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Birthdates in the Harry Potter universe: an examination of what we know or can deduce about the dates of birth of various Potterverse characters, with an explanation for the apparent anomalies relating to dating Charlie Weasley. For a summary listing known or surmised dates for all characters, jump to end.
JK Rowling's official website opened in May 2004. Starting from July 2004 onwards, the website has posted annual birthday greetings and e-cake to various characters from the Harry Potter books. By this method, she has established birthdays for many of the major characters. Some of these are also confirmed in the books.
In addition, internal evidence in the books sheds light on some other birthdays which are not on the cake-list, although in the case of James Potter that evidence is conflicting.
James really ought to have been born some time between early June and the end of August, because the bullying incident which Harry saw in the Pensieve took place during James's OWLs, which would normally be held during the first two weeks in June in the students' fifth year, when they were either fifteen or sixteen, and Lupin says that James was still fifteen at that point.
Then Lupin said quietly, 'I wouldn't like you to judge your father on what you saw there, Harry. He was only fifteen --' [OotP ch. #29 p. 590]
James Potter, born 27 March 1960, died 31 October 1981Lily Potter, born 30 January 1960, died 31 October 1981[DH ch. #16; p. 268] But either JK just forgot about that or Lupin was getting mixed up, because the tombstone at Godric's Hollow in Deathly Hallows states flatly that he was born on the 27th of March (and Lily Evans was born on 30th January). Perhaps Lupin was susbconsciously thinking of the werewolf "prank", which you would think would prey on his mind rather; in which case this would be evidence that that incident occurred prior to the 27th of March. 'New Year's Eve and bitter cold, snowing, you know. Nasty night. And this girl, not much older than I was myself at the time, came staggering up the front steps. Well, she wasn't the first. We took her in and she had the baby within the hour.' [HBP ch. #13; p. 249] Tom Riddle's birthday is quite definite. HBP clearly states that he was born on New Year's Eve, or just possibly on New Year's Day, depending on how late on New Year's Eve his mother arrived at the orphanage. JKR was asked about this on her website, and said New Year's Eve. [cut] Harry and Uncle Vernon watched Dudley unwrap the racing bike, a cine-camera, a remote-control aeroplane [PS ch. #02; p. 21] It was a very sunny Saturday and the zoo was crowded with families. [PS ch. #02; p. 24] The month-old cine-camera was lying on top of a small, working tank [PS ch. #03; p. 32] Next morning at breakfast, everyone was rather quiet. [PS ch. #03; p. 32] The repaired alarm clock rang at six o'clock the next morning. [PS ch. #03; p. 33] On Friday, no fewer than twelve letters arrived for Harry. [PS ch. #03; p. 34] On Saturday, things began to get out of hand. [PS ch. #03; p. 34] On Sunday morning, Uncle Vernon sat down at the breakfast table looking tired and rather ill, but happy. [PS ch. #03; p. 34] 'It's Monday,' [Dudley] told his mother. 'The Great Humberto's on tonight.' [PS ch. #03; p. 36] The lighted dial of Dudley's watch [cut] told Harry he'd be eleven in ten minutes' time. [PS ch. #03; p. 38] '[Harry's] a month younger than Dudley' [HBP ch. #03; p. 56] Dudley Dursley's date is more approximate, and is based on calculations given on the Harry Potter Lexicon. We know that Dudley received a cine-camera for his eleventh birthday, which was a Saturday. We know that Harry's birthday was July 31st. The day before Harry's birthday was the day they woke up at the hotel and all rowed out to the island, and it was a Monday, so Harry's birthday was a Tuesday (in Rowling-time: in real life it was a Wednesday). The day before they went to the island was the day they left home and drove to the hotel, which is confirmed as a Sunday. Saturday and Friday are also specified. The day before that, which was the day Harry trod on Vernon's sleeping face, was therefore a Thursday. The day the letters began arriving addressed to Harry in The Smallest Bedroom was the Wednesday and the day they first started arriving was Tuesday 24th July, one week before Harry's birthday - and it was on that day that Harry moved from his cupboard to Dudley's second bedroom. On that day, he saw the cine-camera and thought of it as being a month old, so Dudley received the camera approximately five weeks prior to Harry's birthday. Dudley's birthday was therefore round about 24th June, if Harry means the camera is a calendar month old, or 26th June if he means it's four weeks old. The 26th of June, being four weeks earlier than the 24th July, would also have been a Tuesday (Rowling time). Dudley's birthday was on a Saturday so it would have been either 23rd June or 30th June. The Lexicon has plumped for 23rd June because it is the closest Saturday to 24th June. I'm more inclined to go for 30th June because it fits better with Petunia's statement that Harry is a month younger than Dudley. The escape of the Brazilian boa constrictor earned Harry his longest-ever punishment. By the time he was allowed out of his cupboard again, the summer holidays had started and Dudley had already broken his new cine-camera [PS ch. #03; p. 28] A birthday on the 30th June also reduces the otherwise improbably long time Harry spent confined his cupboard (although not locked in, since he raided the kitchen at night) after the snake incident, since we know he was shut in (at least in the evenings: we don't know whether he was still going to school or not) from the evening of Dudley's birthday until after school ended for the summer, which would be in the third week in July. ... he watched the younger of the two girls swinging higher and higher than her sister. 'Lily, don't do it!' shrieked the elder of the two. [DH ch. #33; p. 532] For Petunia, we do not have a birthdate: we know only that she's visibly older than Lily, but not too old to play on the swings with her, so probably two or three years older. But a firm birthdate has been stated for Vernon - 11th September 1956 - although I haven't found the location where this was originally given or by whom (so it's possibly fanon), and Rowling has said that Petunia was initially Vernon's secretary. As the next day was Saturday, most students would normally have breakfasted late. [GoF ch. #16; p. 228] The decorations in the Great Hall had changed this morning. As it was Hallowe'en, a cloud of live bats was fluttering around the enchanted ceiling [cut] 'Are you seventeen, then?' asked Harry. [cut] 'I had my birthday last week,' said Angelina. [GoF ch. #16; p. 229/230] In addition, we know that Angelina Johnson was born in the last week of October, since she turned seventeen during the week prior to the Hallowe'en in GoF (and that Hallowe'en was a Saturday in Rowling-time, so there's no ambiguity between "the previous calendar week" and "the previous seven days"). Wood had pointed out Cedric Diggory to him in the corridor; Diggory was a fifth year and a lot bigger than Harry. [PoA ch. #09; p. 131] Cedric Diggory was an extremely handsome boy of around seventeen. [GoF ch. #06; p. 67] [cut] the selection of the three champions will take place at Hallowe'en. [cut]'Eager though I know all of you will be to bring the Triwizard Cup to Hogwarts,' he said, 'the Heads of the participating schools, along with the Ministry of Magic, have agreed to impose an age restriction on contenders this year. Only students who are of age - that is to say, seventeen years or older - will be allowed to put forward their names for consideration.' [GoF ch. #12; p. 166] By the time Harry reached the bottom of the marble staircase, Cedric was at the top. He was with a load of sixth-year friends. [GoF ch. #20; p. 297] We also know that Cedric Diggory was one of the oldest students in his year, with a birthday probably in early September. We know that he was a fifth-year in PoA so he was a sixth-year in GoF, and this is confirmed by the fact that he had a group of friends in sixth-year. He had to have turned seventeen by Hallowe'en of GoF in order for his name to be entered into the draw for the Triwizard Tournament, but in any case we are told that he was "around seventeen" at the World Cup. But there was still a fortnight to go before he went back to school. [GoF ch. #02; p. 24] [cut] the final of the Quidditch World Cup takes place next Monday night [GoF ch. #03; p. 32] [cut] allowing Harry to disappear to the Weasleys' for the rest of the summer would get rid of him two weeks earlier than anyone could have hoped, [GoF ch. #03; p. 33] By twelve o'clock next day, Harry's trunk was packed [GoF ch. #04; p. 39] 'You really should be in bed, the whole lot of you, you'll be up at the crack of dawn to get to the Cup.' [GoF ch. #05; p. 60] Neither Mr Weasley nor Percy was at home much over the following week. [cut] 'It's been absolute uproar,' Percy told them importantly, the Sunday evening before they were due to return to Hogwarts. [GoF ch. #10; p. 135] There was a definite end-of-the-holidays gloom in the air when Harry awoke next morning. Heavy rain was still splattering against the window as he got dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt; they would change into their school robes on the Hogwarts Express. [GoF ch. #11; p. 141] The World Cup took place two weeks before the start of the autumn term 1994, which was presumably on September 1st as usual. We know that term started on a Monday, and that the World Cup was on a Monday. It's ambiguous whether nearly-one or nearly-two weeks pass at the Weasleys' house between the day after the World Cup (a Tuesday) and the day before the start of term (a Sunday), but we know that Harry receives his invitation to the World Cup about two weeks before the start of term, that he set off for The Burrow the day after he received the invitation, and that the World Cup was the day after that. So he received the invition on Saturday 16th August (Rowling-time) and the World Cup took place on Monday 18th August. At that time, Cedric can't have been quite seventeen, or he would have been going into seventh year, not sixth (unless he repeated a year). Yet, in order to be "around seventeen" he must have been very nearly seventeen, so his birthday was in September, and probably in the first half. 'He's unbelievable. He's really young, too. Only just eighteen or something.' [GoF ch. #07; p. 77] It was hard to believe he was only eighteen. [GoF ch. #08; p. 95] According to Ron, at the World Cup, Viktor Krum was only just turned eighteen, so if that's right we can assume he was born in July or early August, yet he was still a schoolboy the following academic year. If he was a Hogwarts student that wouldn't be possible, unless he was repeating a year, because a student whose birthday fell during the summer would be one of the youngest in his year and would finish NEWTs before his eighteenth birthday. But Durmstrang may set the barrier which decides which birthdates go into which academic year earlier than Hogwarts - perhaps August 1st rather than September 1st - or their course may be a year longer. Birth years: 'Well, this Hallowe'en will be my five hundredth deathday,' said Nearly Headless Nick [CoS ch. #08; p. 99] Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpingtondied 31st October, 1492[CoS ch. #08; p. 102] We know the years in which the books are set, because during the autumn (first) term of Harry's second year he attended a party to mark the five hundredth anniversary of the death of Nearly Headless Nick, and there was a banner proclaiming that Nick had died in 1492. We know, therefore, that Harry's second academic year was 1992/93. Harry started at Hogwarts in 1991 and he turned eleven that year, so he was born in 1980. This is consistent with his parents' date of death, which is given in Deathly Hallows as Hallowe'en 1981. We know that pupils start at Hogwarts no earlier than the September 1st after they turn eleven, because JK said on her website that "... you must be at least eleven to attend Hogwarts...." - although it isn't clear what happens if your birthday is actually September 1st. But since that doesn't apply to any of the students whose birthdays we know, we can infer that if Harry was born in 1980 then Hermione was born in 1979 and Ron, Neville, Draco and Dudley in 1980. Everyone in Harry's year (unless they are repeating a year) was born between September 1979 and August 1980. Looking up, he saw the very small, mousy-haired boy he’d seen trying on the Sorting Hat last night [cut] 'All right, Harry? I'm - I’m Colin Creevey,' he said breathlessly, [CoS ch. #06 p. 75] 'Creevey, Dennis!' Tiny Dennis Creevey staggered forward, tripping over Hagrid's moleskin [GoF ch. #12 p. 158] 'No you're not,' said Ginny sharply. 'Neville Longbottom -- Luna Lovegood. Luna's in my year, but in Ravenclaw.' [OotP ch. #10 p. 169] 'You're under-age!' Mrs Weasley shouted at her daughter as Harry approached. 'I won't permit it!' [cut] 'She's sixteen!' shouted Mrs Weasley. [DH ch. #30 p. 486] [cut] Colin Creevey, though under-age, must have sneaked back [DH ch. #34 p. 556] Colin Creevey and Luna Lovegood are in the academic year below Harry, which means that in theory they could have been born any time between 1st September 1980 and 31st August 1981. However, we know that Colin was not yet of age (not yet seventeen) at the time of the battle of Hogwarts and an attempt is made to bar him from combat as a result. Ginny (who we know has an August birthday) is also told she's too young because she's not quite seventeen yet, whereas no-one suggests that Luna shouldn't be there; so we can assume that Luna was of age. Dennis Creevey is two academic years below his brother, since we first see him in GoF, but we do not have any other input on his age. 'My son, Draco, is home for his Easter holidays. [DH ch. #23 p. 370] Harry stood quite still, eyes glazed, watching the place where a bright gold rim of dazzling sun was rising over the horizon. [cut] 'I need to speak to Griphook and Ollivander,' Harry said. [DH ch. #24 p. 391] [cut] three days after they had arrived at the cottage [cut] ''Arry, Grip'ook would like to speak to you.' [DH ch. #25 p. 407/408] Slowly, the days stretched into weeks. [DH ch. #25 p. 411] 'I'm sorry,' he told Fleur, one blustery April evening [DH ch. #25 p. 412] It was a relief when six o'clock arrived and they could slip out of their sleeping bags, dress in the semi-darkness, then creep out into the garden, where they were to meet Hermione and Griphook. The dawn was chilly, but there was little wind now that it was May. [DH ch. #26 p. 421] The battle of Hogwarts occurred early in May 1998. We know it was in May because it was the night after the raid on Gringotts, which was in May. We can surmise that it was early May because we know the fight at Malfoy Manor took place during the Easter holidays, so in late March or early April, and whilst the Trio then stayed at Shell Cottage for some weeks there is no suggestion of it being well over a month. According to Pottermore it was the night of 1st/2nd May, although the book text suggests it might have been a couple of days later. So we know the battle was in early May, and therefore that Luna was born between 1st September 1980 and early May 1981, and Colin between early May 1981 and 31st August 1981. If Luna should happen to be one of the oldest pupils in her year she could be as little as four and a half weeks younger than Harry. Angelina Johnson turned seventeen in October 1994, and Cedric Diggory turned seventeen in September 1994, so they must both have been born in 1977. Viktor Krum turned eighteen the same year Cedric turned seventeen, so he was born in 1976. 'Oh, are you starting at Hogwarts this year?' Harry asked Ginny. She nodded, blushing to the roots of her flaming hair. [CoS ch. #04 p. 38] Harry glanced back at the photograph. Percy, who was in his seventh and final year at Hogwarts, was looking particularly smug. He had pinned his Head Boy badge to the fez perched jauntily on top of his neat hair [PoA ch. #01 p. 13] At that moment Mrs Weasley entered the bar, laden with shopping bags and followed by the twins, Fred and George, who were about to start their fifth year at Hogwarts [PoA ch. #04 p. 50/51] Then we can work out the ages of the other Weasley children. When Harry is in third year Percy is in seventh year and the twins are in fifth year: so the twins were born in April 1978 and Percy in August 1976. Ginny starts school in Harry's second year so she was born in August 1981. [It may be worth noting that both Percy and Ginny are among the youngest students in their respective years.] 'Bill and Charlie have already left -- Bill was Head Boy and Charlie was captain of Quidditch.' [PS ch. #06 p. 75] 'Charlie's in Romania studying dragons and Bill's in Africa doing something for Gringotts,' [PS ch. #06 p. 80] 'It's great being back here,' said Bill, looking around the chamber [cut] 'Haven't seen this place for five years.' [GoF ch. #31 p. 535] Bill's and Charlie's ages are more problematic. We know that both boys had already left Hogwarts by the time Harry started in September 1991, and that Bill was born in November and Charlie in December. Bill was Head Boy, so we know he stayed on for NEWTs and did the full seven years at Hogwarts. In June 1995, just before the third task of the Triwizard Tournament, he tells Harry that he hasn't seen Hogwarts for five years. This does not prove that Bill started at Hogwarts in 1983 and finished seventh year in 1990, for there are various reasons why a student might repeat a year, or start late, or visit the school again after completing NEWTs. However, it does tell us he finished school by June 1990. So he started at Hogwarts no more recently than September 1983 (assuming he started normally at age eleven) and was born (since he has a November birthday and should therefore have started at Hogwarts during the year in which he turned twelve) no more recently than 1971. 