTINDALE Rhoda 1871(D);
MASON Agnes 1850(P); Brough 1860(D); James 1856(D); Jane 1851(D); Jonathan 1849(D); Joseph 1848(D); Matthew 1850(P); Matthew1853(D); Thomas 1850(B); MathewsMATHEWS Mary 1841(D);
MATTHEWS Ann 1849(D); John 1838(P); Sarah 1838(M);
MAXWELL Esther 1839(W); Isabella 1839(M); John 1844(P); John Crosthwaite 1844(B); Margaret 1844(P); William 1839(P);
MC VAY? John 1861(D);
MCCALL Bridget 1842(P); Bridget 1844(P); Clement 1842(P); Clement 1844(P); John 1844(B); Joseph 1842(B);
MCCANNA William 1846(D);
MCFARREN Elizabeth 1851(M); Archibald 1844(P); Phobe 1844(M);
MCKAY George 1843(B); George 1844(D); George 1848(B); Hannah 1864(D); Hannah 1864(P); Isabella 1838(P); Isabella 1843(B); Isabella 1843(P); Isabella 1843(P); Isabella 1845(P); Isabella 1847(D); Isabella 1848(P); Isabella 1850(P); James 1850(B); Jane Ann 1845(B); John 1838(P); John 1843(P); John 1843(P); John 1845(P); John 1848(P); John 1850(P); John George 1864(B); Thomas 1870(D); William 1838(B);
MCKENZIE Anne 1846(P); Anne 1846(P); Anne 1847(P); John 1846(B); John 1846(P); John 1846(P); John 1847(P); Robert 1846(B); William 1847(B);
MCMULLAN Daniel 1840(P); Fanny 1840(P); John 1840(B); Ann 1848(B); Daniel 1838(P); Daniel 1842(P); David 1846(P); David 1848(P); Fanny 1838(P); Fanny 1842(P); Fanny 1844(W); Fanny 1846(P); Fanny 1848(P); Jonathan 1838(B); Richard 1846(B); William 1842(B);
MCNEIL David 1863(M); John 1863(P);
MCPANNA Jane 1845(D);
MCRAVEN Ann 1849(P); Benjamin 1849(P); George 1849(B); George 1849(D);
MCVITTIE Archibald 1839(P); Elizabeth 1840(P); John 1839(M); John 1840(P); David 1852(P); Sarah 1840(B);
MEEAN(?) Sarah 1844(W);
MESSENGER Betty 1864(D); David 1840(P); David 1847(P); David 1847(P); David 1852(P); Elizabeth 1849(D); Elizabeth 1849(D); George 1848(D); Jane 1840(P); Jane 1870(D); John 1851(D); John 1855(M); John 1856(M); Jonathan 1840(B); Jonathan 1840(P); Mary 1840(P); Mary 1842(D); Mary 1842(D); Mary 1847(P); Mary 1847(P); Mary 1852(P); Mary 1864(D); Mary 1868(D); Nancy 1840(B); Nancy 1846(D); Nancy 1847(B); Robert 1852(B); Robert 1857(D); Tubal 1839(D); Watson 1847(B); William 1852(W);
MEWS(?) Ann 1845(P); John 1845(P); William 1845(B);
MILBURN Ann 1846(M); Elizabeth 1838(B); Frances 1845(B); Isaac 1838(P); Isaac 1842(W); Isaac 1845(P); Isaac 1846(P); Isaac 1846(P); Isaac 1849(B); Isaac 1849(P); Jane 1838(P); Jane 1845(P); Jane 1846(P); Jane 1849(P); Joseph 1846(W); Joseph 1860(D); Margaret 1860(D); Martha 1846(B); Mary 1846(W); Nancy 1849(D);
MILLAR Jane 1849(P); Jane 1849(P); Margaret 1849(B); Margaret 1849(D); Thomas 1849(D); William 1849(B); William 1849(D); William 1849(P); William 1849(P);
MILLBURN Hannah 1859(M); Isaac 1840(P); Isaac 1842(P); Jane 1840(P); Jane 1842(P); Joseph 1842(B); Joseph 1845(W); Joseph 1857(P); Margaret 1862(D); Sarah 1840(B); Thomas 1840(D); Thomas 1867(D);
MILLER Ann 1842(B); Ann 1842(D); Benjamin 1846(B); Betty 1842(P); David 1863(P); Elizabeth 1860(D); George 1838(B); Hannah 1848(D);Jacob 1843(M); Jacob 1843(P); Jacob 1843(P); Jacob 1846(P); Jane 1838(P); Jane 1839(D); Jane 1843(B); John 1856(D); John 1857(D); Joseph 1838(P); Joseph 1842(M); Joseph 1842(P); Joseph 1843(B); Joseph 1843(P); Joseph 1851(D); Mary 1838(P); Mary 1840(D); Mary 1851(W); Mary 1854(P); Mary 1860(D); Rachel 1854(B); Rebecca 1863(M); Richard 1846(D); Richard 1853(M); Robert 1842(P); Robert B 1853(W)Roseanna 1856(D); Sarah 1843(P); Sarah 1844(D); Susanna 1843(P); Sussanna 1846(P); William 1838(B); William 1838(P);
MILLICAN Esther 1842(B); Hannah 1862(D); John 1838(P); John 1840(P); John 1842(P); John 1844(P); John 1847(P); John 1861(D); John 1871(D); Jonathan 1866(D); Mary 1840(B); Nancy 1838(P); nancy 1840(P); Nancy 1842(P); Nancy 1844(P); Nancy 1847(P); Rhoda 1844(B); Rhoda 1846(D); Rhoda 1847(B); Rhoda 1854(D); Thomas 1838(B);
MITCHELL Agnes 1856(M); Edmund 1841(P); Jane 1841(M); Jonathan 1844(M); Margaret 1856(W); Robert 1844(P); Thomas 1852(P);
MITCHINSON Barbara 1843(P); Barbara 1845(P); Barbara 1848(P); Barbara 1850(P); Elizabeth 1845(B); Hannah 1848(B); Harriet 1846(B); Isabella 1854(D); Jane 1839(B); Jane 1842(W); Jane 1843(P); Jane 1846(M); Jane 1846(P); John 1842(M); John 1842(P); John 1843(B); John 1843(P); John 1845(P); John 1846(P); John 1848(P); John 1848(W); John 1850(P); Mary 1839(P); Mary 1843(B); Matthew 1850(B); Richard 1839(D);
MOFFAT George 1848(P); Margaret 1848(P); William 1848(B);
MOON James 1863(M); John(decd) 1863(P);
MOORE Ann 1845(P); Ann 1846(P); Ann 1848(P); Ann 1850(P); Ann 1851(P); Ann 1853(P); Ann 1855(P); Betsy 1863(W); Betty 1848(B); Betty 1856(P); David 1858(P); David 1861(P); David 1864(D); Dorothy 1851(B); John 1839(P); John 1841(B); John 1841(P); John 1843(P); John 1845(B); John 1845(P); John 1845(W); John 1846(P); John 1847(P); John 1849(D); John 1850(P); John 1852(P); John 1854(D); John 1856(B); John 1856(B); John 1861(B); Joseph 1843(B); Margaret 1858(B); Margaret 1858(P); Margaret 1860(B); Margaret 1861(P); Margaret 1863(D); Mary 1839(P); Mary 1841(P); Mary 1843(P); Mary 1845(W); Mary 1846(P); Mary 1847(P); Mary 1850(B); Mary 1850(P); Mary 1852(B); Mary 1852(P); Mary 1855(P); Mary 1856(P); Mary 1858(P); Mary 1860(P); Peter 1846(B); Richard 1854(M); Richard 1855(P); Richard 1856(P); Richard 1858(P); Richard 1860(P); Richard 1863(W); Robert 1845(M); Robert 1845(P); Robert 1846(B); Robert 1846(P); Robert 1848(P); Robert 1850(P); Robert 1851(P); Robert 1853(P); Robert 1855(P); Samuel 1847(B); Sarah 1855(B); Tamar 1858(B); Thomas 1839(B); Thomas 1853(B); William 1850(B); William 1855(B);
MOORE(?) Mary 1840(W);
MORDICK Ann 1854(B); Isabella 1854(P); Robert 1853(M); Robert 1854(P);
MORGAN Christiana 1847(D); Frederic 1847(D);
MORTON Thomas 1856(M);
MOSCROP Ann 1841(B); Anne 1858(W); Christopher 1839(W); Christopher 1840(M); Christopher 1841(P); Christopher 1843(P); Isabella 1841(B); Mary 1838(B); Mary 1841(P); Mary 1843(B); Mary 1843(P); Richard 1838(P); Richard 1840(P); Richard 1841(P); Susannah 1838(P); Susannah 1841(P);