'I'm going to be expelled!' Ginny wept as Harry helped her awkwardly to her feet. 'I've looked forward to coming to Hogwarts ever since B-Bill came and n-now I'll have to leave and -- w-what'll Mum and Dad say? ' [CoS ch. #17 p. 238] Ginny Weasley speaks of remembering Bill going to Hogwarts, and wanting to go too. She was born in August 1981, so if she means that she remembers him starting at Hogwarts it's very unlikely that she would remember it, and remember that she understood what was happening at the time, if he started in 1982 when she was only a year old. That would peg Bill's birth to November 1971, unless for some reason he started at Hogwarts when he was older than eleven. Then again, it's pretty unlikely she would remember it that clearly even if she was two. She probably just means that she remembers Bill going to Hogwarts - not that she remembers his first going there. If Bill was born in e.g. 1970 then he left Hogwarts in summer 1989 when Ginny was not quite eight, so it would still be a memory from the fairly distant past, from the perspective of an eleven-year-old. If she does mean that she remembers him actually starting at Hogwarts, then he could have been born in 1971 and started in 1983 when she was two, but she'd have to have had a very well-developed memory and understanding for a two-year-old. Or he started late, when she was older - perhaps he'd been ill, or had been at another school - and in that case it tells us nothing about his birth-year. On the whole it seems most likely that she just means "I remember when Bill was attending Hogwarts", so it doesn't bear on whether he was born in 1971 or earlier. Bill was the oldest Weasley brother. He and the next brother, Charlie, had already left Hogwarts. [CoS ch. #04 p. 40] We know that Charlie is younger than Bill and older than Percy. In JK Rowling's World Book Day Chat on March 4th, 2004, she was specifically asked: "How old are Charlie and Bill Weasley in relation to their other siblings?" She replied "Oh dear, maths. Let me think. Bill is two years older than Charlie, who is two years older than Percy." According to Accio Quote! she subsequently revised this on her website to say that Bill is two years older than Charlie who is three years older than Percy, although the link given to the original quote on her website is no longer valid. Since Charlie was born in December and Percy in August it's a bit problematic to say Charlie is three years older than Percy. It could mean that Charlie was three academic years ahead of Percy, was born in 1972 and starting at Hogwarts in 1984, and that Bill was born in 1970. It could mean Charlie is two years, eight and a bit months older than Percy, that Charlie was born in 1973 and started at Hogwarts in 1985, and that Bill was born in 1971. 'Bill and Charlie have already left -- Bill was Head Boy and Charlie was captain of Quidditch.' [PS ch. #06 p. 75] 'He caught that thing in his hand after a fifty-foot dive,' Professor McGonagall told Wood. 'Didn't even scratch himself. Charlie Weasley couldn't have done it.' [PS ch. #09 p. 113] 'I shall speak to Professor Dumbledore and see if we can't bend the first-year rule. Heaven knows, we need a better team than last year. Flattened in that last match by Slytherin, I couldn't look Severus Snape in the face for weeks ...' [PS ch. #09 p. 113] 'I tell you, we're going to win that Quidditch cup for sure this year,' said Fred. 'We haven't won since Charlie left, but this year's team is going to be brilliant. [PS ch. #09 p. 114] 'We know Oliver's speech by heart,' Fred told Harry, 'we were in the team last year.' [PS ch. #11 p. 136] 'This is our last chance -- my last chance -- to win the Quidditch Cup,' [cut] 'Gryffindor haven't won for seven years now.' [PoA ch. #08 p. 108] 'Seriously,' said Professor McGonagall, and she was actually smiling. 'I daresay you'll need to get the feel of it before Saturday's match, won't you? And Potter -- do try and win, won't you? Or we'll be out of the running for the eighth year in a row, as Professor Snape was kind enough to remind me only last night ...' [PoA ch. #12 p. 184] The whole of Gryffindor house was obsessed with the coming match. Gryffindor hadn't won the Quidditch Cup since the legendary Charlie Weasley (Ron's second-oldest brother) had been Seeker. [PoA ch. #15; p.221/222] We have a great deal of rather confusing information about Charlie's Quidditch career at Hogwarts, which may help us to establish his birthdate. We are told that Charlie was a famously good Gryffindor Seeker, and also Gryffindor Quidditch Captain. In autumn 1991 Fred comments that Gryffindor haven't won "since Charlie left", in the same sentence as a comment about having a chance at the Quidditch Cup this year. Fred also strongly implies that Oliver Wood was Quidditch Captain the previous year, 1990/91, and in autumn 1991 Minerva McGonagall comments that the previous academic year's team, 1990/91, was very bad. This would seem like an odd thing to say if Charlie was still Captain and he was as good a player as her statement that "Charlie Weasley couldn't have done it" - used, as it is, as a mark of awe at Harry's prowess rather than a criticism of Charlie - suggests, so it confirms that Charlie had ceased to be Captain well before the end of the academic year 1990/91 During academic year 1993/94, Oliver Wood says that Gryffindor haven't won the Quidditch Cup for seven years. It's not entirely clear whether he means "There have been seven clear years during which we didn't win the cup" or "We last won the Cup seven years ago", but a comment by McGonagall about potentially being out of the running for the Cup for the eighth year in a row shows that they haven't won it for seven clear years, and their last win was in 1986. 'At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the House Cup' [PS ch. #07 p. 85] 'I'm holding the House Cup and the Quidditch Cup' [PS ch. #12 p. 155] If they won their next match, against Hufflepuff, they would overtake Slytherin in the House Championship for the first time in seven years. [PS ch. #13 p. 158] [cut] 'and fifty points will be taken from Gryffindor.' 'Fifty?' Harry gasped - they would lose the lead, the lead he'd won in the last Quidditch match. [PS ch. #15 p. 178] It was decked out in the Slytherin colours of green and silver to celebrate Slytherin's winning the House Cup for the seventh year in a row. [PS ch. #17 p. 220] Against that, we have an apparently flatly contradictory statement in PS, where Harry thinks - in January 1992, because it's early in the term after Christmas - that if they win their next Quidditch match, against Hufflepuff, they will overtake Slytherin in the House Championship for the first time in seven years. That would mean they last won in 1985, and if he's referring to the Quidditch Cup there's no way that can be compatible with what both McGonagall and Wood say in PoA. However, we know that the House Cup and the Quidditch Cup are two separate entities, and that had Slytherin been allowed to keep their victory in the House Cup that year, it would have been the seventh year in a row that they had won it. We are actually told that wins at Quidditch contribute points towards winning the House Cup - when McGonagall docks points after the escapade with Norbert, we see Harry think that he is losing the points which he had gained at Quidditch. We can surmise, then, that when Harry links a win at Quidditch to a House Championship in which Gryffindor haven't beaten Slytherin for seven years as at 1992, he is referring to the House Cup. So we can discount this statement as evidence for Charlie's dates: all it means is that even though Gryffindor won the Quidditch Cup in 1986, Slytherin won the House Cup. Altogether, then, we have the following information about Bill and Charlie's dates: 1) Bill was present at Hogwarts in summer 1990, although we don't definitely know that he was a student at that point. 2) Bill did NEWTs at Hogwarts, was not present at Hogwarts after summer 1990 (except for the Triwizard Tournament) and was therefore born no more recently than 1971, and started at Hogwarts no more recently than September 1983 (unless he started later than first year). 3) Ginny was born in August 1981. 4) Ginny remembers Bill going to Hogwarts, and she understood at the time that that was what was happening. It is not clear however whether she means she remembers him starting there. >5) Charlie is two years younger than Bill, so he was born no more recently than 1973 and started Hogwarts no more recently than 1985. 6) Charlie is either 2 years 8 months or 3 years 8 months older than Percy, who was born in August 1976, so Charlie was born in 1973 or 1972. 7) Charlie had left Hogwarts by September 1991. 8) At some point in his school career Charlie was Gryffindor Quidditch Captain. 9) Charlie was a famously good Seeker. 10) Gryffindor last won the annual Quidditch Cup in 1986. 11) The last time Gryffindor won the Quidditch Cup Charlie was Seeker (so Charlie was Seeker by the end of 1986). 12) The Gryffindor team have not won "since Charlie left" although it is ambiguous what they didn't win and in what sense he left. 13) Charlie's period of tenure on the team is spoken of as if it was some sort of Golden Age. 14) The 1990/91 Gryffindor Quidditch team was extremely bad. 15) The 1990/91 Gryffindor Quidditch team was captained by Oliver Wood for at least part of the year. How can we make sense of the facts that Charlie was Quidditch Captain, that Charlie was considered to be the exemplar of excellence as a Seeker, that Charlie didn't start at Hogwarts until 1984 at earliest, that Gryffindor haven't won since Charlie in some sense "left" and that the last time Gryffindor won the Quidditch Cup was apparently in 1986? We're told that they they haven't won the Cup since Charlie was Seeker, rather than since Charlie was Captain, so he may well not have been Captain yet when they last won the Cup. Indeed, it's very unlikely he could have been Captain in second year, and even less so in first year, so the sequence must have been: Charlie becomes Seeker; Gryffindor win the Cup; Charlie becomes Captain. What did Fred mean, when he said that they hadn't won since Charlie left? a) They hadn't won the Quidditch Cup since Charlie left school. No, because they last won the Cup in 1986 and we know Charlie was at Hogwarts long after that date. He couldn't have been more than a second year in 1986, it's most unlikely that he was Captain in second year, and we know he did become Gryffindor Captain - so he didn't e.g. suddenly leave in 1986 to go to another school. Ergo, he was at Hogwarts well after the last time Gryffindor won the Cup, so there's no reason why Fred would link Charlie leaving Hogwarts with Gryffindor last winning the Quidditch Cup. b) They hadn't won the Quidditch Cup since Charlie ceased to Captain. No, because they last won the Cup in 1986, when Charlie couldn't have been more than a second year. It's most unlikely that he was already Captain in second year, so his Captaincy happened later and was a separate thing from winning the Cup. So there's no reason why Fred would link Charlie ceasing to be Captain with Gryffindor last winning the Quidditch Cup. c) They hadn't won the Quidditch Cup since Charlie ceased to be Seeker. Possible but unlikely. We know Charlie was Seeker when they last won the Cup, and he could have suffered an injury or a growth-spurt which forced him to resign as Seeker soon afterwards. But since he went on to captain the team it's unlikely that Fred would characterise his ceasing to be Seeker as his having "left". d) They hadn't won any matches at all since Charlie left school. Not if Charlie did the full seven years at Hogwarts, because the earliest he could have been born was 1972, which would leave him attending Hogwarts from 1984 to 1991. If Charlie only left Hogwarts in June 1991 it would make no sense for Fred to say, in September 1991, that they hadn't won any matches since Charlie left school. They haven't had a chance to play any matches since Charlie left school. However, it makes perfect sense if Charlie left school earlier than seventh year/1991. If he left school after OWLs, or at the end of sixth year (if he was born in 1972), Gryffindor could perfectly well have won no matches since. e) They hadn't won any matches at all since Charlie ceased to Captain. Possible, but it would require him to have resigned as Captain before the end of his seventh year, which could not have been earlier than 1990/91. So if he was still at school, he would have sat on the sidelines and watched the disaster which was the 1990/91 Gryffindor team, and not intervened. f) They hadn't won any matches at all since Charlie ceased to be Seeker. Possible but unhelpful. We know Oliver Wood was Captain in 1990/91, so Charlie had either left school or resigned as Captain. That he might have resigned as Seeker at the same time as ceasing to be Captain tells us nothing extra. And if he ceased to be Seeker at some point before he ceased to be Captain, Fred would be unlikely to see that as him "leaving". 'I shall speak to Professor Dumbledore and see if we can't bend the first-year rule. Heaven knows, we need a better team than last year. Flattened in that last match by Slytherin, I couldn't look Severus Snape in the face for weeks ...' [PS ch. #09 p. 113] Of these, d) (always assuming that Charlie left school prior to seventh year) and e) are the only ones that work. The idea that Gryffindor hadn't won any matches for a year or even two years would explain why McGonagall was desperate enough to bend the rules to allow a first year to join the team, and to own his own broom.... [cut] this would probably be the best Christmas he'd ever had. Ron and his brothers were staying too, because Mr and Mrs Weasley were going to Romania to visit Charlie. [PS ch. #12 p. 144] '[cut] you can't tame dragons, it's dangerous. You should see the burns Charlie's got off wild ones in Romania.' [PS ch. #12 p. 169] We do have another hint that Charlie left Hogwarts itself, not just the Gryffindor Quidditch team, earlier than 1991. At or just after Easter 1992 Ron tells Harry 'You should see the burns Charlie's got off wild [dragons] in Romania.' Ron did not go home at Christmas or Easter that year, so unless he has been fire-calling Charlie without Harry's knowledge, he has to be referring to burns which he has seen on Charlie prior to September 1991. It's possible that Charlie had been doing summer work with dragons for some years before he left school, or that he left school in June 1991 and started work with dragons immediately, so that he had already managed to accumulate some impressive scars only two months later. But it certainly does sound more as if Charlie had been working with dragons for some considerable time before Ron started at Hogwarts, and that would make sense if he left school after OWLs. Having Charlie leave after OWLs also explains why he didn't become Head Boy, despite being both a prefect and a Quidditch Captain - although of course that may also be true of whoever did become Head Boy. It is worth noting, incidentally, that it is common and acceptable for British pupils to leave school at sixteen. I went to a grammar school - i.e., a school whose pupils had been selected on the basis of high academic potential - in the 1970s. A high proportion of the students were Jewish or Asian - that is, from cultures which emphasize the importance of education. We had an excellent academic reputation all round. And even so, only about a third of students stayed on after sixteen. It is ridiculous, therefore, to expect that among the Hogwarts students we know of, there wouldn't be some who left after OWLs. The following scenarios fit everything we've been told: A: Bill was born in 1971, started at Hogwarts in 1983 and left in 1990. Charlie was born in 1973 and is two years, eight and a half months older than Percy (which is the closest he can be to being three calendar years older, given their respective birthdays), and two academic years ahead of him. If Charlie had done the full seven years at Hogwarts his years would have been 1985/92, but he in fact left after OWLs in 1990. Like Harry, Charlie became Seeker when only a first year. However, it remains true that Harry was the youngest Seeker for a century, because he was only eleven when he joined the team, whereas Charlie with his December birthday would probably have been twelve. Gryffindor last won the annual Quidditch Cup in 1986, when Charlie was a Seeker and was in his first year. Charlie didn't become Captain until after that last win, and although he was an excellent Seeker the rest of the team was not so good, or the other sides were better, and Gryffindor never won the Quidditch Cup during Charlie's term as Captain. Charlie left Hogwarts in 1990, following his OWLs, and Gryffindor won no matches during the single academic year 1990/91. B: Bill was born in 1970. If he attended Hogwarts from age eleven to eighteen in the normal way he was there from 1982 to 1989, in which case he must have visited the school in summer 1990 for some other reason. Or he might have started a year late or had to repeat a year, perhaps due to illness or injury, and sat NEWTs in 1990. Charlie was born in 1972 and is three years, eight and a half months older than Percy, and three academic years ahead of him. If Charlie had done the full seven years at Hogwarts his years would have been 1984/91, but he in fact left either after OWLs in 1989, or at the end of his sixth year in 1990. Gryffindor last won the annual Quidditch Cup in 1986 when Charlie was Seeker and was in his second year: it is unlikely that he could have been already Quidditch Captain and have led his team to victory, but he certainly became Captain later. However, Gryffindor did not win the Cup again during Charlie's term of office. If he left Hogwarts in 1989, Gryffindor won no matches during the two academic years 1989/90 and 1990/91; if he left in 1990, they won no matches during 1990/91. 'Seeker?' [Ron] said. 'But first years never -- you must be the youngest house player in about --' [QTtA ch. #06 p. 28] Against version A), we have Ron's surprise when Harry is made Seeker, and his statement that "first years never --", which is anomalous if Charlie was Seeker in first year. If Charlie was a first year Seeker he must have been appointed very late in the year, and perhaps only by default after an existing Seeker was injured, for Ron to be so surprised by Harry's appointment. On the other hand version B), in which Charlie became Seeker in second year, requires us to accept that Bill either stayed at Hogwarts until he was nineteen or re-visited it a year after his NEWTs. It also means that either Gryffindor didn't win any matches at all for two years running, 1989/90 and 1990/91, or Charlie in fact didn't leave until the end of his sixth year. Since both scenarios require Charlie to have left school before NEWTs, the first is much tidier so long as we can accept another first-year Seeker. It does not result in any need to work round the fact that Bill was last at the school in 1990, and it only requires Gryffindor to have failed to win any matches at all for a single year, not two. However, the fact that nobody ever says to Harry "Charlie was a Seeker in first year too" leads me to conclude, reluctantly, that B) is the more likely scenario. Rowling's website apparently now also gives Bill's birth-year as 1970, although this can't be taken as absolute gospel because she managed to get the date of Dumbledore's death out by a year on the website. That leaves us with Bill being present at the school in summer 1990, when he was nineteen. He could have been visiting, or been called in as a Curse-Breaker to investigate the curse on the Defence Against the Dark Arts post. He could have done an extra year at Hogwarts: perhaps he missed a year due to illness or injury. Or perhaps for some reason he started a year late, in 1983 when he was twelve, in which case we can if we want have Ginny remembering his first going-away-to-school, so long as she was very well-developed for a two-year-old. If, in fact, Charlie left school in 1990 at the end of his sixth year, rather than in 1989 after his OWLs, there must have been some sort of crisis, and perhaps Bill came to offer support. 5. In the case of injury, no substitution of players will take place. The team will play on without the injured player. [QTtA ch. #06 p. 28] Although it is very unlikely that Charlie was Captain in his first or even his second year, since there are no substitutions allowed in Quidditch matches it's possible that the Captain was injured mid-match and Charlie took over, leading his team to victory. An overall win at such a young age would explain his proud reputation, despite the team's failure to win the Cup in subsequent years. And since he does have such a glowing reputation, despite his team never having won the Cup since he was in second year, we must assume that Gryffindor kept losing because their opponents were so good rather than because they were so bad; or perhaps due to circumstances which were none of their fault, such as half the team being struck down with food-poisoning on the morning of an important match. At any rate, we can conclude that one of two things is true. Either Bill was born in 1971 and Charlie in 1973, and Charlie became Seeker in first year, or Bill was born in 1970 and Charlie in 1972, and Charlie became Seeker in second year. The second option has more support from Rowling. And however you arrange it, Charlie left school before seventh year, so either he didn't do NEWTs at Hogwarts, or he was so brilliant he took them early. 'You're an Auror?' said Harry, impressed. [cut] 'Yeah,' said Tonks, looking proud. 'Kingsley is as well, he's a bit higher up than me, though. I only qualified a year ago.' [OotP ch. #03; p. 52] 'Well, I thought of, maybe, being an Auror,' Harry mumbled. 'You'd need top grades for that,' said Professor McGonagall, extracting a small, dark leaflet from under the mass on her desk and opening it. 'They ask for a minimum of five NEWTs, and nothing under "Exceeds Expectations" grade, I see.' [OotP ch. #29; p. 583] 'Well, you'll need to demonstrate the ability to react well to pressure and so forth,' said Professor McGonagall, 'perseverance and dedication, because Auror training takes a further three years, not to mention very high skills in practical Defence.' [OotP ch. #29; p. 586] Tonks is someone else whose birth year we can make a good guess at. When she turns up in OotP, in summer 1995, she says that she completed Auror training a year ago, and we know Auror training takes three years. She must have done NEWTs, since the qualifications required to do Auror training are high. So assuming she started training as soon as she left school, and didn't repeat a year anywhere, she attended Hogwarts 1984/1991 (making her an exact contemporary of Charlie Weasley's if he was born in 1972) and was born between September 1972 and August 1973. Now to the older generation. We know that Snape and the Marauders were in the same academic year, so whatever age they are, so he is. The tombstones we see in Deathly Hallows firmly date James's and Lily's births to early in 1960, so everybody in that year must have been born between September 1959 and August 1960, and they must have attended Hogwarts 1971-1978. How old is Prof. Dumbledore and Prof. Snape?JKR: Dumbledore's about 150 years old... Wizards have a longer life expectancy than us Muggles. Snape's 35 or 36 [Red Nose Day Chat, BBC Online, March 12, 2001] This ties in reasonably well with an online interview given by JK Rowling, after the publication of GoF and whilst she was working on OotP, in which she said that Snape (whose birthday has been established as January 9th) was thirty-five or thirty-six. If this applies to GoF itself this fits well enough with a 1960 birthdate, which would make him thirty-five at the end of the academic year 1994/95. He could abandon the plan and simply learn to live with the memory of what his father had done on a summer's day more than twenty years ago ... [OotP ch. #29 p. 588] In OotP, in the Careers Advice chapter, which takes place in April 1996, Harry thinks that the bullying scene which he saw in the Pensieve took place "more than twenty years ago". The scene took place during OWLs, which are sat in June. That ought to mean that it cannot have occurred in June 1976, or any more recently, because June 1976 is less than twenty years prior to April 1996. That in turn ought to mean that the Marauders started at Hogwarts no more recently than 1970 and we know that's not true. We just have to assume that Harry got it wrong: after all, he may well not know his parents' exact ages. 'All anyone knows is, he turned up in the village where you was all living, on Hallowe'en ten years ago. You was just a year old. He came ter yer house an' -- an' --' [cut] 'You-Know-Who killed 'em. An' then -- an' this is the real myst'ry of the thing -- he tried to kill you, too.' [PS ch. #04; p. 45] 'Black lost everything the night Harry stopped You-Know-Who, and he's had twelve years alone in Azkaban to brood on that ...' [PoA ch. #04; p. 54] 'It was me what rescued Harry from Lily an' James's house after they was killed! Jus' got him outta the ruins, poor little thing, with a great slash across his forehead, an' his parents dead ... an' Sirius Black turns up, on that flyin' motorbike he used ter ride.' [PoA ch. #10; p. 153] 'But he didn't manage to disappear, did he? The Ministry of Magic caught up with him next day!' [PoA ch. #10; p. 153] 'Oh, I know Crouch all right,' he said quietly. 'He was the one who gave the order for me to be sent to Azkaban -- without a trial.' [GoF ch. #27; p. 456] They reached the bottom of the steps and ran along yet another corridor, which bore a great resemblance to the one that led to Snape's dungeon at Hogwarts, with rough stone walls and torches in brackets. The doors they passed here were heavy wooden ones with iron bolts and keyholes. [OotP ch. #07 p. 124/125] Rowling also stated on her website that Sirius was about twenty-two when he was sent to Azkaban. In August 1993 Sirius is said to have been in Azkaban for twelve years. This can't quite be true, since it's less than twelve years since the Potters died - but in order for it to have been even nearly true he must have been jailed soon after the murder. We know he was arrested on 1st or 2nd November 1981, depending on whether the scene Hagrid describes of Sirius coming to the Potters' house on his flying motorbike - following which he was arrested "next day" - was late on the night of 31st October or early in the morning of 1st November. We know that following his arrest he was sent to Azkaban without trial: so allowing for a few days or weeks of interrogation in the cells at the Ministry he presumably arrived at Azkaban by the middle of November. If he was exactly twenty-two when he was sent to Azkaban that puts his date of birth somewhere between early to mid November 1958 (depending on the exact date he was transferred to Azkaban) and early to mid November 1959 (because he could have been only just twenty-two, or at the other extreme just short of twenty-three). But in fact he must have been born on or after 1st September 1959, or he would have ended up in the 1970/77 intake at Hogwarts and that doesn't fit the dating given in Deathly Hallows. So if he really was twenty-two when he entered Azkaban, he was born between early September and mid November 1959. If he was only nearly twenty-two (which would be conssitent with his being "about" twenty-two), then he was born between early September and, say, late December 1959. STOP PRESS! On 10th October 2015, Rowling tweeted that Sirius was born on 3rd November. 'Listen, I knew Bertha Jorkins,' said Sirius grimly. 'She was at Hogwarts when I was, a few years above your dad and me.' [GoF ch. #19; p. 292] Bertha Jorkins was "a few years" above the Marauders - presumably two or three years. 'Snape knew more curses when he arrived at school than half the kids in seventh year and he was part of a gang of Slytherins who nearly all turned out to be Death Eaters.' Sirius held up his fingers and began ticking off names. 'Rosier and Wilkes -- they were both killed by Aurors the year before Voldemort fell. The Lestranges -- they're a married couple -- they're in Azkaban.' [GoF ch. #27; p. 460/461] 'Lestrange ...' Harry said aloud. [cut] 'They're in Azkaban,' said Sirius shortly. [cut] 'Bellatrix and her husband Rudolphus came in with Barty Crouch junior,' said Sirius, in the same brusque voice. 'Rodolphus's brother Rabastan was with them, too.' [OotP ch. #06; p. 106] Sirius tells us in GoF that schoolboy Severus was part of a gang which included a married couple called Lestrange who both ended up in Azkaban, and it certainly sounds as though Sirius means he was at school with this gang, not e.g. meeting them during the holidays. It is possible that this refers to the younger Lestrange brother, Rabastan, and an unnamed wife, but Rowling probably did mean it to refer to Rudolphus and Bellatrix Lestrange. 'No, Andromeda's not on here either, look --' He pointed to another small round burn mark between two names, Bellatrix and Narcissa. [cut] [cut] Harry [cut] was too busy staring at the names to the right of Andromeda's burn mark. A double line of gold embroidery linked Narcissa Black with Lucius Malfoy [OotP ch. #06; p. 105] On the Black family tapestry, as described in OotP, it is clear that Bellatrix is the eldest of the three sisters (she is listed furthest to the left, with Andromeda in the middle and Narcissa on the right). It is likely that the sisters are three separate births, not a pair of twins and one singleton, because twins would normally be written one above the other, not side by side. 'Why aren't you supposed to do magic?'asked Harry. 'Oh, well -- I was at Hogwarts meself but I -- er -- got expelled, ter tell yeh the truth. In me third year. They snapped me wand in half an' everything.' [PS ch. #04; p. 48] Harry had had reason to believe before now that this umbrella was not all it looked; in fact, he had the strong impression that Hagrid's old school wand was concealed inside it. Hagrid wasn't supposed to use magic. He had been expelled from Hogwarts in his third year, [CoS ch. #07; p. 90] We know that Nymphadora Tonks, Andromeda's daughter, was born no later than August 1973. Assuming Andromeda left at the end of a school year in the usual manner, and that she wasn't already a mother or very heavily pregnant while at school, she must have left Hogwarts no later than summer 1972 and could only have overlapped Severus and the Marauders at school by a year, if she overlapped them at all. This means that if Andromeda actually stayed the full seven years and took NEWTs (which we don't know, of course), she turned eighteen no later than August 1972 and was born on or before August 1954. If she left school after OWLs she turned sixteen no later than August 1972 and was born on or before August 1956. Any younger than that and we have to assume either that she was heavily pregnant or a mother already whilst still at school, or that she left school before OWLs. In the latter case, judging from Hagrid, she probably wouldn't be allowed to use a wand, and we see no suggestion that this is so. She may of course be older, so long as she is younger than Bellatrix. If we go solely by what's in the books, then there is no problem about having Bellatrix overlap Severus at school, so long as Andromeda was no more than eighteen in summer 1972. If Andromeda was born in summer 1954, Bellatrix could have been born in autumn 1953 and the two sisters would be in the same academic year, enabling Bellatrix to overlap Severus by a year. If Andromeda was born as late as summer 1956, Bellatrix could have been born anywhere between autumn 1953 and autumn 1955, and overlapped Severus by between one and three years, without any problems. The only fly in the ointment is that in January 2006 an auction was held to raise money for a charity, and JK Rowling donated a hand-drawn family tree which purported to be the same one as is on the Black family tapestry. There are numerous problems with this family tree, the first and simplest being that all versions of its content have been derived from rather fuzzy images of the original, and Rowling's handwriting is a bit hard to read at the best of times. Then, assuming the content to have been transcribed properly, there are several problems with the dates. It has two or three people fathering children when they themselves were about thirteen; it has what appear to be James Potter's parents having him when his mother was forty, and dying in late middle-age, when Rowling has said elsewhere that they had James when they were old even by wizarding standards; it has Sirius's mother dying at sixty although her portrait shows an old woman; and it has Regulus dying in 1979 when we were told in OotP that he died in 1980 ("some fifteen years previously" from the viewpoint of August 1995), although the last point can be reconciled by assuming that Regulus died on or just before New Year's Eve and his family initially assumed he had died some days later. It also shows Bellatrix as having a 1951 birthdate, which on the face of it ought to mean she started at Hogwarts no later than September 1963 and left in June 1970, a whole year before the Marauders and Snape started. And if we want her to be in the same academic year as Molly (and Bill to have been born in 1970) she would have been born earlier in 1951 and have attended Hogwarts from 1962-1969. It's possible of course just to say "The family-tree is full of errors and it's not in the books, so it's not actually canon", and ignore it. If so, we can happily have Bellatrix and Severus overlapping at Hogwarts by up to three years, as above. However, the other anomalies do all have possible explanations. Perhaps Walburga Black looked much older than her years because her skin had been wrecked by a drink problem (it would explain a lot about her). The Potters shown in the family tree might be an uncle and aunt of James's, rather than his parents, or the father might have been much older than the mother. It's not unknown for boys to father children at thirteen, and there's a possible reason for the anomaly to do with Regulus as well, of which more anon. It is possible to accommodate Bellatrix's anomalous birthdate as well, in one of two main ways. The first is just to say that she never did overlap Severus at school, and that the Lestranges he was at school with were Rabastan and an unspecified future wife who also became a Death Eater and also ended up in Azkaban (although she wasn't one of the group tried with Rabastan for the attack on the Longbottoms). The second is to say that for some reason Bellatrix remained at Hogwarts until 1972, when she would have been twenty, thus enabling her to be born in late 1951 and still overlap Severus by a year. [We don't want her to have been born earlier than September 1951, because that would exacerbate the problem by making her another academic year above Severus.] This could happen because she had to repeat two years, due either to academic failure or to poor health - in her case, probably poor mental health.