MOSSOP Agnes 1863(D); Isaac 1852(M); Isaac 1852(P); Isaac 1853(P); Jane 1852(P); Jane 1853(P); John 1855(D); Joseph 1853(B); Joseph 1862(D); Joseph 1868(D); Nancy 1852(B); Richard 1843(P); Susannah 1843(P); William 1843(B);
MOUNSEY Jane 1838(W);
MURRAY Fanny 1869(B); Francis 1839(W); George 1862(P); George 1864(P); George 1866(P); George 1869(P); Hannah 1848(D); John 1864(B); John 1854(P); Joseph 1843(M); Joseph 1866(B); Margaret 1839(W); Margaret 1862(P); Margaret 1864(P); Margaret 1866(P); Margaret 1869(P); Martha Ann 1862(D); Mary 1862(B); Mary 1862(D); William 1843(P);
NATRASS Ann 1850(P); Elizabeth 1850(B); Joseph 1851(P); Thomas 1850(P);
NATTRESS Ann 1852(P); Ann 1855(P); Ann 1860(P); Anne 1854(P); Jane 1852(B); John 1854(B); Joseph 1849(P); Joseph 1855(B); Thomas 1849(M); Thomas 1852(P); Thomas 1854(P); Thomas 1855(P); Thomas 1860(B); Thomas 1860(P);
NELSON Henry 1840(W); Henry 1856(M); Jane 1857(M); Joseph 1856(W); Thomason 1856(W);
NICHOL Ann 1846(B); Elizabeth 1843(B); Elizabeth 1846(P); Elizabeth 1848(P); Isaac 1842(M); Isaac 1842(P); Isaac 1846(P); Isaac 1848(P); Jane 1846(B); Jane 1866(D); John 1842(B); John 1842(P); John 1845(P); John 1846(P); John 1848(B); John 1848(P); Mabel 1842(P); Mabel 1843(P); Mabel 1846(P); Mabel 1847(P); Mabel 1851(P); Mabel 1851(P); Mabel 1856(P); Mable 1839(P); Margaret 1842(P); Margaret 1846(P); Margaret 1848(P); Margaret 1851(B); Martha 1846(B); Mary 1847(B); Sarah 1851(B); Thomas 1839(P); Thomas 1842(B); Thomas 1842(P); Thomas 1842(W); Thomas 1843(P); Thomas 1844(W); Thomas 1846(P); Thomas 1847(P); Thomas 1848(B); Thomas 1851(P); Thomas 1851(P); Thomas 1856(B); Thomas 1856(P); William 1839(B);
NICHOLL Elizabeth 1840(P); John 1840(P); Mabel 1838(B); Mabel 1838(P); Shadrack 1840(B); Thomas 1838(P);
NICHOLSON Ann 1845(D); Ann 1864(D); Jane Huddart 1864(B); John 1864(D); John 1864(P); Margaret 1842(D); Margaret 1864(P); Mary 1850(D); William 1853(D);
NIXON Bridget 1852(M); Isabella 1853(B); Jane 1852(W); Jane 1869(W); John 1851(P); John 1853(P); John 1859(D); John 1861(D); Joseph 1848(P); Margaret 1860(D);Mary 1853(B); Richard 1851(B); Robert 1850(M); Robert 1850(P); Robert 1853(P); Robert 1855(P); Ruth 1848(B); Sarah 1850(P); Sarah 1851(P); Sarah 1853(P); Sarah 1853(P); Sarah 1855(B); Sarah 1855(P); Sarah 1859(D); Sybilla 1848(P); Thomas 1844(W); Thomas 1857(D); William 1850(B);
NOBLE Ann 1839(B); Anne 1839(B); Benjamin 1845(B); Dinah 1847(B); John 1839(P); John 1839(P); John 1841(B); John 1841(P); John 1843(P);John 1845(P); John 1847(P); Mary 1839(P); Mary 1839(P); Mary 1841(P); Mary 1843(P); Mary 1845(P); Mary 1847(P); Nancy 1853(D); William 1843(B);
NORMAN John 1870(D);
NORRIS Elizabeth 1850(B); George 1850(P); Margaret 1850(P);
OLIPHANT Ann 1867(P); Ann 1870(P); Grainger 1860(D); Jane 1841(P); Jane 1843(P); John 1842(P); John 1843(B); John 1846(B); Jonathan 1842(M); Jonathan 1846(P); Joseph 1846(W); Joseph 1867(B); Margaret 1869(M); Mary 1846(P); Mary 1870(D); William 1841(B); William 1843(D); William 1867(P); William 1869(P); William 1870(B); William 1870(P);
O'NEIL John 1868(D);
OSBORN Ann 1843(P); Ann 1844(P); Ann 1845(P); Ann 1849(P); Backhouse(the late) 1849(P); Backhouse(the late) 1849(P); Backhouse(the late) 1849(P); Elizabeth 1842(P); Elizabeth 1849(B); Isabella 1849(P); Isabella 1849(P); Isabella 1849(P); Jane 1849(B); John 1842(B); John 1843(B); John 1843(P); John 1845(P); John 1846(B); John 1846(P); John 1847(W); John 1849(P); Joseph 1843(M); Joseph 1843(P); Joseph 1844(B); Joseph 1844(P); Mary 1846(P); Mary Ann 1845(B); Mary Ann 1849(B); Mary Anne 1842(B); Rachel 1842(P); Sarah 1849(B); William 1841(W); William 1847(W); William 1848(W);
OSBORNE Ann 1842(P); Ann 1844(D); Ann 1846(P); Backhouse 1838(P); Backhouse 1849(D); Elizabeth 1844(P); Elizabeth 1845(D); Esther 1870(M); Henry 1841(P); Henry 1846(D); Isaac 1842(B); Isabella 1838(P); Jane 1841(B); John 1841(P); John 1842(P); John 1843(P); John 1870(W); Jonathan Mann 1856(D); Joseph 1838(B); Joseph 1841(P); Joseph 1843(B); Joseph 1846(P); Joseph 1853(D); Mary 1841(P); Mary 1843(P); Mary 1844(B); Mary Ann 1870(W); Mary Anne 1841(M); Phebe 1870(W); Sarah 1846(B); Shadrack 1840(D); Shadrack 1849(D); Thomas 1845(D); William 1838(D); William 1838(W); William 1839(W); William 1841(M); William 1855(D); William 1870(P); William Waite 1871(D);
OSMOTHERLAY John 1841(P); John 1841(W);
OSMOTHERLEY Betsey 1862(D); James 1850(D); John 1843(D); John 1844(P); Jonathan 1844(B); Margaret 1841(D); Mary Ann 1844(P);
OSMOTHERLY Harrison 1850(D); John 1839(P); John 1839(W); John 1842(P); Mary Anne 1839(B); Mary Anne 1839(P); Mary Anne 1842(P); Ruth 1842(B);
OSTLE Ann 1840(P); Ann 1843(P); Ann 1847(P); Caleb 1838(M); Caleb 1840(W); Fanny 1842(P); Fanny 1845(P); Fanny 1851(P); Hewitson 1847(W); Isaac 1842(P); Isaac 1845(P); Isaac 1851(P); Isabella 1846(P); Isabella 1847(P); Isabella 1849(P); Jane 1842(B); Jane 1847(B); Jane 1847(M); Jane 1870(W); John 1847(P); Jonathan 1838(P); Jonathan 1839(P); Jonathan 1840(B); Jonathan 1840(P); Jonathan 1845(M); Jonathan 1846(P); Jonathan 1847(P); Jonathan 1849(P); Joseph 1845(P); Joseph 1846(B); Mary 1843(B); Mary 1845(B); Mary 1847(B); Matthewman 1851(B); Rachel 1838(W); Rachel 1840(M); Robert 1849(B); William 1839(M); William 1840(P); William 1843(P); William 1847(D); William 1847(P);
PAITSON(?) Ann 1843(W);