Tom Riddle's birthday is quite definite. HBP clearly states that he was born on New Year's Eve, or just possibly on New Year's Day, depending on how late on New Year's Eve his mother arrived at the orphanage. JKR was asked about this on her website, and said New Year's Eve.
It was a very sunny Saturday and the zoo was crowded with families. [PS ch. #02; p. 24]
The month-old cine-camera was lying on top of a small, working tank [PS ch. #03; p. 32]
Next morning at breakfast, everyone was rather quiet. [PS ch. #03; p. 32]
The repaired alarm clock rang at six o'clock the next morning. [PS ch. #03; p. 33]
On Friday, no fewer than twelve letters arrived for Harry. [PS ch. #03; p. 34]
On Saturday, things began to get out of hand. [PS ch. #03; p. 34]
On Sunday morning, Uncle Vernon sat down at the breakfast table looking tired and rather ill, but happy. [PS ch. #03; p. 34]
'It's Monday,' [Dudley] told his mother. 'The Great Humberto's on tonight.' [PS ch. #03; p. 36]
The lighted dial of Dudley's watch [cut] told Harry he'd be eleven in ten minutes' time. [PS ch. #03; p. 38]
'[Harry's] a month younger than Dudley' [HBP ch. #03; p. 56]
Dudley Dursley's date is more approximate, and is based on calculations given on the Harry Potter Lexicon. We know that Dudley received a cine-camera for his eleventh birthday, which was a Saturday. We know that Harry's birthday was July 31st. The day before Harry's birthday was the day they woke up at the hotel and all rowed out to the island, and it was a Monday, so Harry's birthday was a Tuesday (in Rowling-time: in real life it was a Wednesday).
The day before they went to the island was the day they left home and drove to the hotel, which is confirmed as a Sunday. Saturday and Friday are also specified. The day before that, which was the day Harry trod on Vernon's sleeping face, was therefore a Thursday. The day the letters began arriving addressed to Harry in The Smallest Bedroom was the Wednesday and the day they first started arriving was Tuesday 24th July, one week before Harry's birthday - and it was on that day that Harry moved from his cupboard to Dudley's second bedroom. On that day, he saw the cine-camera and thought of it as being a month old, so Dudley received the camera approximately five weeks prior to Harry's birthday.
Dudley's birthday was therefore round about 24th June, if Harry means the camera is a calendar month old, or 26th June if he means it's four weeks old. The 26th of June, being four weeks earlier than the 24th July, would also have been a Tuesday (Rowling time). Dudley's birthday was on a Saturday so it would have been either 23rd June or 30th June. The Lexicon has plumped for 23rd June because it is the closest Saturday to 24th June. I'm more inclined to go for 30th June because it fits better with Petunia's statement that Harry is a month younger than Dudley.
A birthday on the 30th June also reduces the otherwise improbably long time Harry spent confined his cupboard (although not locked in, since he raided the kitchen at night) after the snake incident, since we know he was shut in (at least in the evenings: we don't know whether he was still going to school or not) from the evening of Dudley's birthday until after school ended for the summer, which would be in the third week in July.
For Petunia, we do not have a birthdate: we know only that she's visibly older than Lily, but not too old to play on the swings with her, so probably two or three years older. But a firm birthdate has been stated for Vernon - 11th September 1956 - although I haven't found the location where this was originally given or by whom (so it's possibly fanon), and Rowling has said that Petunia was initially Vernon's secretary.
The decorations in the Great Hall had changed this morning. As it was Hallowe'en, a cloud of live bats was fluttering around the enchanted ceiling [cut] 'Are you seventeen, then?' asked Harry. [cut] 'I had my birthday last week,' said Angelina. [GoF ch. #16; p. 229/230]
In addition, we know that Angelina Johnson was born in the last week of October, since she turned seventeen during the week prior to the Hallowe'en in GoF (and that Hallowe'en was a Saturday in Rowling-time, so there's no ambiguity between "the previous calendar week" and "the previous seven days").
Cedric Diggory was an extremely handsome boy of around seventeen. [GoF ch. #06; p. 67]
[cut] the selection of the three champions will take place at Hallowe'en. [cut]'Eager though I know all of you will be to bring the Triwizard Cup to Hogwarts,' he said, 'the Heads of the participating schools, along with the Ministry of Magic, have agreed to impose an age restriction on contenders this year. Only students who are of age - that is to say, seventeen years or older - will be allowed to put forward their names for consideration.' [GoF ch. #12; p. 166]
By the time Harry reached the bottom of the marble staircase, Cedric was at the top. He was with a load of sixth-year friends. [GoF ch. #20; p. 297]
We also know that Cedric Diggory was one of the oldest students in his year, with a birthday probably in early September. We know that he was a fifth-year in PoA so he was a sixth-year in GoF, and this is confirmed by the fact that he had a group of friends in sixth-year. He had to have turned seventeen by Hallowe'en of GoF in order for his name to be entered into the draw for the Triwizard Tournament, but in any case we are told that he was "around seventeen" at the World Cup.
[cut] the final of the Quidditch World Cup takes place next Monday night [GoF ch. #03; p. 32]
[cut] allowing Harry to disappear to the Weasleys' for the rest of the summer would get rid of him two weeks earlier than anyone could have hoped, [GoF ch. #03; p. 33]
By twelve o'clock next day, Harry's trunk was packed [GoF ch. #04; p. 39]
'You really should be in bed, the whole lot of you, you'll be up at the crack of dawn to get to the Cup.' [GoF ch. #05; p. 60]
Neither Mr Weasley nor Percy was at home much over the following week. [cut] 'It's been absolute uproar,' Percy told them importantly, the Sunday evening before they were due to return to Hogwarts. [GoF ch. #10; p. 135]
There was a definite end-of-the-holidays gloom in the air when Harry awoke next morning. Heavy rain was still splattering against the window as he got dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt; they would change into their school robes on the Hogwarts Express. [GoF ch. #11; p. 141]
The World Cup took place two weeks before the start of the autumn term 1994, which was presumably on September 1st as usual. We know that term started on a Monday, and that the World Cup was on a Monday. It's ambiguous whether nearly-one or nearly-two weeks pass at the Weasleys' house between the day after the World Cup (a Tuesday) and the day before the start of term (a Sunday), but we know that Harry receives his invitation to the World Cup about two weeks before the start of term, that he set off for The Burrow the day after he received the invitation, and that the World Cup was the day after that. So he received the invition on Saturday 16th August (Rowling-time) and the World Cup took place on Monday 18th August.
At that time, Cedric can't have been quite seventeen, or he would have been going into seventh year, not sixth (unless he repeated a year). Yet, in order to be "around seventeen" he must have been very nearly seventeen, so his birthday was in September, and probably in the first half.
It was hard to believe he was only eighteen. [GoF ch. #08; p. 95]
According to Ron, at the World Cup, Viktor Krum was only just turned eighteen, so if that's right we can assume he was born in July or early August, yet he was still a schoolboy the following academic year. If he was a Hogwarts student that wouldn't be possible, unless he was repeating a year, because a student whose birthday fell during the summer would be one of the youngest in his year and would finish NEWTs before his eighteenth birthday. But Durmstrang may set the barrier which decides which birthdates go into which academic year earlier than Hogwarts - perhaps August 1st rather than September 1st - or their course may be a year longer.
Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpingtondied 31st October, 1492[CoS ch. #08; p. 102]
We know the years in which the books are set, because during the autumn (first) term of Harry's second year he attended a party to mark the five hundredth anniversary of the death of Nearly Headless Nick, and there was a banner proclaiming that Nick had died in 1492. We know, therefore, that Harry's second academic year was 1992/93. Harry started at Hogwarts in 1991 and he turned eleven that year, so he was born in 1980. This is consistent with his parents' date of death, which is given in Deathly Hallows as Hallowe'en 1981.
We know that pupils start at Hogwarts no earlier than the September 1st after they turn eleven, because JK said on her website that "... you must be at least eleven to attend Hogwarts...." - although it isn't clear what happens if your birthday is actually September 1st. But since that doesn't apply to any of the students whose birthdays we know, we can infer that if Harry was born in 1980 then Hermione was born in 1979 and Ron, Neville, Draco and Dudley in 1980. Everyone in Harry's year (unless they are repeating a year) was born between September 1979 and August 1980. Looking up, he saw the very small, mousy-haired boy he’d seen trying on the Sorting Hat last night [cut] 'All right, Harry? I'm - I’m Colin Creevey,' he said breathlessly, [CoS ch. #06 p. 75] 'Creevey, Dennis!' Tiny Dennis Creevey staggered forward, tripping over Hagrid's moleskin [GoF ch. #12 p. 158] 'No you're not,' said Ginny sharply. 'Neville Longbottom -- Luna Lovegood. Luna's in my year, but in Ravenclaw.' [OotP ch. #10 p. 169] 'You're under-age!' Mrs Weasley shouted at her daughter as Harry approached. 'I won't permit it!' [cut] 'She's sixteen!' shouted Mrs Weasley. [DH ch. #30 p. 486] [cut] Colin Creevey, though under-age, must have sneaked back [DH ch. #34 p. 556] Colin Creevey and Luna Lovegood are in the academic year below Harry, which means that in theory they could have been born any time between 1st September 1980 and 31st August 1981. However, we know that Colin was not yet of age (not yet seventeen) at the time of the battle of Hogwarts and an attempt is made to bar him from combat as a result. Ginny (who we know has an August birthday) is also told she's too young because she's not quite seventeen yet, whereas no-one suggests that Luna shouldn't be there; so we can assume that Luna was of age. Dennis Creevey is two academic years below his brother, since we first see him in GoF, but we do not have any other input on his age. 'My son, Draco, is home for his Easter holidays. [DH ch. #23 p. 370] Harry stood quite still, eyes glazed, watching the place where a bright gold rim of dazzling sun was rising over the horizon. [cut] 'I need to speak to Griphook and Ollivander,' Harry said. [DH ch. #24 p. 391] [cut] three days after they had arrived at the cottage [cut] ''Arry, Grip'ook would like to speak to you.' [DH ch. #25 p. 407/408] Slowly, the days stretched into weeks. [DH ch. #25 p. 411] 'I'm sorry,' he told Fleur, one blustery April evening [DH ch. #25 p. 412] It was a relief when six o'clock arrived and they could slip out of their sleeping bags, dress in the semi-darkness, then creep out into the garden, where they were to meet Hermione and Griphook. The dawn was chilly, but there was little wind now that it was May. [DH ch. #26 p. 421] The battle of Hogwarts occurred early in May 1998. We know it was in May because it was the night after the raid on Gringotts, which was in May. We can surmise that it was early May because we know the fight at Malfoy Manor took place during the Easter holidays, so in late March or early April, and whilst the Trio then stayed at Shell Cottage for some weeks there is no suggestion of it being well over a month. According to Pottermore it was the night of 1st/2nd May, although the book text suggests it might have been a couple of days later. So we know the battle was in early May, and therefore that Luna was born between 1st September 1980 and early May 1981, and Colin between early May 1981 and 31st August 1981. If Luna should happen to be one of the oldest pupils in her year she could be as little as four and a half weeks younger than Harry. Angelina Johnson turned seventeen in October 1994, and Cedric Diggory turned seventeen in September 1994, so they must both have been born in 1977. Viktor Krum turned eighteen the same year Cedric turned seventeen, so he was born in 1976. 'Oh, are you starting at Hogwarts this year?' Harry asked Ginny. She nodded, blushing to the roots of her flaming hair. [CoS ch. #04 p. 38] Harry glanced back at the photograph. Percy, who was in his seventh and final year at Hogwarts, was looking particularly smug. He had pinned his Head Boy badge to the fez perched jauntily on top of his neat hair [PoA ch. #01 p. 13] At that moment Mrs Weasley entered the bar, laden with shopping bags and followed by the twins, Fred and George, who were about to start their fifth year at Hogwarts [PoA ch. #04 p. 50/51] Then we can work out the ages of the other Weasley children. When Harry is in third year Percy is in seventh year and the twins are in fifth year: so the twins were born in April 1978 and Percy in August 1976. Ginny starts school in Harry's second year so she was born in August 1981. [It may be worth noting that both Percy and Ginny are among the youngest students in their respective years.] 'Bill and Charlie have already left -- Bill was Head Boy and Charlie was captain of Quidditch.' [PS ch. #06 p. 75] 'Charlie's in Romania studying dragons and Bill's in Africa doing something for Gringotts,' [PS ch. #06 p. 80] 'It's great being back here,' said Bill, looking around the chamber [cut] 'Haven't seen this place for five years.' [GoF ch. #31 p. 535] Bill's and Charlie's ages are more problematic. We know that both boys had already left Hogwarts by the time Harry started in September 1991, and that Bill was born in November and Charlie in December. Bill was Head Boy, so we know he stayed on for NEWTs and did the full seven years at Hogwarts. In June 1995, just before the third task of the Triwizard Tournament, he tells Harry that he hasn't seen Hogwarts for five years. This does not prove that Bill started at Hogwarts in 1983 and finished seventh year in 1990, for there are various reasons why a student might repeat a year, or start late, or visit the school again after completing NEWTs. However, it does tell us he finished school by June 1990. So he started at Hogwarts no more recently than September 1983 (assuming he started normally at age eleven) and was born (since he has a November birthday and should therefore have started at Hogwarts during the year in which he turned twelve) no more recently than 1971. 'I'm going to be expelled!' Ginny wept as Harry helped her awkwardly to her feet. 'I've looked forward to coming to Hogwarts ever since B-Bill came and n-now I'll have to leave and -- w-what'll Mum and Dad say? ' [CoS ch. #17 p. 238] Ginny Weasley speaks of remembering Bill going to Hogwarts, and wanting to go too. She was born in August 1981, so if she means that she remembers him starting at Hogwarts it's very unlikely that she would remember it, and remember that she understood what was happening at the time, if he started in 1982 when she was only a year old. That would peg Bill's birth to November 1971, unless for some reason he started at Hogwarts when he was older than eleven. Then again, it's pretty unlikely she would remember it that clearly even if she was two. She probably just means that she remembers Bill going to Hogwarts - not that she remembers his first going there. If Bill was born in e.g. 1970 then he left Hogwarts in summer 1989 when Ginny was not quite eight, so it would still be a memory from the fairly distant past, from the perspective of an eleven-year-old. If she does mean that she remembers him actually starting at Hogwarts, then he could have been born in 1971 and started in 1983 when she was two, but she'd have to have had a very well-developed memory and understanding for a two-year-old. Or he started late, when she was older - perhaps he'd been ill, or had been at another school - and in that case it tells us nothing about his birth-year. On the whole it seems most likely that she just means "I remember when Bill was attending Hogwarts", so it doesn't bear on whether he was born in 1971 or earlier. Bill was the oldest Weasley brother. He and the next brother, Charlie, had already left Hogwarts. [CoS ch. #04 p. 40] We know that Charlie is younger than Bill and older than Percy. In JK Rowling's World Book Day Chat on March 4th, 2004, she was specifically asked: "How old are Charlie and Bill Weasley in relation to their other siblings?" She replied "Oh dear, maths. Let me think. Bill is two years older than Charlie, who is two years older than Percy." According to Accio Quote! she subsequently revised this on her website to say that Bill is two years older than Charlie who is three years older than Percy, although the link given to the original quote on her website is no longer valid. Since Charlie was born in December and Percy in August it's a bit problematic to say Charlie is three years older than Percy. It could mean that Charlie was three academic years ahead of Percy, was born in 1972 and starting at Hogwarts in 1984, and that Bill was born in 1970. It could mean Charlie is two years, eight and a bit months older than Percy, that Charlie was born in 1973 and started at Hogwarts in 1985, and that Bill was born in 1971. 'Bill and Charlie have already left -- Bill was Head Boy and Charlie was captain of Quidditch.' [PS ch. #06 p. 75] 'He caught that thing in his hand after a fifty-foot dive,' Professor McGonagall told Wood. 'Didn't even scratch himself. Charlie Weasley couldn't have done it.' [PS ch. #09 p. 113] 'I shall speak to Professor Dumbledore and see if we can't bend the first-year rule. Heaven knows, we need a better team than last year. Flattened in that last match by Slytherin, I couldn't look Severus Snape in the face for weeks ...' [PS ch. #09 p. 113] 'I tell you, we're going to win that Quidditch cup for sure this year,' said Fred. 'We haven't won since Charlie left, but this year's team is going to be brilliant. [PS ch. #09 p. 114] 'We know Oliver's speech by heart,' Fred told Harry, 'we were in the team last year.' [PS ch. #11 p. 136] 'This is our last chance -- my last chance -- to win the Quidditch Cup,' [cut] 'Gryffindor haven't won for seven years now.' [PoA ch. #08 p. 108] 'Seriously,' said Professor McGonagall, and she was actually smiling. 'I daresay you'll need to get the feel of it before Saturday's match, won't you? And Potter -- do try and win, won't you? Or we'll be out of the running for the eighth year in a row, as Professor Snape was kind enough to remind me only last night ...' [PoA ch. #12 p. 184] The whole of Gryffindor house was obsessed with the coming match. Gryffindor hadn't won the Quidditch Cup since the legendary Charlie Weasley (Ron's second-oldest brother) had been Seeker. [PoA ch. #15; p.221/222] We have a great deal of rather confusing information about Charlie's Quidditch career at Hogwarts, which may help us to establish his birthdate. We are told that Charlie was a famously good Gryffindor Seeker, and also Gryffindor Quidditch Captain. In autumn 1991 Fred comments that Gryffindor haven't won "since Charlie left", in the same sentence as a comment about having a chance at the Quidditch Cup this year. Fred also strongly implies that Oliver Wood was Quidditch Captain the previous year, 1990/91, and in autumn 1991 Minerva McGonagall comments that the previous academic year's team, 1990/91, was very bad. This would seem like an odd thing to say if Charlie was still Captain and he was as good a player as her statement that "Charlie Weasley couldn't have done it" - used, as it is, as a mark of awe at Harry's prowess rather than a criticism of Charlie - suggests, so it confirms that Charlie had ceased to be Captain well before the end of the academic year 1990/91 During academic year 1993/94, Oliver Wood says that Gryffindor haven't won the Quidditch Cup for seven years. It's not entirely clear whether he means "There have been seven clear years during which we didn't win the cup" or "We last won the Cup seven years ago", but a comment by McGonagall about potentially being out of the running for the Cup for the eighth year in a row shows that they haven't won it for seven clear years, and their last win was in 1986. 'At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the House Cup' [PS ch. #07 p. 85] 'I'm holding the House Cup and the Quidditch Cup' [PS ch. #12 p. 155] If they won their next match, against Hufflepuff, they would overtake Slytherin in the House Championship for the first time in seven years. [PS ch. #13 p. 158] [cut] 'and fifty points will be taken from Gryffindor.' 'Fifty?' Harry gasped - they would lose the lead, the lead he'd won in the last Quidditch match. [PS ch. #15 p. 178] It was decked out in the Slytherin colours of green and silver to celebrate Slytherin's winning the House Cup for the seventh year in a row. [PS ch. #17 p. 220] Against that, we have an apparently flatly contradictory statement in PS, where Harry thinks - in January 1992, because it's early in the term after Christmas - that if they win their next Quidditch match, against Hufflepuff, they will overtake Slytherin in the House Championship for the first time in seven years. That would mean they last won in 1985, and if he's referring to the Quidditch Cup there's no way that can be compatible with what both McGonagall and Wood say in PoA. However, we know that the House Cup and the Quidditch Cup are two separate entities, and that had Slytherin been allowed to keep their victory in the House Cup that year, it would have been the seventh year in a row that they had won it. We are actually told that wins at Quidditch contribute points towards winning the House Cup - when McGonagall docks points after the escapade with Norbert, we see Harry think that he is losing the points which he had gained at Quidditch. We can surmise, then, that when Harry links a win at Quidditch to a House Championship in which Gryffindor haven't beaten Slytherin for seven years as at 1992, he is referring to the House Cup. So we can discount this statement as evidence for Charlie's dates: all it means is that even though Gryffindor won the Quidditch Cup in 1986, Slytherin won the House Cup. Altogether, then, we have the following information about Bill and Charlie's dates: 1) Bill was present at Hogwarts in summer 1990, although we don't definitely know that he was a student at that point. 2) Bill did NEWTs at Hogwarts, was not present at Hogwarts after summer 1990 (except for the Triwizard Tournament) and was therefore born no more recently than 1971, and started at Hogwarts no more recently than September 1983 (unless he started later than first year). 3) Ginny was born in August 1981. 4) Ginny remembers Bill going to Hogwarts, and she understood at the time that that was what was happening. It is not clear however whether she means she remembers him starting there. >5) Charlie is two years younger than Bill, so he was born no more recently than 1973 and started Hogwarts no more recently than 1985. 6) Charlie is either 2 years 8 months or 3 years 8 months older than Percy, who was born in August 1976, so Charlie was born in 1973 or 1972. 7) Charlie had left Hogwarts by September 1991. 8) At some point in his school career Charlie was Gryffindor Quidditch Captain. 9) Charlie was a famously good Seeker. 10) Gryffindor last won the annual Quidditch Cup in 1986. 11) The last time Gryffindor won the Quidditch Cup Charlie was Seeker (so Charlie was Seeker by the end of 1986). 