PAPE Anderson 1856(B); Ann 1847(D); Ann 1849(B); Clement 1843(D); Daniel 1842(P); Daniel 1865(P); Daniel 1847(P); Daniel Mann 1870(D); Elizabeth 1846(W); Elizabeth 1852(W); Elizabeth 1856(D); Esther 1856(P); Fanny 1854(D); Frances 1841(B); Frances 1843(B); Frances 1851(P); Frances 1853(P); Frances 1855(P); Frances 1858(P); Frances 1860(P); Frances 1862(P);George 1849(B); George 1865(M); Hannah 1840(W); Hannah 1841(W); Hannah 1842(M); Hannah Barnes 1840(P); Hannah Barnes 1844(M); Hannah Benn 1842(W); Isaac 1852(W); Isaac 1857(P); Isabella 1855(B); Isabella 1863(D); Isabella Lawman 1848(B); Jane 1839(P); jane 1841(P); Jane 1842(B); Jane 1842(D); Jane 1848(P); Jane 1849(P); Jane 1860(B); Jane 1861(D); Jessie 1859(B); Jessie 1863(D); Joanna 1857(D); John 1842(W); John 1847(B);John 1847(W); John 1851(W); John 1853(B); John 1853(W); John 1854(D); John 1857(B); John 1869(D); John 1870(D); Jonah 1845(W); Jonathan 1839(M); Jonathan 1841(P); Jonathan 1844(W); Jonathan 1847(D); Jonathan 1848(B); Joseph 1839(P); Joseph 1839(P); Joseph 1840(B); Joseph 1840(P); Joseph 1842(B); Joseph 1842(P); Joseph 1843(D); Joseph 1844(P); Joseph 1846(P); Joseph 1847(M); Joseph 1847(P); Joseph 1848(W); Joseph 1849(P); Joseph 1851(M); Joseph 1851(P); Joseph 1853(D); Joseph 1853(P); Joseph 1855(P); Joseph 1857(D); Joseph 1858(P); Joseph 1860(P); Joseph 1862(B); Joseph 1862(D); Joseph (deceased) 1862(P); Margaret 1855(M); Martha 1847(P); martha 1849(P); Mary 1839(P); Mary 1842(M); Mary 1842(P); Mary 1844(D); Mary 1851(B); Mary 1853(W); Mary1855(D); Mary 1856(D); Mary 1856(P); Mary 1857(P); Mary 1857(P); Mary 1859(P); Mary 1861(D); Mary 1862(P); Mary Ann 1857(B); Mungo 1840(M); Mungo 1841(P); Mungo 1842(P); Mungo 1843(P); Mungo 1846(P); Nancy 1848(M); Nancy 1848(P); Nancy 1862(B); Pattinson 1855(M); Pattinson 1856(P); Pattinson 1857(P); Pattinson 1859(P); Pattinson 1862(P); Rachel 1841(P); Rachel 1842(P); Rachel 1843(P); Rachel 1846(B); Rachel 1846(P); Rebecca 1853(M); Robert 1859(D); Robert Little 1856(B); Robinson 1859(D); Ruth 1841(B); Thomas 1839(B); Thomas 1848(D); Thomas 1848(P); Thomas 1858(B); Thomas 1859(D); William 1839(B); William 1839(P); William 1842(P); William 1846(M); William 1848(P); William 1849(P);
PAR James 1843(P); Mary 1843(P); William 1843(B);
PARK James 1845(P); James 1847(P); Jane 1842(B); Jane 1847(B); Joseph 1845(B); Margaret 1842(P); Mary 1845(P); Mary 1847(P); Richard 1842(P);
PARKER Esther 1855(W); Jane 1866(M); Joseph 1866(P);
PARKIN Frances 1866(W); John 1866(W); Rachel 1858(M);
PATRICKSON Jno 1852(W); William 1852(M);
PATTERSON Ann 1869(D); James 1863(D);
PATTINSON Ann 1843(P); Ann 1843(W); Ann 1845(W); Ann 1847(B); Ann 1847(P); Ann 1849(P); Ann 1857(D); Ann 1869(D); Anne 1845(P); Betsy 1849(B); Edward 1839(P); Elizabeth 1862(B); George 1839(M); Jane 1862(P); Jane 1869(M); John 1838(D); John 1839(D); John 1843(P); Joseph 1861(D); Joseph 1862(B); Joseph 1862(P); Martha 1869(W); Ruth 1862(P); Sarah 1842(D); Sarah 1845(B); Susannah 1843(M); Thomas 1843(B); Thomas 1843(P); Thomas 1843(W); Thomas 1845(P); Thomas 1845(W); Thomas 1847(P); Thomas 1849(P); Thomas 1869(P); Thomas 1870(D);
PATTISON Bella 1843(D);
PEARSON Anne 1839(B); Fanny 1839(B); Fanny 1840(B); Fanny 1840(P); Joseph 1839(B); Joseph 1839(P); Joseph 1839(P); Joseph 1839(P); Joseph 1839(P); Joseph 1839(P); Joseph 1839(P); Joseph 1839(P); Joseph 1840(P); Julia 1842(M); Margaret 1839(B); Martha 1839(B); Mary 1838(D); Mary 1839(B); Mary 1839(P); Mary 1839(P); Mary 1839(P); Mary 1839(P); Mary 1839(P); Mary 1839(P); Mary 1839(P); Richard 1870(M); Samuel 1870(P); Sarah 1839(B); Sarah 1842(W); Thomas 1842(P); Thomas Jefferson 1870(W);
PEASDALE John 1843(M); John 1843(P);
PEAT Ann 1840(D); Ann 1847(B); Ann 1847(P); Ann 1849(P); Ann 1851(P); Ann 1853(B); Ann 1853(P); Ann 1856(P); Ann 1862(D); Anne 1854(P); Benjamin 1853(B); Dinah 1847(B); Dinah 1861(D); Eleanor 1851(B); Elizabeth 1848(D); George 1850(B); Isabella 1854(B); Jane 1847(P); Jane 1850(P); Jane 1853(P); Jane 1853(P); Jane 1856(B); Jane 1856(P); Jane 1859(P); Jane 1863(P);Jane Ann 1856(B); Jeffrey 1847(P); John 1859(B); John 1861(D); John 1863(B); John 1863(P); John Armstrong 1847(M); John Armstrong 1847(P); John Armstrong 1850(P); John Armstrong 1853(P); John Armstrong 1853(P); John Armstrong 1856(P); John Armstrong 1859(P); Jonathan 1846(M); Jonathan 1847(P); Mary 1847(B); Mary 1847(P); Mary 1865(D); Mary 1870(W); Robert 1838(D); Robert 1844(W); Robert 1846(P); Robert 1847(P); Robert 1849(B); Robert 1849(P); Robert 1851(P); Robert 1853(P); Robert 1854(P); Robert 1856(P); Robert 1860(D); Robert 1863(D); Sarah 1853(B);
PEEL Ann 1839(M); Anne 1839(P); John 1839(B); Jonathan 1839(P); Joseph 1866(P); Joseph 1868(P); Margaret Ann 1868(B); Mary Ann 1866(P); Mary Ann 1868(P); Pearson 1839(P); William Thomas 1866(B);
PENRICE Adam 1844(B); Elisabeth 1838(P); Forster 1840(P); Forster 1840(P); Foster 1838(P); Foster 1855(D); Hannah 1847(B); Isabella 1840(P); Isabella 1840(P); John 1843(P); John 1851(B); Mary 1843(W); Mary Glaister 1840(B); Mary Glaister 1840(D); Nancy 1840(B); Nancy 1840(D); Nancy 1850(D); Nancy 1862(D); Samuel 1838(B); Sarah 1844(P); Sarah 1847(P); Sarah 1851(P); Sarah 1869(P); Thomas 1843(M); Thomas 1843(W); Thomas 1844(P); Thomas 1845(W); Thomas 1847(P); Thomas 1851(P); Thomas 1865(D); Thomas 1869(B);
PERCEVAL Elizabeth 1843(B); Hannah 1843(P); Jane 1843(B); Jane 1843(P); John 1843(P); Joseph 1843(P);
PERCIVAL Ann 1852(B); Barwise 1838(B); Elisabeth 1839(M); Elizabeth 1844(D); Elizabeth 1845(B); Hannah 1841(P); Hannah 1845(P); Hannah 1849(B); Hannah 1849(P); Hannah 1852(P); Hannah 1864(D); Jane 1838(P); Jane 1846(P); Jane 1847(B); Jane 1849(P); John 1841(P); John 1845(P); John 1849(P); John 1852(P); Joseph 1838(P); Joseph 1839(P); Joseph 1841(B); Joseph 1846(P); Joseph 1849(P); Mary 1844(W); Mary 1846(B); Mary 1847(P); Mary 1849(B);
PERROT Eleanor 1848(D); Joseph 1840(D); Joseph 1843(D);
PERROTT Nancy 1859(D);
PORTEOUS James 1840(M); John 1840(P);
POSSLETHWAITE William 1840(D);
POTTS Isaac 1846(D);
PRINGLE Jane 1846(D); Mungo 1848(W); Robert 1844(D);
PURDHAM David 1842(P); David 1843(D); Jane 1842(P); Jane 1848(D); Margaret 1844(D); Richard 1842(B); Richard 1843(B); Sarah 1843(P);
PURDOM David 1839(B); Elizabeth 1839(P); George 1839(P);
RADCLIFFE Jane 1842(P); William 1842(B);
RAILTON Edeward 1870(D);
PATTISON George 1855(P);
RAILTON Isaac 1838(P); Isaac 1842(P); John 1841(D); Sarah 1838(B); Sarah 1838(P); Sarah 1842(P); Thomas 1842(B);
RALPH John 1865(D);
RATCLIFF John 1842(D); Mary 1842(D);
RAWCLIFFE Jane 1845(D);
RAY Hannah 1843(P); Joseph 1843(P); Mary Ann 1843(B);
READ Benjamin 1847(B); Mary Ann 1847(P); Robert 1847(P);
REAH George 1840(D); Hannah 1840(P); Isabella 1840(B); Joseph 1840(P); Rachael 1839(D);
REAY Ann 1847(M); Ann 1851(B); Barbara 1854(B); Betty 1845(P); Betty 1847(P); Betty 1849(P); Betty 1851(P); Betty 1854(P); Christopher 1838(B); Elizabeth 1867(P); Hannah 1838(P); Hannah 1841(P); Henry 1865(B); Isabella 1870(D); John 1838(B); John 1838(P); John 1841(B); John 1845(P); John 1847(B); John 1847(P); John 1861(D); John 1869(P); John 1871(B); John 1871(P); Joseph 1838(P); Joseph 1841(P); Joseph 1841(W); Mathew 1867(P); Matthew 1845(M); Matthew 1845(P); Matthew 1847(P); Matthew 1849(P); Matthew 1851(P); Matthew 1854(P); Nanny 1857(D); Rachel 1864(D); Rachel 1867(B); Sarah 1838(P); Sarah 1845(B); Sarah 1865(P); Sarah 1869(P); Sarah 1871(P); Sarah Elizabeth 1869(B); Sarah Elizabeth 1870(D); Thomas 1849(B); Thomas 1858(M);
REED Ann 1838(P); Ann 1850(M); Ann 1853(B); Deborah 1839(D); Edmund 1849(B); Elizabeth 1838(B); Elizabeth 1848(P); Elizabeth1849(P); Elizabeth 1849(W); Elizabeth 1851(P); Elizabeth 1853(P); Elizabeth 1855(W); Elizabeth 1856(P); Elizabeth 1858(P); Elizabeth 1867(D); Elizabeth 1870(D); Elizabeth Margaret 1868(D); Frederick William Chambers 1857(D); Hannah 1838(P); Hannah 1841(M); Hannah 1865(D); James 1848(P); Jane 1838(B); Jane 1851(P); Jane 1856(B); Jane Ann 1852(B); John 1838(P); John 1841(P); John 1851(B); John 1851(D); Joseph 1848(B); Joseph 1848(M); Joseph 1849(P); Joseph 1851(B); Joseph 1851(P); Joseph 1851(P); Joseph 1853(P); Joseph 1856(P); Joseph 1858(P); Joseph 1864(D); Mary 1844(D); Mary Ann 1849(P); Mary Ann 1852(P); Robert 1849(P); Robert 1852(P); Robert 1858(B); William 1849(B); William 1871(P);
RELPH Ann 1840(B); Ann 1840(P); Ann 1848(B); Ann 1848(B); Betty 1841(P); Elizabeth 1840(M); Elizabeth 1849(P); Elizabeth 1851(B); Elizabeth 1851(P); Ellen 1849(B); George 1846(D); George 1847(P); George 1849(B); Hannah 1857(D); Isaac 1851(B); Isaac 1851(P); Jane 1843(P); Jane 1846(P); Jane 1846(P); Jane 1848(P); Jane 1848(P); Jane 1849(P); John 1840(P); John 1843(P); John 1846(B); John 1846(M); John 1846(P); John 1846(P); John 1847(P); John 1849(P); John 1850(W); John 1851(P); Jonathan 1842(P); Jonathan 1846(B); Joseph 1840(P); Joseph 1842(M); Joseph 1843(P); Joseph 1846(P); Joseph 1848(P); Joseph 1848(P); Martha 1843(B); Martha 1847(M); Mary 1843(B); Mary 1847(W); mary 1849(P); Mary Ann 1851(P); Mary Jane 1849(B); Nancy 1843(P); Samuel 1841(B); Thomas 1846(W); Thomas 1847(M);
RENNY Agnes 1850(P); John 1850(B); Joseph 1850(P);
REYNOLDS Ann 1860(D); Jane 1841(P); Jane 1842(M); Jane 1847(D); Jane 1847(D); John 1841(B); John 1842(P); John 1852(W); Robert 1842(W); Robert 1846(D);
RHOADES Jane 1859(D);
RICHARDSON Elizabeth 1850(P); Jane Ann 1850(B); John 1842(M); Joseph 1850(P); Martha 1845(P); Matthew 1845(B); Richard 1845(P); William 1842(P);
RICKARBY Jacob 1843(D);
RICKERBY Ann 1852(B); Hannah 1839(P); Hannah 1841(P); Hannah 1844(P); Hannah 1847(P); Hannah 1849(P); Jacob 1841(B); Jane 1844(B); John 1852(P); Nancy 1852(P); Skelton 1849(B); Thomas 1847(B); William 1839(B); William 1839(P); William 1841(P); William 1844(P); William 1847(P); William 1849(P);
RIDLEY Jane 1843(D); John 1843(D);
RIGG Agnes 1871(M); Ann 1860(D); Ann 1865(B); Ann 1866(D); Ann 1867(B); Ann 1868(D); Anna 1849(W); Anna 1870(D); Catherine 1839(M); Catherine 1855(D); Elizabeth 1838(P); Elizabeth 1840(P); Elizabeth 1842(P); Elizabeth 1844(P); Elizabeth 1847(P); Elizabeth 1847(P); Elizabeth 1848(W); Elizabeth 1849(P); Elizabeth 1851(W); George 1847(B); George 1860(D); George 1869(P); George 1871(P); Hannah 1839(W); Hannah 1846(D); Hannah 1847(B); Hannah 1847(D); Hannah 1863(B); John 1840(D); John 1842(W); John 1844(B); John 1869(M); Joseph 1838(P); Joseph 1840(P); Joseph 1842(P); Joseph 1844(P); Joseph 1847(P); Joseph 1849(B); Joseph 1849(P); Joseph 1863(P); Joseph 1865(P); Joseph 1867(P); Joshua 1854(D); Margaret 1854(D); Mary 1842(B); Mary 1842(P); Mary 1845(P); Mary 1847(P); Mary 1849(M); Mary 1849(P); Nancy 1863(P); Nancy 1865(P); Nancy 1867(P); Priscilla 1842(B); Priscilla 1858(D); Priscilla 1867(D); Robert 1840(B); Robert 1842(M); Robert 1845(B); Robert 1845(P); Robert 1847(P); Robert 1849(P); Samuel 1842(W); Samuel 1849(W); Samuel 1864(D); Samuel 1867(D); William 1838(B); William 1838(D); William 1839(P); William 1842(P); William 1842(W); William 1847(B); William 1847(D); William 1849(B); William 1849(P); William 1853(D);
RITSON Elizabeth Ann 1869(M); Ellen 1859(P); Ellen 1861(P); Frances 1871(P); John 1855(D); John 1869(P); Mary Jane 1859(B); Mary Jane 1859(D); Mary Jane 1861(B); Peter 1852(M); Peter 1859(P); Peter 1860(D); Peter(late) 1861(P); Pheobe 1871(B); Robert 1871(P); Thomas Hodgson 1856(D); William 1854(W);
ROBERTSON George Hill 1868(B); Grace 1866(P); Grace 1869(B); Grace 1869(P); Jane 1866(B); John 1866(P); John 1869(P); Margaret 1868(P);
ROBINSON Ann 1863(D); Barwise 1842(B); Chambers Reed 1871(M); David 1840(M); Dent 1846(B); Edmund 1860(D); Elizabeth 1840(B); Elizabeth 1844(B); Fanny 1865(W); Frances 1844(B); Frances 1845(B); Frances 1846(B); Franci(e)s 1844(D); Grace 1838(P); Grace 1840(P); Grace 1842(P); Grace 1844(P); Grace 1846(P); Grace 1848(P); Grace 1849(P); Grace 1870(B); Hannah 1843(B); Hannah 1870(P); Isabella 1838(B); Jane 1838(P); Jane 1842(M); Jane 1852(B); Johm 1842(P); John 1838(P); John 1840(P); John 1842(P); John 1844(D); John 1844(P); John 1846(P); John 1848(P); John 1849(P); John 1855(B); John 1871(P); John 1871(P); Martha 1843(D); Mary 1844(P); Mary 1846(P); Mary 1849(B); Mary 1849(P); Mary 1852(P); Mary 1855(P); Mary 1871(P); Mary 1871(P); Matthew 1848(B); Matthew 1849(B); Rachel 1843(P); Rachel 1843(P); Rachel 1845(P); Rachel 1848(B); Rachel 1848(P); Rachel 1870(P); Rachel 1871(B); Richard 1845(P); Richard 1848(P); Richard 1871(B); Robert 1840(P); Thomas 1838(B); Thomas 1844(P); Thomas 1846(P); Thomas 1849(P); Thomas 1852(P); Thomas 1855(P); William 1843(B); William 1843(P); William 1843(P); William 1853(W);William 1860(D); William 1870(B);
ROBSON Christopher 1839(P); Elizabeth 1839(P); John 1839(M); John 1839(P); Joseph 1839(B);
RODDICK Edward 1860(B); George 1845(P); Hannah 1855(P); Hannah 1860(P); Henry 1855(P); Henry 1860(P);John 1845(M); John 1855(B); Thomas 1845(W);