12) The Gryffindor team have not won "since Charlie left" although it is ambiguous what they didn't win and in what sense he left. 13) Charlie's period of tenure on the team is spoken of as if it was some sort of Golden Age. 14) The 1990/91 Gryffindor Quidditch team was extremely bad. 15) The 1990/91 Gryffindor Quidditch team was captained by Oliver Wood for at least part of the year. How can we make sense of the facts that Charlie was Quidditch Captain, that Charlie was considered to be the exemplar of excellence as a Seeker, that Charlie didn't start at Hogwarts until 1984 at earliest, that Gryffindor haven't won since Charlie in some sense "left" and that the last time Gryffindor won the Quidditch Cup was apparently in 1986? We're told that they they haven't won the Cup since Charlie was Seeker, rather than since Charlie was Captain, so he may well not have been Captain yet when they last won the Cup. Indeed, it's very unlikely he could have been Captain in second year, and even less so in first year, so the sequence must have been: Charlie becomes Seeker; Gryffindor win the Cup; Charlie becomes Captain. What did Fred mean, when he said that they hadn't won since Charlie left? a) They hadn't won the Quidditch Cup since Charlie left school. No, because they last won the Cup in 1986 and we know Charlie was at Hogwarts long after that date. He couldn't have been more than a second year in 1986, it's most unlikely that he was Captain in second year, and we know he did become Gryffindor Captain - so he didn't e.g. suddenly leave in 1986 to go to another school. Ergo, he was at Hogwarts well after the last time Gryffindor won the Cup, so there's no reason why Fred would link Charlie leaving Hogwarts with Gryffindor last winning the Quidditch Cup. b) They hadn't won the Quidditch Cup since Charlie ceased to Captain. No, because they last won the Cup in 1986, when Charlie couldn't have been more than a second year. It's most unlikely that he was already Captain in second year, so his Captaincy happened later and was a separate thing from winning the Cup. So there's no reason why Fred would link Charlie ceasing to be Captain with Gryffindor last winning the Quidditch Cup. c) They hadn't won the Quidditch Cup since Charlie ceased to be Seeker. Possible but unlikely. We know Charlie was Seeker when they last won the Cup, and he could have suffered an injury or a growth-spurt which forced him to resign as Seeker soon afterwards. But since he went on to captain the team it's unlikely that Fred would characterise his ceasing to be Seeker as his having "left". d) They hadn't won any matches at all since Charlie left school. Not if Charlie did the full seven years at Hogwarts, because the earliest he could have been born was 1972, which would leave him attending Hogwarts from 1984 to 1991. If Charlie only left Hogwarts in June 1991 it would make no sense for Fred to say, in September 1991, that they hadn't won any matches since Charlie left school. They haven't had a chance to play any matches since Charlie left school. However, it makes perfect sense if Charlie left school earlier than seventh year/1991. If he left school after OWLs, or at the end of sixth year (if he was born in 1972), Gryffindor could perfectly well have won no matches since. e) They hadn't won any matches at all since Charlie ceased to Captain. Possible, but it would require him to have resigned as Captain before the end of his seventh year, which could not have been earlier than 1990/91. So if he was still at school, he would have sat on the sidelines and watched the disaster which was the 1990/91 Gryffindor team, and not intervened. f) They hadn't won any matches at all since Charlie ceased to be Seeker. Possible but unhelpful. We know Oliver Wood was Captain in 1990/91, so Charlie had either left school or resigned as Captain. That he might have resigned as Seeker at the same time as ceasing to be Captain tells us nothing extra. And if he ceased to be Seeker at some point before he ceased to be Captain, Fred would be unlikely to see that as him "leaving". 'I shall speak to Professor Dumbledore and see if we can't bend the first-year rule. Heaven knows, we need a better team than last year. Flattened in that last match by Slytherin, I couldn't look Severus Snape in the face for weeks ...' [PS ch. #09 p. 113] Of these, d) (always assuming that Charlie left school prior to seventh year) and e) are the only ones that work. The idea that Gryffindor hadn't won any matches for a year or even two years would explain why McGonagall was desperate enough to bend the rules to allow a first year to join the team, and to own his own broom.... [cut] this would probably be the best Christmas he'd ever had. Ron and his brothers were staying too, because Mr and Mrs Weasley were going to Romania to visit Charlie. [PS ch. #12 p. 144] '[cut] you can't tame dragons, it's dangerous. You should see the burns Charlie's got off wild ones in Romania.' [PS ch. #12 p. 169] We do have another hint that Charlie left Hogwarts itself, not just the Gryffindor Quidditch team, earlier than 1991. At or just after Easter 1992 Ron tells Harry 'You should see the burns Charlie's got off wild [dragons] in Romania.' Ron did not go home at Christmas or Easter that year, so unless he has been fire-calling Charlie without Harry's knowledge, he has to be referring to burns which he has seen on Charlie prior to September 1991. It's possible that Charlie had been doing summer work with dragons for some years before he left school, or that he left school in June 1991 and started work with dragons immediately, so that he had already managed to accumulate some impressive scars only two months later. But it certainly does sound more as if Charlie had been working with dragons for some considerable time before Ron started at Hogwarts, and that would make sense if he left school after OWLs. Having Charlie leave after OWLs also explains why he didn't become Head Boy, despite being both a prefect and a Quidditch Captain - although of course that may also be true of whoever did become Head Boy. It is worth noting, incidentally, that it is common and acceptable for British pupils to leave school at sixteen. I went to a grammar school - i.e., a school whose pupils had been selected on the basis of high academic potential - in the 1970s. A high proportion of the students were Jewish or Asian - that is, from cultures which emphasize the importance of education. We had an excellent academic reputation all round. And even so, only about a third of students stayed on after sixteen. It is ridiculous, therefore, to expect that among the Hogwarts students we know of, there wouldn't be some who left after OWLs. The following scenarios fit everything we've been told: A: Bill was born in 1971, started at Hogwarts in 1983 and left in 1990. Charlie was born in 1973 and is two years, eight and a half months older than Percy (which is the closest he can be to being three calendar years older, given their respective birthdays), and two academic years ahead of him. If Charlie had done the full seven years at Hogwarts his years would have been 1985/92, but he in fact left after OWLs in 1990. Like Harry, Charlie became Seeker when only a first year. However, it remains true that Harry was the youngest Seeker for a century, because he was only eleven when he joined the team, whereas Charlie with his December birthday would probably have been twelve. Gryffindor last won the annual Quidditch Cup in 1986, when Charlie was a Seeker and was in his first year. Charlie didn't become Captain until after that last win, and although he was an excellent Seeker the rest of the team was not so good, or the other sides were better, and Gryffindor never won the Quidditch Cup during Charlie's term as Captain. Charlie left Hogwarts in 1990, following his OWLs, and Gryffindor won no matches during the single academic year 1990/91. B: Bill was born in 1970. If he attended Hogwarts from age eleven to eighteen in the normal way he was there from 1982 to 1989, in which case he must have visited the school in summer 1990 for some other reason. Or he might have started a year late or had to repeat a year, perhaps due to illness or injury, and sat NEWTs in 1990. Charlie was born in 1972 and is three years, eight and a half months older than Percy, and three academic years ahead of him. If Charlie had done the full seven years at Hogwarts his years would have been 1984/91, but he in fact left either after OWLs in 1989, or at the end of his sixth year in 1990. Gryffindor last won the annual Quidditch Cup in 1986 when Charlie was Seeker and was in his second year: it is unlikely that he could have been already Quidditch Captain and have led his team to victory, but he certainly became Captain later. However, Gryffindor did not win the Cup again during Charlie's term of office. If he left Hogwarts in 1989, Gryffindor won no matches during the two academic years 1989/90 and 1990/91; if he left in 1990, they won no matches during 1990/91. 'Seeker?' [Ron] said. 'But first years never -- you must be the youngest house player in about --' [QTtA ch. #06 p. 28] Against version A), we have Ron's surprise when Harry is made Seeker, and his statement that "first years never --", which is anomalous if Charlie was Seeker in first year. If Charlie was a first year Seeker he must have been appointed very late in the year, and perhaps only by default after an existing Seeker was injured, for Ron to be so surprised by Harry's appointment. On the other hand version B), in which Charlie became Seeker in second year, requires us to accept that Bill either stayed at Hogwarts until he was nineteen or re-visited it a year after his NEWTs. It also means that either Gryffindor didn't win any matches at all for two years running, 1989/90 and 1990/91, or Charlie in fact didn't leave until the end of his sixth year. Since both scenarios require Charlie to have left school before NEWTs, the first is much tidier so long as we can accept another first-year Seeker. It does not result in any need to work round the fact that Bill was last at the school in 1990, and it only requires Gryffindor to have failed to win any matches at all for a single year, not two. However, the fact that nobody ever says to Harry "Charlie was a Seeker in first year too" leads me to conclude, reluctantly, that B) is the more likely scenario. Rowling's website apparently now also gives Bill's birth-year as 1970, although this can't be taken as absolute gospel because she managed to get the date of Dumbledore's death out by a year on the website. That leaves us with Bill being present at the school in summer 1990, when he was nineteen. He could have been visiting, or been called in as a Curse-Breaker to investigate the curse on the Defence Against the Dark Arts post. He could have done an extra year at Hogwarts: perhaps he missed a year due to illness or injury. Or perhaps for some reason he started a year late, in 1983 when he was twelve, in which case we can if we want have Ginny remembering his first going-away-to-school, so long as she was very well-developed for a two-year-old. If, in fact, Charlie left school in 1990 at the end of his sixth year, rather than in 1989 after his OWLs, there must have been some sort of crisis, and perhaps Bill came to offer support. 5. In the case of injury, no substitution of players will take place. The team will play on without the injured player. [QTtA ch. #06 p. 28] Although it is very unlikely that Charlie was Captain in his first or even his second year, since there are no substitutions allowed in Quidditch matches it's possible that the Captain was injured mid-match and Charlie took over, leading his team to victory. An overall win at such a young age would explain his proud reputation, despite the team's failure to win the Cup in subsequent years. And since he does have such a glowing reputation, despite his team never having won the Cup since he was in second year, we must assume that Gryffindor kept losing because their opponents were so good rather than because they were so bad; or perhaps due to circumstances which were none of their fault, such as half the team being struck down with food-poisoning on the morning of an important match. At any rate, we can conclude that one of two things is true. Either Bill was born in 1971 and Charlie in 1973, and Charlie became Seeker in first year, or Bill was born in 1970 and Charlie in 1972, and Charlie became Seeker in second year. The second option has more support from Rowling. And however you arrange it, Charlie left school before seventh year, so either he didn't do NEWTs at Hogwarts, or he was so brilliant he took them early. 'You're an Auror?' said Harry, impressed. [cut] 'Yeah,' said Tonks, looking proud. 'Kingsley is as well, he's a bit higher up than me, though. I only qualified a year ago.' [OotP ch. #03; p. 52] 'Well, I thought of, maybe, being an Auror,' Harry mumbled. 'You'd need top grades for that,' said Professor McGonagall, extracting a small, dark leaflet from under the mass on her desk and opening it. 'They ask for a minimum of five NEWTs, and nothing under "Exceeds Expectations" grade, I see.' [OotP ch. #29; p. 583] 'Well, you'll need to demonstrate the ability to react well to pressure and so forth,' said Professor McGonagall, 'perseverance and dedication, because Auror training takes a further three years, not to mention very high skills in practical Defence.' [OotP ch. #29; p. 586] Tonks is someone else whose birth year we can make a good guess at. When she turns up in OotP, in summer 1995, she says that she completed Auror training a year ago, and we know Auror training takes three years. She must have done NEWTs, since the qualifications required to do Auror training are high. So assuming she started training as soon as she left school, and didn't repeat a year anywhere, she attended Hogwarts 1984/1991 (making her an exact contemporary of Charlie Weasley's if he was born in 1972) and was born between September 1972 and August 1973. Now to the older generation. We know that Snape and the Marauders were in the same academic year, so whatever age they are, so he is. The tombstones we see in Deathly Hallows firmly date James's and Lily's births to early in 1960, so everybody in that year must have been born between September 1959 and August 1960, and they must have attended Hogwarts 1971-1978. How old is Prof. Dumbledore and Prof. Snape?JKR: Dumbledore's about 150 years old... Wizards have a longer life expectancy than us Muggles. Snape's 35 or 36 [Red Nose Day Chat, BBC Online, March 12, 2001] This ties in reasonably well with an online interview given by JK Rowling, after the publication of GoF and whilst she was working on OotP, in which she said that Snape (whose birthday has been established as January 9th) was thirty-five or thirty-six. If this applies to GoF itself this fits well enough with a 1960 birthdate, which would make him thirty-five at the end of the academic year 1994/95. He could abandon the plan and simply learn to live with the memory of what his father had done on a summer's day more than twenty years ago ... [OotP ch. #29 p. 588] In OotP, in the Careers Advice chapter, which takes place in April 1996, Harry thinks that the bullying scene which he saw in the Pensieve took place "more than twenty years ago". The scene took place during OWLs, which are sat in June. That ought to mean that it cannot have occurred in June 1976, or any more recently, because June 1976 is less than twenty years prior to April 1996. That in turn ought to mean that the Marauders started at Hogwarts no more recently than 1970 and we know that's not true. We just have to assume that Harry got it wrong: after all, he may well not know his parents' exact ages. 'All anyone knows is, he turned up in the village where you was all living, on Hallowe'en ten years ago. You was just a year old. He came ter yer house an' -- an' --' [cut] 'You-Know-Who killed 'em. An' then -- an' this is the real myst'ry of the thing -- he tried to kill you, too.' [PS ch. #04; p. 45] 'Black lost everything the night Harry stopped You-Know-Who, and he's had twelve years alone in Azkaban to brood on that ...' [PoA ch. #04; p. 54] 'It was me what rescued Harry from Lily an' James's house after they was killed! Jus' got him outta the ruins, poor little thing, with a great slash across his forehead, an' his parents dead ... an' Sirius Black turns up, on that flyin' motorbike he used ter ride.' [PoA ch. #10; p. 153] 'But he didn't manage to disappear, did he? The Ministry of Magic caught up with him next day!' [PoA ch. #10; p. 153] 'Oh, I know Crouch all right,' he said quietly. 'He was the one who gave the order for me to be sent to Azkaban -- without a trial.' [GoF ch. #27; p. 456] They reached the bottom of the steps and ran along yet another corridor, which bore a great resemblance to the one that led to Snape's dungeon at Hogwarts, with rough stone walls and torches in brackets. The doors they passed here were heavy wooden ones with iron bolts and keyholes. [OotP ch. #07 p. 124/125] Rowling also stated on her website that Sirius was about twenty-two when he was sent to Azkaban. In August 1993 Sirius is said to have been in Azkaban for twelve years. This can't quite be true, since it's less than twelve years since the Potters died - but in order for it to have been even nearly true he must have been jailed soon after the murder. We know he was arrested on 1st or 2nd November 1981, depending on whether the scene Hagrid describes of Sirius coming to the Potters' house on his flying motorbike - following which he was arrested "next day" - was late on the night of 31st October or early in the morning of 1st November. We know that following his arrest he was sent to Azkaban without trial: so allowing for a few days or weeks of interrogation in the cells at the Ministry he presumably arrived at Azkaban by the middle of November. If he was exactly twenty-two when he was sent to Azkaban that puts his date of birth somewhere between early to mid November 1958 (depending on the exact date he was transferred to Azkaban) and early to mid November 1959 (because he could have been only just twenty-two, or at the other extreme just short of twenty-three). But in fact he must have been born on or after 1st September 1959, or he would have ended up in the 1970/77 intake at Hogwarts and that doesn't fit the dating given in Deathly Hallows. So if he really was twenty-two when he entered Azkaban, he was born between early September and mid November 1959. If he was only nearly twenty-two (which would be conssitent with his being "about" twenty-two), then he was born between early September and, say, late December 1959. STOP PRESS! On 10th October 2015, Rowling tweeted that Sirius was born on 3rd November. 