ROME(?) John 1843(W);
ROOK Mary 1861(D);
ROOM Frances 1858(M);
ROPER Agnes 1847(B); Ann 1863(D); Catherine 1847(D); Dorothy Wise 1842(B); Dorothy Wise 1845(B); Elisabeth 1838(P); Elizabeth 1852(D); Fanny 1842(P); Frances 1840(D); John 1838(P); John 1842(W); John 1844(D); John 1844(M); John 1844(P); John 1845(P); John 1847(P); John 1850(D); John 1850(P); John 1857(D); John(decd) 1868(P); Margaret 1845(P); Margaret 1847(P); Margaret 1850(B); Margaret 1850(D); Margaret 1850(P); Thomas 1842(D); Buried at Newton Arlosh Thomas 1842(P); William 1838(B); William 1868(M);
ROSS Catherine 1849(W); John 1848(D); Thomas 1840(W); Thomas 1847(D);
ROUTLEDGE Aaron 1845(M); Aaron 1846(P); Aaron 1848(P); Aaron 1848(W); Aaron 1853(P); Aaron 1854(W); Betsy 1869(P); Betsy 1869(P); Eleanor 1838(B); Eleanor 1858(M); Elizabeth 1845(B); Elizabeth 1846(D); Elizabeth 1850(B); Elizabeth 1867(P); Emma Eliza 1867(B); John 1838(P); John 1841(P); John 1843(B); John 1843(P); John 1845(P); John 1847(P); John 1848(B); John 1850(P); John 1852(P); John 1854(P); John 1860(D); John 1865(B); John 1866(D); John 1867(P); John 1869(D); John 1869(P); John 1869(P); John (twin) 1869(B); Joseph 1868(B); Margaret 1865(P); Margaret 1868(P); Mary Ann 1854(B); Pheobe 1846(B); Rebecca 1838(P); Rebecca 1841(P); Rebecca 1843(P); Rebecca 1845(P); Rebecca 1847(P); Rebecca 1850(P); Rebecca 1852(P); Rebecca 1854(P); Rebecca 1869(D); Rebecca (twin) 1869(B); Robert 1841(B); Robert 1845(P); Robert 1853(B); Robert 1865(P); Robert 1868(P); Sarah 1846(P); Sarah 1848(P); Sarah 1853(P); William 1847(B); William 1849(D); William 1852(B);
ROWLANDS Sarah 1861(D);
RUDD Elizabeth 1847(W); Henry 1842(P); Henry 1858(D); Mary 1842(M); Mary 1871(D); Thomas 1866(D);
RUDDICK Ann 1864(B); Edward 1864(B); Hannah 1864(P); Hannah 1864(P); Hannah 1870(P); Henry 1864(P); Henry 1864(P); Henry 1870(B); Henry 1870(P);
RUSSEL Ann 1845(D); William 1845(D);
RYL(?) Hannah 1842(W);
SANDERSON Joseph 1841(D); Mary 1839(D);
SAUL Ann 1839(D); Anne 1840(P); Eliza 1855(D); Francis 1840(B); Francis 1846(D); John 1840(P); Joseph 1845(D);
SCOTT Adam 1843(P); Adam 1848(M); Adam 1848(P); Adam 1848(P); Adam 1850(D); Ann 1866(D); Bridget 1843(B); Catherine 1845(D); Catherine 1847(B); Elizabeth 1847(P); Elizabeth 1853(P); Elizabeth 1865(D); Ellen 1839(P); Ellen 1843(P); Ellen 1845(P); Francis 1845(B); George 1842(P); Isabella 1844(P); Isabella 1844(P); Isabella 1853(M); Isabella 1856(P); James 1841(P); James 1842(B); Jane 1839(P); Jane 1842(P); Jane 1845(P); Jane 1846(M); Jane 1846(P); Jane 1848(B); Jane 1848(B); Jane 1848(P); Jane 1858(D); Jane 1865(W); John 1839(P); John 1853(B); John 1855(D); John 1856(P); Margaret 1844(B); Margaret 1853(M); Martha 1841(M); Mary 1840(M); Mary 1842(D); Mary 1848(P); Mary 1853(D); Mary 1856(B); Nancy 1842(P); Richard 1839(P); Richard 1842(P); Richard 1843(P); Richard 1845(P); Richard 1846(P);Richard 1850(W); Robert 1844(B); Sarah 1839(B); Sarah 1843(M); Sarah 1846(W); Sarah 1848(W); Sarah 1851(W); Simon 1846(D); Thomas 1846(B); Thomas 1846(D); Thomas Lightfoot 1845(B); William 1839(B); William 1842(B); William 1842(M); William 1842(P); William 1845(P); William 1846(P); William 1848(P); William 1865(M); William 1865(P);
SCOTT John 1861(D);
SEWELL David 1856(P); Elizabeth 1856(P); John 1856(B); William 1867(W);
SHADWICK Ann 1857(P); John 1857(P); Joseph 1857(B);
SHARP George 1871(D); Isabella 1844(P); Isabella 1848(P); Isabella 1849(B); Isabella 1849(P); Jacob 1839(B); Jane 1843(D); Robert 1844(B); Robert 1844(P); Robert 1846(D); Robert 1848(B); Robert 1848(D); Robert 1848(P); Robert 1849(P); Robert 1861(D); Sarah 1839(P); William 1839(P);
SHARPE Ann 1841(P); Edward 1838(B); George 1870(B); Isabella 1840(P); Isabella 1870(P); Robert 1840(P); Sarah 1838(P); Sarah 1840(B); Sarah 1841(B); Sarah 1841(B); Sarah 1841(P); William 1838(P); William 1841(P);
SHAW John saul 1847(B); Joseph Saul 1845(D); Martha 1847(B); Rebecca 1841(D); Rebecca 1847(P); Rebecca 1847(P); the late John Cambell 1847(P); the late John Cambell 1847(P);
SHORTRIGGS John 1849(P); Nancy 1849(B); Omega 1849(P);
SIBSON Isaac 1839(M); Isaac 1839(P);
SIM Ann 1845(P); Ann 1847(M); Ann 1849(B); Ann 1860(D); Jane 1851(P); Jane 1853(B); Jane 1853(P); John 1855(D); John 1856(P); Joseph Martin 1847(M); joseph Martin 1848(P); Joseph Martin 1849(P); Joseph Martin 1851(P); Joseph Martin 1852(P); Joseph Martin 1853(P); Joseph Martin 1855(P); Joseph Martin 1856(B); Joseph Martin 1856(P); Joshua 1841(M); Joshua 1842(P); Joshua 1847(P); Joshua 1851(P); Joshua 1852(B); Joshua 1853(P); Joshua 1855(B); Joshua 1855(P); Mary 1842(P); Mary 1847(P); Mary 1848(P); Mary 1849(P); Mary 1851(P); Mary 1851(P); Mary 1852(P); Mary 1853(P); Mary 1853(P); Mary 1855(B); Mary 1855(P); Mary 1855(P); Mary 1856(P); mary 1856(P); Mary Ann 1842(B); Mary Ann 1853(B); Robert 1851(B);Sarah 1851(B); Sarah 1858(D); Sowerby 1845(P); Tamar 1845(B); Tamar 1856(B); Tamar 1861(D); Thomas 1853(B); Thomas 1862(D); William 1841(P); William 1847(B); William 1847(P); William 1847(P); William 1848(B); William 1848(M); William 1848(P); William 1851(B); William 1851(P); William 1853(P);
SIMM Ann 1844(D); Jane 1844(B); Joshua 1844(P); Mary 1844(P); William 1846(D);
SIMPSON Agnes 1865(P); Ann 1844(W); Elizabeth 1844(M); Elizabeth 1860(P); Fanny 1851(M); Herbert William 1860(B); Jane 1860(P); John Joseph 1843(B); John Joseph 1846(D); Joseph 1843(P); Joseph 1860(B); Margaret 1854(M); Mary 1843(P); Mary 1871(D); Robert 1860(P); Thomas 1844(P); Thomas 1865(P); Thomas Ward 1865(B);
SIMPSON(Iincumbent of this parish) Joseph(Rev) 1864(D);
SINTON Eleanor 1861(P); Francis 1861(P); Mary Jane 1863(D); William 1861(B); William 1861(D);
SKELTON Chambers 1855(B); Hannah 1845(W); Hannah 1846(W); Henry 1839(P); Henry 1841(B); Henry 1841(P); Henry 1842(P); Henry1844(P); Henry 1846(P); Henry 1849(P); Henry 1851(P); Henry 1855(P); John 1846(B); Jonathan 1844(D); Joseph 1844(B); Martha 1839(P); Martha 1841(P); Martha 1842(P); Martha 1844(P); Martha 1846(P); Martha 1849(P); Martha 1851(P); Martha 1855(P); Mary 1849(B); Mary 1850(W); Nancy 1839(D); Nancy 1845(M); Robert 1839(B); Ruth 1842(B); Sarah 1850(M); William 1840(W); William 1845(P); William 1851(B);
SLACK Ann 1848(P); Ann 1849(P); Ann 1852(P); Anne 1854(P); Elizabeth 1854(B); Elizabeth 1864(D); George 1848(B); George 1848(D); James 1846(B); John 1849(B); John 1850(M); Joseph 1868(D); Nancy 1846(P); Thomas 1846(P); Thomas 1848(P); Thomas 1849(P); Thomas 1852(P); Thomas 1854(P); William 1852(B);
SLATER Agnes 1857(P); Agnes 1859(P); Edward 1859(B); George 1856(W); Margaret 1857(B); Thomas 1856(M); Thomas 1857(P); Thomas 1859(P);
SMAIL George 1849(M); John 1849(P);
SMITH Archibald 1855(M); Archibald 1855(W); Archibald 1864(B); Archibald 1864(P); Archibald 1866(P); Archibold 1851(D); Charles1849(M); Charles 1849(P); Charles 1854(D); Charles 1856(D); Charles 1864(P); Charles George 1870(B); Edaward 1867(P); Edward 1839(B); Edward 1864(M); Edward 1865(D); Edward 1865(P); Edward 1870(P); Edward Atkin 1839(P); Elizabeth 1855(B); Elizabeth 1856(D); Elizabeth 1859(D); Elizabeth Ellen 1871(B); Fannie 1864(P); Fanny 1862(D); Fanny 1866(P); Frances 1858(W); Henry 1851(P); Herrina 1851(B); Isabella 1871(P); Jane Ann 1867(D); Janet Elizabeth 1851(P); John 1838(D); Jonah James 1852(D); Jonah James 1865(B); Joseph 1846(D); Joseph 1849(W); Joseph 1850(W); Joseph 1855(M); Joseph 1855(P); Mary 1839(P); Mary Elizabeth 1866(B); Phebe 1854(M); Rachel 1855(P); Robert 1858(W); Robert 1863(W); Ruth 1850(D); Ruth Farlam 1867(B); Sarah 1865(P); Sarah 1867(P); Sarah 1870(P); Simon 1853(W); Walter 1871(P);
SNODDEN Mary 1838(D);
SNOWDEN Ann Barwise 1842(W);
SPARK Elizabeth 1851(P); George 1844(B); Hannah 1851(B); James 1845(B); John 1840(B); John 1840(P); John 1844(P); John 1846(P); John 1851(P); Joseph 1845(P); Mary 1840(P); Mary 1844(P); Mary 1845(P); Mary 1846(P); Mary 1851(P); Mary 1853(W); Sarah 1846(B); William 1842(W); William 1851(B);
SPARKE Agnes 1841(B); John 1841(P); Mary 1841(P); StalkerSTALKER Ann 1856(P); Anne 1852(W); Jane 1852(M); John 1856(B); John 1863(B); Joseph 1848(D); Margaret 1863(P); Nancy 1871(D); Thomas 1863(P);
STAMPER Ann 1851(P); Ann 1853(P); Ann 1856(B); Ann 1870(D); Daniel 1864(D); Elizabeth 1849(P); Elizabeth 1851(P); Elizabeth 1853(P); Elizabeth 1856(P); Elizabeth 1858(B); Elizabeth 1858(P); Elizabeth 1861(P); Jane 1841(W); Jane 1841(W); Jane 1855(M); John 1853(B); John 1853(B); John 1859(D); Joseph 1851(B); Martha 1841(M); Mary 1851(W); Mary 1852(B); Mary 1852(P); Mary 1856(P); Mary 1862(M); Mary Ann 1856(B); Ruth 1861(B); Salkeld 1841(P); Salkeld 1848(P); Salkeld 1849(B); Salkeld 1851(B); Salkeld 1851(W); Salkeld 1855(W); Salkeld 1864(D); Salkeld(decd) 1862(P); Soloman 1851(M); Soloman 1851(P); Soloman 1853(P); Thomas 1848(M); Thomas 1849(P); Thomas 1851(P); Thomas 1853(P); Thomas 1856(P); Thomas 1858(P); Thomas 1861(P); Thomas 1865(D);
STECH W.G. 1859(W);
STEEL Alice 1839(P); Ann 1848(D); Anne 1838(D); Betty 1839(P); Betty 1839(P); Betty 1841(W); Betty 1842(M); Daniel 1869(W);David 1864(W); David 1867(D); Dinah 1867(B); Dorothy 1864(D); Elizabeth 1846(D); Elizabeth 1868(B); Esther 1852(M); Esther 1870(B); George 1857(D); James 1856(P); James 1859(D); Jane 1847(M); Jane 1864(D); Jane 1868(D); Jane Ann 1862(B); John 1842(P); John 1847(P); John 1859(D); John 1860(D); Joseph 1860(M); Joseph 1862(P); Joseph 1864(P); Margaret 1839(B); Margaret 1849(P); Margaret 1867(P); Margaret 1870(P); Mary 1843(W); Mary 1860(D); Mary 1862(P); Mary 1864(B); Mary 1864(P); Mary Ann 1849(B); Mary Ann 1867(W); Robert 1860(P); Sarah Ann 1868(P); Thomas 1839(P); Thomas 1849(P); Thomas 1867(P); Thomas 1870(P); Thomas Jefferson 1854(W); Thomas Jefferson 1869(W); William 1839(B); William 1839(B); William 1842(W); William 1843(M); William 1843(P); William 1843(W); William 1848(W);
STEELE Agnes 1840(P); Robert 1840(P); William 1840(D); William Graham 1840(B);
STEPHENSON Elizabeth 1861(P); James 1861(B); James 1861(P); Jane 1851(P); John 1851(B); Margaret 1839(W); Margaret 1840(W);
STEWARD Anne 1842(P); William 1842(B); William 1842(P);
STEWART Ann 1849(P); Ann 1849(P); Anne 1840(D); Christopher 1849(B); Christopher 1853(D); Mary Ann 1849(B); William 1849(P); William 1849(P);
STITT Agnes 1842(M); James 1842(P); Mary 1842(W);
STOCKDALE John 1851(M); STODDART Eleanor 1842(B); Eleanor 1842(P); Hannah 1839(P); Hannah 1842(P); Hannah 1844(P); James Waite 1844(B); John 1838(W); Joseph 1839(B); William 1839(P); William 1842(B); William 1842(P); William 1842(P); William 1844(P);
STODDART Hannah 1847(P); John 1847(B); William 1847(P);
STRONG Christopher 1860(P); Edward 1860(B); Frances 1860(P); Elizabeth 1844(D); Jane 1851(M); John 1846(W); John 1866(M); John 1866(P);
STUBBS Abigail 1860(D); Ann 1847(M); Ann 1847(W); Ann 1853(B); Betty 1857(D); David 1849(M); David 1850(P); David 1852(P); David 1853(P); David 1854(D);Elizabeth 1843(B); Elizabeth 1847(W); Elizabeth 1870(P); Francis 1839(D); Glaister 1853(D); Hannah 1849(B); Hannah 1858(P); Ismay 1839(P); Ismay 1843(P); Ismay 1843(P); Ismay 1845(P); Ismay 1847(P); Ismay 1849(P); Jane 1843(B); Jane 1854(W); Jane 1858(B); John 1839(D); John 1845(P); John 1849(P); John 1850(B); John 1854(M); John 1860(P); Josep Donald 1857(M); Joseph 1846(D); Joseph Donald 1858(P); Margaret 1860(W); Margaret 1870(B); Margaret 1871(P); Mary 1839(P); Mary 1843(P); Mary 1843(P); Mary 1845(P); Mary 1847(P); Mary 1849(P); Mary 1849(W); Mary 1850(P); Mary 1852(P); Mary 1852(P); Mary 1853(P); Mary 1857(W); Mary 1860(M);Nancy 1839(D); Nancy 1844(D); Nanny 1845(M); Phobe 1839(B); Sarah 1871(B); Thomas 1847(P); Thomas 1852(B); Thomas 1867(D); Thomas 1870(P);Thomas Ismay 1847(B); William 1845(B); William 1852(B); William 1852(D);
STUDHOLM John 1843(D);
STUDHOLME Abraham 1842(B); Agnes 1842(P); Agnes 1844(W); Agnes 1848(P); Agness 1839(P); Ann 1843(B); Elizabeth 1840(P); Elizabeth 1847(D); Jane 1839(B); John 1840(P); John 1843(P); Jonathan 1840(D); Jonathan 1846(P); Joseph 1845(W); Mary 1843(P); Mary 1846(M); Mary 1850(D); Richard 1839(P); Richard 1842(P); Richard 1848(P); Thomas 1840(M); Thomas 1840(P); Thomas 1843(M); Thomas 1843(P); William 1840(B); Wilson 1848(B);