'Listen, I knew Bertha Jorkins,' said Sirius grimly. 'She was at Hogwarts when I was, a few years above your dad and me.' [GoF ch. #19; p. 292] Bertha Jorkins was "a few years" above the Marauders - presumably two or three years. 'Snape knew more curses when he arrived at school than half the kids in seventh year and he was part of a gang of Slytherins who nearly all turned out to be Death Eaters.' Sirius held up his fingers and began ticking off names. 'Rosier and Wilkes -- they were both killed by Aurors the year before Voldemort fell. The Lestranges -- they're a married couple -- they're in Azkaban.' [GoF ch. #27; p. 460/461] 'Lestrange ...' Harry said aloud. [cut] 'They're in Azkaban,' said Sirius shortly. [cut] 'Bellatrix and her husband Rudolphus came in with Barty Crouch junior,' said Sirius, in the same brusque voice. 'Rodolphus's brother Rabastan was with them, too.' [OotP ch. #06; p. 106] Sirius tells us in GoF that schoolboy Severus was part of a gang which included a married couple called Lestrange who both ended up in Azkaban, and it certainly sounds as though Sirius means he was at school with this gang, not e.g. meeting them during the holidays. It is possible that this refers to the younger Lestrange brother, Rabastan, and an unnamed wife, but Rowling probably did mean it to refer to Rudolphus and Bellatrix Lestrange. 'No, Andromeda's not on here either, look --' He pointed to another small round burn mark between two names, Bellatrix and Narcissa. [cut] [cut] Harry [cut] was too busy staring at the names to the right of Andromeda's burn mark. A double line of gold embroidery linked Narcissa Black with Lucius Malfoy [OotP ch. #06; p. 105] On the Black family tapestry, as described in OotP, it is clear that Bellatrix is the eldest of the three sisters (she is listed furthest to the left, with Andromeda in the middle and Narcissa on the right). It is likely that the sisters are three separate births, not a pair of twins and one singleton, because twins would normally be written one above the other, not side by side. 'Why aren't you supposed to do magic?'asked Harry. 'Oh, well -- I was at Hogwarts meself but I -- er -- got expelled, ter tell yeh the truth. In me third year. They snapped me wand in half an' everything.' [PS ch. #04; p. 48] Harry had had reason to believe before now that this umbrella was not all it looked; in fact, he had the strong impression that Hagrid's old school wand was concealed inside it. Hagrid wasn't supposed to use magic. He had been expelled from Hogwarts in his third year, [CoS ch. #07; p. 90] We know that Nymphadora Tonks, Andromeda's daughter, was born no later than August 1973. Assuming Andromeda left at the end of a school year in the usual manner, and that she wasn't already a mother or very heavily pregnant while at school, she must have left Hogwarts no later than summer 1972 and could only have overlapped Severus and the Marauders at school by a year, if she overlapped them at all. This means that if Andromeda actually stayed the full seven years and took NEWTs (which we don't know, of course), she turned eighteen no later than August 1972 and was born on or before August 1954. If she left school after OWLs she turned sixteen no later than August 1972 and was born on or before August 1956. Any younger than that and we have to assume either that she was heavily pregnant or a mother already whilst still at school, or that she left school before OWLs. In the latter case, judging from Hagrid, she probably wouldn't be allowed to use a wand, and we see no suggestion that this is so. She may of course be older, so long as she is younger than Bellatrix. If we go solely by what's in the books, then there is no problem about having Bellatrix overlap Severus at school, so long as Andromeda was no more than eighteen in summer 1972. If Andromeda was born in summer 1954, Bellatrix could have been born in autumn 1953 and the two sisters would be in the same academic year, enabling Bellatrix to overlap Severus by a year. If Andromeda was born as late as summer 1956, Bellatrix could have been born anywhere between autumn 1953 and autumn 1955, and overlapped Severus by between one and three years, without any problems. The only fly in the ointment is that in January 2006 an auction was held to raise money for a charity, and JK Rowling donated a hand-drawn family tree which purported to be the same one as is on the Black family tapestry. There are numerous problems with this family tree, the first and simplest being that all versions of its content have been derived from rather fuzzy images of the original, and Rowling's handwriting is a bit hard to read at the best of times. Then, assuming the content to have been transcribed properly, there are several problems with the dates. It has two or three people fathering children when they themselves were about thirteen; it has what appear to be James Potter's parents having him when his mother was forty, and dying in late middle-age, when Rowling has said elsewhere that they had James when they were old even by wizarding standards; it has Sirius's mother dying at sixty although her portrait shows an old woman; and it has Regulus dying in 1979 when we were told in OotP that he died in 1980 ("some fifteen years previously" from the viewpoint of August 1995), although the last point can be reconciled by assuming that Regulus died on or just before New Year's Eve and his family initially assumed he had died some days later. It also shows Bellatrix as having a 1951 birthdate, which on the face of it ought to mean she started at Hogwarts no later than September 1963 and left in June 1970, a whole year before the Marauders and Snape started. And if we want her to be in the same academic year as Molly (and Bill to have been born in 1970) she would have been born earlier in 1951 and have attended Hogwarts from 1962-1969. It's possible of course just to say "The family-tree is full of errors and it's not in the books, so it's not actually canon", and ignore it. If so, we can happily have Bellatrix and Severus overlapping at Hogwarts by up to three years, as above. However, the other anomalies do all have possible explanations. Perhaps Walburga Black looked much older than her years because her skin had been wrecked by a drink problem (it would explain a lot about her). The Potters shown in the family tree might be an uncle and aunt of James's, rather than his parents, or the father might have been much older than the mother. It's not unknown for boys to father children at thirteen, and there's a possible reason for the anomaly to do with Regulus as well, of which more anon. It is possible to accommodate Bellatrix's anomalous birthdate as well, in one of two main ways. The first is just to say that she never did overlap Severus at school, and that the Lestranges he was at school with were Rabastan and an unspecified future wife who also became a Death Eater and also ended up in Azkaban (although she wasn't one of the group tried with Rabastan for the attack on the Longbottoms). The second is to say that for some reason Bellatrix remained at Hogwarts until 1972, when she would have been twenty, thus enabling her to be born in late 1951 and still overlap Severus by a year. [We don't want her to have been born earlier than September 1951, because that would exacerbate the problem by making her another academic year above Severus.] This could happen because she had to repeat two years, due either to academic failure or to poor health - in her case, probably poor mental health.
'Creevey, Dennis!' Tiny Dennis Creevey staggered forward, tripping over Hagrid's moleskin [GoF ch. #12 p. 158]
'No you're not,' said Ginny sharply. 'Neville Longbottom -- Luna Lovegood. Luna's in my year, but in Ravenclaw.' [OotP ch. #10 p. 169]
'You're under-age!' Mrs Weasley shouted at her daughter as Harry approached. 'I won't permit it!' [cut] 'She's sixteen!' shouted Mrs Weasley. [DH ch. #30 p. 486]
[cut] Colin Creevey, though under-age, must have sneaked back [DH ch. #34 p. 556]
Colin Creevey and Luna Lovegood are in the academic year below Harry, which means that in theory they could have been born any time between 1st September 1980 and 31st August 1981. However, we know that Colin was not yet of age (not yet seventeen) at the time of the battle of Hogwarts and an attempt is made to bar him from combat as a result. Ginny (who we know has an August birthday) is also told she's too young because she's not quite seventeen yet, whereas no-one suggests that Luna shouldn't be there; so we can assume that Luna was of age. Dennis Creevey is two academic years below his brother, since we first see him in GoF, but we do not have any other input on his age.
Harry stood quite still, eyes glazed, watching the place where a bright gold rim of dazzling sun was rising over the horizon. [cut] 'I need to speak to Griphook and Ollivander,' Harry said. [DH ch. #24 p. 391]
[cut] three days after they had arrived at the cottage [cut] ''Arry, Grip'ook would like to speak to you.' [DH ch. #25 p. 407/408]
Slowly, the days stretched into weeks. [DH ch. #25 p. 411]
'I'm sorry,' he told Fleur, one blustery April evening [DH ch. #25 p. 412]
It was a relief when six o'clock arrived and they could slip out of their sleeping bags, dress in the semi-darkness, then creep out into the garden, where they were to meet Hermione and Griphook. The dawn was chilly, but there was little wind now that it was May. [DH ch. #26 p. 421]
The battle of Hogwarts occurred early in May 1998. We know it was in May because it was the night after the raid on Gringotts, which was in May. We can surmise that it was early May because we know the fight at Malfoy Manor took place during the Easter holidays, so in late March or early April, and whilst the Trio then stayed at Shell Cottage for some weeks there is no suggestion of it being well over a month. According to Pottermore it was the night of 1st/2nd May, although the book text suggests it might have been a couple of days later.
So we know the battle was in early May, and therefore that Luna was born between 1st September 1980 and early May 1981, and Colin between early May 1981 and 31st August 1981. If Luna should happen to be one of the oldest pupils in her year she could be as little as four and a half weeks younger than Harry.
Angelina Johnson turned seventeen in October 1994, and Cedric Diggory turned seventeen in September 1994, so they must both have been born in 1977. Viktor Krum turned eighteen the same year Cedric turned seventeen, so he was born in 1976.
Harry glanced back at the photograph. Percy, who was in his seventh and final year at Hogwarts, was looking particularly smug. He had pinned his Head Boy badge to the fez perched jauntily on top of his neat hair [PoA ch. #01 p. 13]
At that moment Mrs Weasley entered the bar, laden with shopping bags and followed by the twins, Fred and George, who were about to start their fifth year at Hogwarts [PoA ch. #04 p. 50/51]
Then we can work out the ages of the other Weasley children. When Harry is in third year Percy is in seventh year and the twins are in fifth year: so the twins were born in April 1978 and Percy in August 1976. Ginny starts school in Harry's second year so she was born in August 1981. [It may be worth noting that both Percy and Ginny are among the youngest students in their respective years.]
'Charlie's in Romania studying dragons and Bill's in Africa doing something for Gringotts,' [PS ch. #06 p. 80]
'It's great being back here,' said Bill, looking around the chamber [cut] 'Haven't seen this place for five years.' [GoF ch. #31 p. 535]
Bill's and Charlie's ages are more problematic. We know that both boys had already left Hogwarts by the time Harry started in September 1991, and that Bill was born in November and Charlie in December. Bill was Head Boy, so we know he stayed on for NEWTs and did the full seven years at Hogwarts. In June 1995, just before the third task of the Triwizard Tournament, he tells Harry that he hasn't seen Hogwarts for five years.
This does not prove that Bill started at Hogwarts in 1983 and finished seventh year in 1990, for there are various reasons why a student might repeat a year, or start late, or visit the school again after completing NEWTs. However, it does tell us he finished school by June 1990. So he started at Hogwarts no more recently than September 1983 (assuming he started normally at age eleven) and was born (since he has a November birthday and should therefore have started at Hogwarts during the year in which he turned twelve) no more recently than 1971.
Ginny Weasley speaks of remembering Bill going to Hogwarts, and wanting to go too. She was born in August 1981, so if she means that she remembers him starting at Hogwarts it's very unlikely that she would remember it, and remember that she understood what was happening at the time, if he started in 1982 when she was only a year old. That would peg Bill's birth to November 1971, unless for some reason he started at Hogwarts when he was older than eleven.
Then again, it's pretty unlikely she would remember it that clearly even if she was two. She probably just means that she remembers Bill going to Hogwarts - not that she remembers his first going there. If Bill was born in e.g. 1970 then he left Hogwarts in summer 1989 when Ginny was not quite eight, so it would still be a memory from the fairly distant past, from the perspective of an eleven-year-old.
If she does mean that she remembers him actually starting at Hogwarts, then he could have been born in 1971 and started in 1983 when she was two, but she'd have to have had a very well-developed memory and understanding for a two-year-old. Or he started late, when she was older - perhaps he'd been ill, or had been at another school - and in that case it tells us nothing about his birth-year. On the whole it seems most likely that she just means "I remember when Bill was attending Hogwarts", so it doesn't bear on whether he was born in 1971 or earlier.
We know that Charlie is younger than Bill and older than Percy. In JK Rowling's World Book Day Chat on March 4th, 2004, she was specifically asked: "How old are Charlie and Bill Weasley in relation to their other siblings?" She replied "Oh dear, maths. Let me think. Bill is two years older than Charlie, who is two years older than Percy." According to Accio Quote! she subsequently revised this on her website to say that Bill is two years older than Charlie who is three years older than Percy, although the link given to the original quote on her website is no longer valid.
Since Charlie was born in December and Percy in August it's a bit problematic to say Charlie is three years older than Percy. It could mean that Charlie was three academic years ahead of Percy, was born in 1972 and starting at Hogwarts in 1984, and that Bill was born in 1970. It could mean Charlie is two years, eight and a bit months older than Percy, that Charlie was born in 1973 and started at Hogwarts in 1985, and that Bill was born in 1971.
'He caught that thing in his hand after a fifty-foot dive,' Professor McGonagall told Wood. 'Didn't even scratch himself. Charlie Weasley couldn't have done it.' [PS ch. #09 p. 113]
'I shall speak to Professor Dumbledore and see if we can't bend the first-year rule. Heaven knows, we need a better team than last year. Flattened in that last match by Slytherin, I couldn't look Severus Snape in the face for weeks ...' [PS ch. #09 p. 113]
'I tell you, we're going to win that Quidditch cup for sure this year,' said Fred. 'We haven't won since Charlie left, but this year's team is going to be brilliant. [PS ch. #09 p. 114]
'We know Oliver's speech by heart,' Fred told Harry, 'we were in the team last year.' [PS ch. #11 p. 136]
'This is our last chance -- my last chance -- to win the Quidditch Cup,' [cut] 'Gryffindor haven't won for seven years now.' [PoA ch. #08 p. 108]
'Seriously,' said Professor McGonagall, and she was actually smiling. 'I daresay you'll need to get the feel of it before Saturday's match, won't you? And Potter -- do try and win, won't you? Or we'll be out of the running for the eighth year in a row, as Professor Snape was kind enough to remind me only last night ...' [PoA ch. #12 p. 184]
The whole of Gryffindor house was obsessed with the coming match. Gryffindor hadn't won the Quidditch Cup since the legendary Charlie Weasley (Ron's second-oldest brother) had been Seeker. [PoA ch. #15; p.221/222]
We have a great deal of rather confusing information about Charlie's Quidditch career at Hogwarts, which may help us to establish his birthdate.
We are told that Charlie was a famously good Gryffindor Seeker, and also Gryffindor Quidditch Captain. In autumn 1991 Fred comments that Gryffindor haven't won "since Charlie left", in the same sentence as a comment about having a chance at the Quidditch Cup this year.