SWINBURN John 1847(P); William 1847(M); William 1852(W);
TATE Mary 1862(P); Robert 1862(B); Thomas 1862(P);
TAYLOR Fanny 1867(D); Mary 1861(W); Richard 1847(M); Richard 1847(P); William 1844(D);
TEASDALE Anne 1850(W);
TELFORD Agness 1840(D); Henry 1869(D); John 1840(P); John 1843(B); Nathaniel 1848(B); Sarah 1841(P); Sarah 1843(P); Sarah 1848(P);Sarah 1850(P); Tamar 1841(B); William 1840(M); William 1841(P); William 1843(P); William 1848(P); William 1850(B); William 1850(P);
TEMPLE Esther 1841(M); Joseph 1841(P); Mary 1841(W);
TENISON Mary 1840(B); Mary 1840(P); William 1840(P);
TENNISON(?) William 1842(W);
TENNYSON(?) Jane 1842(D);
THOMLINSON Jane 1841(P); Nicholas 1841(B);
THOMPSON Alexander 1870(P); Ann 1849(D); Ann 1849(P); Ann 1861(B); Arthur 1845(P); Bridget 1864(B); Bridget 1864(D); Christine 1870(B); Eleanor 1846(P); Eleanor 1848(P); Eleanor 1850(P); Eleanor 1852(P); George 1846(B); Helen 1849(B); Isabella 1845(M); Jane 1850(W); Jane 1851(P); Jane 1848(B); Janet 1870(P); John 1849(P); John 1852(M); John 1853(P); John 1854(B); John 1854(P); John 1855(D); John 1856(B); John 1856(P); John 1858(P); John 1861(P); John 1864(P); Joseph 1850(M); Joseph 1851(B); Joseph 1851(P); Julia1853(P); Julia 1854(P); Julia 1856(P); Julia 1858(P); Julia 1861(P); Julia 1864(P); Margaret 1840(D); Margaret 1853(B); Margaret1854(W); Margaret 1858(B); Margaret 1858(D); Margaret 1863(M); Mary 1850(B); Mary 1854(M); Mary 1864(W); Tamar 1870(D); Thomas 1846(P); Thomas 1848(P); Thomas 1850(P); Thomas 1852(B); Thomas 1852(P); William 1850(W); William 1863(P);
THWAITE Betsy 1844(B); Betsy 1844(P); Joseph 1844(P);
THWAITES Elizabeth 1842(P); Jane 1842(B); Joseph 1842(P);
TIFFEN Esther 1848(B); Esther 1848(P); Jane 1844(W); John 1848(P);
TIFFIN Christiana 1846(B); Esther 1842(P); Esther 1845(P); Esther 1846(P); Jane 1845(B); Jeremiah 1841(P); John 1841(M); John 1842(P); John 1845(P); John 1846(P); Mary Anne 1842(B);
TIMPERON Hannah 1843(D); TindallTINDALL Anne 1839(D); Elizabeth 1841(D); Jane 1842(D); Martha 1843(M); Mary 1848(M); William 1843(P); William 1843(W); William 1848(P); William 1851(D);
TINNISWOOD Elizabeth Mary 1847(W); George 1847(M); Joseph 1847(P);
TISDALE(?) Henry 1844(W);
TODD Dinah 1838(W); Dinah 1840(W); Dinah 1850(B); Dinah 1851(D); Dinah 1858(M); Dinah 1866(B); Eleanor 1843(D); Hannah 1842(M); Isabella 1843(B); John 1840(P); John 1840(P); John 1842(P); John 1842(W); John 1842(W); John 1847(B); John 1848(B); Joseph 1848(B); Joshua 1838(M);Joshua 1839(B); Joshua 1839(P); Joshua 1841(P); Joshua 1843(P); Joshua 1844(P); Joshua 1847(P); Joshua 1848(P); Joshua 1850(P); Joshua 1855(P); Joshua 1857(D); Joshua 1857(P); Margaret 1857(M); Mary 1840(M); Mary 1840(P); Mary 1840(P); Mary 1841(P); Mary 1844(B); Mary 1848(P); Mary 1849(D); Mary 1866(P); Philip 1855(B); Richard 1838(P); Richard 1840(P); Richard 1841(B); Robert 1840(B); Robert 1840(B); Robert 1841(B); Robert 1841(P); Robert 1842(D); Robert 1848(P); Sarah 1839(P); Sarah 1841(P);Sarah 1843(P); Sarah 1844(P); Sarah 1847(P); Sarah 1848(P); Sarah 1850(P); Sarah 1855(P); Sarah 1857(B); Sarah 1857(P);
TORDIFF George 1838(P); George 1840(B); George 1840(P); George 1850(W); George 1853(D); George 1856(D); Jane 1838(B); John 1841(D); John 1862(D); Joseph 1847(W); Joseph 1849(M); Martha 1840(D); Martha 1842(W); Martha 1843(M); Mary 1838(P); Mary 1840(P); Mary 1854(D);Mary 1869(D); William 1843(P); William 1849(P); William 1864(D);
TORDIFFE Jane 1843(P); Jane 1846(D); Jane 1847(B); Jane 1847(P); Margret 1861(D); Mary 1843(B); Mary 1861(D); Matthew 1843(P); Matthew 1847(P);
TOWERS Abigail 1849(P); Mary 1849(B);
TOWNS John 1841(B); Mary 1841(P);
TRAINOR John 1864(D);
TREMBLE Ann 1839(W); Ann 1843(M); Bridget 1842(D); Joseph 1843(P);
TURNBULL Isabella 1870(D); John 1844(M); Timothy 1844(P);
TWEDDLE Ann 1841(P); David 1852(B); James 1852(P); John 1841(P); John 1849(M); Mary 1852(P); Richard 1841(B); Richard 1849(P);
TWENTYMAN Geo. 1845(W);
UNDERWOOD Archibald 1839(P); Archibald 1839(P); Archibald 1848(P); Catherine 1839(P); Catherine 1839(P); John Jefferson 1848(B); Joseph 1844(W); Joseph 1848(M); Joseph 1848(P); Joseph 1851(P); Joseph 1852(P); Joseph 1854(B); Joseph 1854(P); Joseph 1855(D); Joseph 1855(P); Martha 1848(P); Martha 1851(P); Martha 1852(P); Martha 1854(P); Martha 1855(P); Mary 1855(B); Mary Anne 1842(D); Tabitha 1839(B); Thomas 1851(B); William 1839(B); William 1852(B);
UNKNOWN Mary Anne 1840(W);
USHER John 1848(D);
WAITE Ann 1843(B); Ann 1843(P); Ann 1845(W); Betsy 1851(M); Betty 1839(P); Betty 1839(P); Betty 1841(W); Elizabeth 1839(P); Elizabeth 1841(W); Elizabeth 1845(P); Hannah 1845(B); Hannah 1845(B); Isaac 1839(B); Isabella 1848(B); Jacob 1839(P); Jacob 1839(P); Jacob 1841(P); James 1841(P); James 1843(P); Jane 1841(M); Jane 1843(B); Jane 1843(P); Jane 1848(P); Jane 1854(B); John 1846(B); John 1846(D); Joseph 1839(P); Joseph 1844(P); Joseph 1859(D); Martha 1839(M); Martha 1852(D); Mary 1844(M); Mary 1845(D); Mary 1845(P); Mary 1846(P); Mary 1848(P); Mary 1851(P); Mary 1854(P); Mary 1866(D); not given 1839(P); Robert 1839(B); Robert 1841(M); Robert 1843(P); Robert 1846(D); Robert 1848(P); Robert 1851(M); Sarah 1839(B); thomas Bushby 1848(B); William 1845(P); William 1848(P); William 1851(B); William 1851(P); William 1851(W); William 1854(P);
WALDIE John 1845(M); Robert 1845(P); Samuel 1845(W); WalkerWALKER Jane 1866(D);
WALLACE George 1846(P); William 1846(M);
WANNOP Isabella 1839(P); Isabella 1841(P); Isabella 1843(P); Isabella 1844(P); Isabella 1847(P); Isabella 1849(P); Jane 1839(B); John 1841(B); John 1839(D); Martha 1844(B); Martha 1847(D); Mary 1847(B); Sarah 1843(B); Thomas 1849(B); Walter 1839(P); Walter 1841(P); Walter 1843(P); Walter 1847(P); Walter 1849(P); Walton 1844(P);
WARD Elizabeth 1855(D); George 1838(D); George 1848(B); George 1862(B); James 1863(D); Jane 1860(P); Jane 1862(P); Jane 1867(P); Jane 1869(D); John 1862(D); John 1867(B); John 1867(D); Mary 1848(P); Mary 1849(P); Richard 1849(B); Richard 1849(D); Richard 1860(B); Richard 1868(D);
WATERS Ann 1841(D); Margaret 1841(D);
WATMAN Robert 1839(D); Thomas 1839(D);
WATSON Ann 1845(P); Ann 1847(P); Ann 1849(P); Ann 1849(P); Ann 1851(P); Ann 1857(P); Ann 1859(P); Backhouse 1857(B); Backhouse Twentyman 1857(P); Edward 1852(B); Elizabeth 1861(P); George 1849(P); Hannah 1847(D); Hannah 1860(D); Hannah 1868(D); Isaac1849(P); Isaac 1850(B); Isaac 1857(P); Isaac 1859(P); Isabella 1839(P); James 1839(P); James 1845(B); James 1851(B); James 1853(D); James 1857(B); Jane 1844(D); Jane 1855(P); Jane 1857(P); John 1839(B); John 1839(D); John 1842(B); John 1842(D); John 1845(P); John 1847(B); John 1847(P); John 1849(B); John 1849(P); John 1850(D); John 1851(P); John 1859(D); Joseph 1841(M); Joseph 1841(P); Margaret Ann 1861(B); Maria 1839(P); Maria 1842(P); Maria 1845(P); Maria 1847(P); Maria 1850(P); Maria 1852(P); Maria 1867(D); Mary 1849(M); Mary 1849(P); Mary Ann 1849(B); Mary Jane 1855(B); Rachel 1855(M); Robert 1839(B); Robert 1845(B); Robert 1847(B); Thomas 1849(B); Thomas 1855(D); Thomas 1859(M); Thomas 1861(P); William 1839(P); William 1842(P); William 1845(P);William 1847(P); William 1850(P); William 1852(P); William 1859(B); William 1861(D); William.G 1846(W);
WAUGH Dorothy Roper 1842(M); Hannah 1842(W); John 1847(W); John 1867(D); William 1842(P);
WELSH(?) William 1844(D);
WESTMORELAND Arthur 1870(D);
WHARTON Hannah 1863(D); William 1845(D);
WILKIN Margaret Ann 1867(B); Susanna 1867(P);
WILKINSON Mary 1865(D); Mary 1866(D); Mary 1866(W); Nancy 1846(M); Thomas 1846(P); Thomas 1848(P); Thomas 1858(D); William 1848(M);
WILLAS Catherine 1839(B); Sarah 1839(P); William 1839(P);
WILLIAMSON Agnes 1844(M); James 1844(P); James 1844(W); James 1851(M);
WILLIIS Nancy 1844(B); Sarah 1844(P); William 1844(P); Ann 1842(D); Ann 1845(P); Deborah 1856(D); Dinah 1840(D); Henry 1840(D); John 1850(D); John 1856(W); John Drape 1850(D); John Watman 1843(D); Joseph 1845(B); Joseph 1845(P); Joseph 1846(D); Julia 1843(D); Margaret 1838(D); Martha 1847(B); Martha 1848(D); Sarah 1841(P); Sarah 1847(P); William 1841(B); William 1841(P); William 1847(P);
WILSON Ann 1844(W); Ann 1868(P); Anne 1839(D); Ashley H.(decd) 1870(P); Ashley Henry 1838(P); Ashley Henry 1840(P); Ashley Henry1843(P); Ashley Henry 1846(P); Ashley Henry 1846(P); Ashley Henry 1849(P); Ashley Henry 1852(P); Ashley Henry 1854(D); Ashley Henry 1871(B); Catherine Louisa 1849(B); Eleanor Jane 1838(B); Elizabeth 1845(B); Elizabeth 1852(B); Elizabeth 1868(B); Emily Mary 1846(B); Esther 1871(P); Fanny 1867(P); Fanny Noble 1869(B); Frances 1859(P); Frances 1865(B); Frances 1865(P); Frances 1869(P); Frances 1871(B); George 1842(B); Hannah 1840(B); Hannah 1844(B); Hannah 1846(M); Hannah 1854(W); Hannah 1866(D); Isabella 1849(D); Isabella 1871(B); Jane 1838(D); Jane 1846(B); Jane 1847(B); Jane 1849(P); Jane 1864(D); Jane 1865(P); Jane 1866(P); Jane 1868(P); Jane 1870(D); Jane 1871(P); John 1868(D); John 1871(P); John Hodgson 1867(B); John Jackson 1846(B); John Jackson 1846(D); John Twentyman 1866(B);Joseph 1841(B); Joseph 1844(P); Margaret 1838(M); Margaret 1844(M); Margaret 1845(P); Margaret 1847(P); Margaret 1851(P); Martha 1839(P); Martha 1840(P); Martha 1842(P); Martha 1844(P); Martha 1846(P); Martha 1848(P); Mary1838(P); Mary 1840(P); Mary 1841(P); Mary 1843(P); Mary 1843(P); Mary 1844(W); Mary 1846(P); Mary 1846(P); Mary 1849(P); Mary 1852(P); Mary 1854(D); Mary 1868(D); Mary Agnes 1843(B); Mary Agnes 1843(D); Mary Anne 1838(M); Mary Anne 1839(M); Mary Hannah 1859(B); Mary Jane 1868(B); Robert 1869(P); Robert 1839(B); Robert 1839(P); Robert 1845(D); Robert 1846(P); Robert 1851(B); Robert 1851(W); Robert 1859(P); Robert 1865(B); Robert 1865(P); Robert 1865(P); Robert 1867(P); Sarah 1859(D); Sarah 1871(P); Thomas1848(B); Thomas 1868(W); William 1838(P); William 1839(M); William 1839(P); William 1839(P); William 1840(P); William1840(W);William 1842(M);William 1842(P); William 1842(P); William 1843(P); William 1844(P); William 1845(P); William 1846(P); William 1847(P); William 1848(P); William 1849(B); William 1851(D); William 1851(P); William 1866(P); William 1867(D); William 1868(P); William 1868(P); William Fletcher 1840(B); William Fletcher 1870(M); William Fletcher 1871(P); William Osmotherley 1843(B);
WISE Agnes 1855(W); Ann 1843(D); Ann 1845(W); Ann 1846(M); Betty 1857(D); Dorothy 1848(D); Elizabeth 1845(B); Elizabeth 1846(D); Elizabeth 1848(P); Elizabeth 1849(W); Elizabeth 1851(D); George 1846(P); George 1847(D); George 1864(P); George 1869(D); Hannah1848(D); Jane 1843(D); Jane 1851(W); Jane 1860(D); Jane Elizabeth 1841(B); Jane Elizabeth 1869(W); Jane Elizabeth 1870(M); John 1839(D); John 1843(D); John 1843(P); John 1848(B); John Wilson 1847(D); Jonathan 1866(D); Joseph 1864(D); Martha 1864(W); Mary 1841(P); Mary 1842(W); Mary 1843(M); Mary 1845(P); Mary 1846(W);Mary 1851(M); Sarah 1864(M);Thomas 1848(P); William 1860(D);
WISHART Andrew 1848(P); William 1848(M);
WOOD Ann 1868(D); Betty 1867(B); Elizabeth 1848(P); Esther 1871(B); Hannah 1867(P); Jane 1864(P); Jane 1866(P); Jane 1868(P); Jane 1871(P);John 1864(B); Martha 1869(W); Mary 1866(B); Mary 1869(W); Rebecca 1848(B); Richard 1848(P); Sarah 1868(B); Thomas 1864(P); Thomas 1866(P); Thomas 1867(P); Thomas 1868(P); Thomas 1871(P);
WRIGHT Ann 1851(D); James 1845(P); James 1871(P); Margaret 1845(M); Mary 1871(P); Sarah 1871(B);
WYLIE Ann 1852(B); David 1850(B); Margaret 1863(D); Maria 1848(P); Maria 1850(P); Maria 1852(P); Maria 1863(D); Peter 1848(B); William 1848(P); William 1850(P); William 1852(P);
WYLIE(?) Ann 1844(B); Catherine 1842(P); Catherine 1844(P); Joseph 1842(B); William 1842(P); William 1844(P);
YOUNG Alan 1845(P); Ann 1852(P); Ann 1857(P); Ann 1860(P); Ann 1862(P); Ann 1864(P); Benjamin 1852(B); James 1857(B); John 1845(M); John 1862(B);Maria 1860(B); Richard 1852(P); Richard 1857(P); Richard 1860(P); Richard 1862(P); Richard 1864(B); Richard 1864(P);
YOUNGHUSBAND John 1838(D); John 1845(W); John 1846(W); John 1868(D);