Fred also strongly implies that Oliver Wood was Quidditch Captain the previous year, 1990/91, and in autumn 1991 Minerva McGonagall comments that the previous academic year's team, 1990/91, was very bad. This would seem like an odd thing to say if Charlie was still Captain and he was as good a player as her statement that "Charlie Weasley couldn't have done it" - used, as it is, as a mark of awe at Harry's prowess rather than a criticism of Charlie - suggests, so it confirms that Charlie had ceased to be Captain well before the end of the academic year 1990/91
During academic year 1993/94, Oliver Wood says that Gryffindor haven't won the Quidditch Cup for seven years. It's not entirely clear whether he means "There have been seven clear years during which we didn't win the cup" or "We last won the Cup seven years ago", but a comment by McGonagall about potentially being out of the running for the Cup for the eighth year in a row shows that they haven't won it for seven clear years, and their last win was in 1986. 'At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the House Cup' [PS ch. #07 p. 85] 'I'm holding the House Cup and the Quidditch Cup' [PS ch. #12 p. 155] If they won their next match, against Hufflepuff, they would overtake Slytherin in the House Championship for the first time in seven years. [PS ch. #13 p. 158] [cut] 'and fifty points will be taken from Gryffindor.' 'Fifty?' Harry gasped - they would lose the lead, the lead he'd won in the last Quidditch match. [PS ch. #15 p. 178] It was decked out in the Slytherin colours of green and silver to celebrate Slytherin's winning the House Cup for the seventh year in a row. [PS ch. #17 p. 220] Against that, we have an apparently flatly contradictory statement in PS, where Harry thinks - in January 1992, because it's early in the term after Christmas - that if they win their next Quidditch match, against Hufflepuff, they will overtake Slytherin in the House Championship for the first time in seven years. That would mean they last won in 1985, and if he's referring to the Quidditch Cup there's no way that can be compatible with what both McGonagall and Wood say in PoA. However, we know that the House Cup and the Quidditch Cup are two separate entities, and that had Slytherin been allowed to keep their victory in the House Cup that year, it would have been the seventh year in a row that they had won it. We are actually told that wins at Quidditch contribute points towards winning the House Cup - when McGonagall docks points after the escapade with Norbert, we see Harry think that he is losing the points which he had gained at Quidditch. We can surmise, then, that when Harry links a win at Quidditch to a House Championship in which Gryffindor haven't beaten Slytherin for seven years as at 1992, he is referring to the House Cup. So we can discount this statement as evidence for Charlie's dates: all it means is that even though Gryffindor won the Quidditch Cup in 1986, Slytherin won the House Cup. Altogether, then, we have the following information about Bill and Charlie's dates: 1) Bill was present at Hogwarts in summer 1990, although we don't definitely know that he was a student at that point. 2) Bill did NEWTs at Hogwarts, was not present at Hogwarts after summer 1990 (except for the Triwizard Tournament) and was therefore born no more recently than 1971, and started at Hogwarts no more recently than September 1983 (unless he started later than first year). 3) Ginny was born in August 1981. 4) Ginny remembers Bill going to Hogwarts, and she understood at the time that that was what was happening. It is not clear however whether she means she remembers him starting there. >5) Charlie is two years younger than Bill, so he was born no more recently than 1973 and started Hogwarts no more recently than 1985. 6) Charlie is either 2 years 8 months or 3 years 8 months older than Percy, who was born in August 1976, so Charlie was born in 1973 or 1972. 7) Charlie had left Hogwarts by September 1991. 8) At some point in his school career Charlie was Gryffindor Quidditch Captain. 9) Charlie was a famously good Seeker. 10) Gryffindor last won the annual Quidditch Cup in 1986. 11) The last time Gryffindor won the Quidditch Cup Charlie was Seeker (so Charlie was Seeker by the end of 1986). 12) The Gryffindor team have not won "since Charlie left" although it is ambiguous what they didn't win and in what sense he left. 13) Charlie's period of tenure on the team is spoken of as if it was some sort of Golden Age. 14) The 1990/91 Gryffindor Quidditch team was extremely bad. 15) The 1990/91 Gryffindor Quidditch team was captained by Oliver Wood for at least part of the year. How can we make sense of the facts that Charlie was Quidditch Captain, that Charlie was considered to be the exemplar of excellence as a Seeker, that Charlie didn't start at Hogwarts until 1984 at earliest, that Gryffindor haven't won since Charlie in some sense "left" and that the last time Gryffindor won the Quidditch Cup was apparently in 1986? We're told that they they haven't won the Cup since Charlie was Seeker, rather than since Charlie was Captain, so he may well not have been Captain yet when they last won the Cup. Indeed, it's very unlikely he could have been Captain in second year, and even less so in first year, so the sequence must have been: Charlie becomes Seeker; Gryffindor win the Cup; Charlie becomes Captain. What did Fred mean, when he said that they hadn't won since Charlie left? a) They hadn't won the Quidditch Cup since Charlie left school. No, because they last won the Cup in 1986 and we know Charlie was at Hogwarts long after that date. He couldn't have been more than a second year in 1986, it's most unlikely that he was Captain in second year, and we know he did become Gryffindor Captain - so he didn't e.g. suddenly leave in 1986 to go to another school. Ergo, he was at Hogwarts well after the last time Gryffindor won the Cup, so there's no reason why Fred would link Charlie leaving Hogwarts with Gryffindor last winning the Quidditch Cup. b) They hadn't won the Quidditch Cup since Charlie ceased to Captain. No, because they last won the Cup in 1986, when Charlie couldn't have been more than a second year. It's most unlikely that he was already Captain in second year, so his Captaincy happened later and was a separate thing from winning the Cup. So there's no reason why Fred would link Charlie ceasing to be Captain with Gryffindor last winning the Quidditch Cup. c) They hadn't won the Quidditch Cup since Charlie ceased to be Seeker. Possible but unlikely. We know Charlie was Seeker when they last won the Cup, and he could have suffered an injury or a growth-spurt which forced him to resign as Seeker soon afterwards. But since he went on to captain the team it's unlikely that Fred would characterise his ceasing to be Seeker as his having "left". d) They hadn't won any matches at all since Charlie left school. Not if Charlie did the full seven years at Hogwarts, because the earliest he could have been born was 1972, which would leave him attending Hogwarts from 1984 to 1991. If Charlie only left Hogwarts in June 1991 it would make no sense for Fred to say, in September 1991, that they hadn't won any matches since Charlie left school. They haven't had a chance to play any matches since Charlie left school. However, it makes perfect sense if Charlie left school earlier than seventh year/1991. If he left school after OWLs, or at the end of sixth year (if he was born in 1972), Gryffindor could perfectly well have won no matches since. e) They hadn't won any matches at all since Charlie ceased to Captain. Possible, but it would require him to have resigned as Captain before the end of his seventh year, which could not have been earlier than 1990/91. So if he was still at school, he would have sat on the sidelines and watched the disaster which was the 1990/91 Gryffindor team, and not intervened. f) They hadn't won any matches at all since Charlie ceased to be Seeker. Possible but unhelpful. We know Oliver Wood was Captain in 1990/91, so Charlie had either left school or resigned as Captain. That he might have resigned as Seeker at the same time as ceasing to be Captain tells us nothing extra. And if he ceased to be Seeker at some point before he ceased to be Captain, Fred would be unlikely to see that as him "leaving". 'I shall speak to Professor Dumbledore and see if we can't bend the first-year rule. Heaven knows, we need a better team than last year. Flattened in that last match by Slytherin, I couldn't look Severus Snape in the face for weeks ...' [PS ch. #09 p. 113] Of these, d) (always assuming that Charlie left school prior to seventh year) and e) are the only ones that work. The idea that Gryffindor hadn't won any matches for a year or even two years would explain why McGonagall was desperate enough to bend the rules to allow a first year to join the team, and to own his own broom.... [cut] this would probably be the best Christmas he'd ever had. Ron and his brothers were staying too, because Mr and Mrs Weasley were going to Romania to visit Charlie. [PS ch. #12 p. 144] '[cut] you can't tame dragons, it's dangerous. You should see the burns Charlie's got off wild ones in Romania.' [PS ch. #12 p. 169] We do have another hint that Charlie left Hogwarts itself, not just the Gryffindor Quidditch team, earlier than 1991. At or just after Easter 1992 Ron tells Harry 'You should see the burns Charlie's got off wild [dragons] in Romania.' Ron did not go home at Christmas or Easter that year, so unless he has been fire-calling Charlie without Harry's knowledge, he has to be referring to burns which he has seen on Charlie prior to September 1991. It's possible that Charlie had been doing summer work with dragons for some years before he left school, or that he left school in June 1991 and started work with dragons immediately, so that he had already managed to accumulate some impressive scars only two months later. But it certainly does sound more as if Charlie had been working with dragons for some considerable time before Ron started at Hogwarts, and that would make sense if he left school after OWLs. Having Charlie leave after OWLs also explains why he didn't become Head Boy, despite being both a prefect and a Quidditch Captain - although of course that may also be true of whoever did become Head Boy. It is worth noting, incidentally, that it is common and acceptable for British pupils to leave school at sixteen. I went to a grammar school - i.e., a school whose pupils had been selected on the basis of high academic potential - in the 1970s. A high proportion of the students were Jewish or Asian - that is, from cultures which emphasize the importance of education. We had an excellent academic reputation all round. And even so, only about a third of students stayed on after sixteen. It is ridiculous, therefore, to expect that among the Hogwarts students we know of, there wouldn't be some who left after OWLs. The following scenarios fit everything we've been told: A: Bill was born in 1971, started at Hogwarts in 1983 and left in 1990. Charlie was born in 1973 and is two years, eight and a half months older than Percy (which is the closest he can be to being three calendar years older, given their respective birthdays), and two academic years ahead of him. If Charlie had done the full seven years at Hogwarts his years would have been 1985/92, but he in fact left after OWLs in 1990. Like Harry, Charlie became Seeker when only a first year. However, it remains true that Harry was the youngest Seeker for a century, because he was only eleven when he joined the team, whereas Charlie with his December birthday would probably have been twelve. Gryffindor last won the annual Quidditch Cup in 1986, when Charlie was a Seeker and was in his first year. Charlie didn't become Captain until after that last win, and although he was an excellent Seeker the rest of the team was not so good, or the other sides were better, and Gryffindor never won the Quidditch Cup during Charlie's term as Captain. Charlie left Hogwarts in 1990, following his OWLs, and Gryffindor won no matches during the single academic year 1990/91. B: Bill was born in 1970. If he attended Hogwarts from age eleven to eighteen in the normal way he was there from 1982 to 1989, in which case he must have visited the school in summer 1990 for some other reason. Or he might have started a year late or had to repeat a year, perhaps due to illness or injury, and sat NEWTs in 1990. Charlie was born in 1972 and is three years, eight and a half months older than Percy, and three academic years ahead of him. If Charlie had done the full seven years at Hogwarts his years would have been 1984/91, but he in fact left either after OWLs in 1989, or at the end of his sixth year in 1990. Gryffindor last won the annual Quidditch Cup in 1986 when Charlie was Seeker and was in his second year: it is unlikely that he could have been already Quidditch Captain and have led his team to victory, but he certainly became Captain later. However, Gryffindor did not win the Cup again during Charlie's term of office. If he left Hogwarts in 1989, Gryffindor won no matches during the two academic years 1989/90 and 1990/91; if he left in 1990, they won no matches during 1990/91. 'Seeker?' [Ron] said. 'But first years never -- you must be the youngest house player in about --' [QTtA ch. #06 p. 28] Against version A), we have Ron's surprise when Harry is made Seeker, and his statement that "first years never --", which is anomalous if Charlie was Seeker in first year. If Charlie was a first year Seeker he must have been appointed very late in the year, and perhaps only by default after an existing Seeker was injured, for Ron to be so surprised by Harry's appointment. On the other hand version B), in which Charlie became Seeker in second year, requires us to accept that Bill either stayed at Hogwarts until he was nineteen or re-visited it a year after his NEWTs. It also means that either Gryffindor didn't win any matches at all for two years running, 1989/90 and 1990/91, or Charlie in fact didn't leave until the end of his sixth year. Since both scenarios require Charlie to have left school before NEWTs, the first is much tidier so long as we can accept another first-year Seeker. It does not result in any need to work round the fact that Bill was last at the school in 1990, and it only requires Gryffindor to have failed to win any matches at all for a single year, not two. However, the fact that nobody ever says to Harry "Charlie was a Seeker in first year too" leads me to conclude, reluctantly, that B) is the more likely scenario. Rowling's website apparently now also gives Bill's birth-year as 1970, although this can't be taken as absolute gospel because she managed to get the date of Dumbledore's death out by a year on the website. That leaves us with Bill being present at the school in summer 1990, when he was nineteen. He could have been visiting, or been called in as a Curse-Breaker to investigate the curse on the Defence Against the Dark Arts post. He could have done an extra year at Hogwarts: perhaps he missed a year due to illness or injury. Or perhaps for some reason he started a year late, in 1983 when he was twelve, in which case we can if we want have Ginny remembering his first going-away-to-school, so long as she was very well-developed for a two-year-old. If, in fact, Charlie left school in 1990 at the end of his sixth year, rather than in 1989 after his OWLs, there must have been some sort of crisis, and perhaps Bill came to offer support. 5. In the case of injury, no substitution of players will take place. The team will play on without the injured player. [QTtA ch. #06 p. 28] Although it is very unlikely that Charlie was Captain in his first or even his second year, since there are no substitutions allowed in Quidditch matches it's possible that the Captain was injured mid-match and Charlie took over, leading his team to victory. An overall win at such a young age would explain his proud reputation, despite the team's failure to win the Cup in subsequent years. And since he does have such a glowing reputation, despite his team never having won the Cup since he was in second year, we must assume that Gryffindor kept losing because their opponents were so good rather than because they were so bad; or perhaps due to circumstances which were none of their fault, such as half the team being struck down with food-poisoning on the morning of an important match. At any rate, we can conclude that one of two things is true. Either Bill was born in 1971 and Charlie in 1973, and Charlie became Seeker in first year, or Bill was born in 1970 and Charlie in 1972, and Charlie became Seeker in second year. The second option has more support from Rowling. And however you arrange it, Charlie left school before seventh year, so either he didn't do NEWTs at Hogwarts, or he was so brilliant he took them early. 'You're an Auror?' said Harry, impressed. [cut] 'Yeah,' said Tonks, looking proud. 'Kingsley is as well, he's a bit higher up than me, though. I only qualified a year ago.' [OotP ch. #03; p. 52] 'Well, I thought of, maybe, being an Auror,' Harry mumbled. 'You'd need top grades for that,' said Professor McGonagall, extracting a small, dark leaflet from under the mass on her desk and opening it. 'They ask for a minimum of five NEWTs, and nothing under "Exceeds Expectations" grade, I see.' [OotP ch. #29; p. 583] 'Well, you'll need to demonstrate the ability to react well to pressure and so forth,' said Professor McGonagall, 'perseverance and dedication, because Auror training takes a further three years, not to mention very high skills in practical Defence.' [OotP ch. #29; p. 586] Tonks is someone else whose birth year we can make a good guess at. When she turns up in OotP, in summer 1995, she says that she completed Auror training a year ago, and we know Auror training takes three years. She must have done NEWTs, since the qualifications required to do Auror training are high. So assuming she started training as soon as she left school, and didn't repeat a year anywhere, she attended Hogwarts 1984/1991 (making her an exact contemporary of Charlie Weasley's if he was born in 1972) and was born between September 1972 and August 1973. Now to the older generation. We know that Snape and the Marauders were in the same academic year, so whatever age they are, so he is. The tombstones we see in Deathly Hallows firmly date James's and Lily's births to early in 1960, so everybody in that year must have been born between September 1959 and August 1960, and they must have attended Hogwarts 1971-1978. How old is Prof. Dumbledore and Prof. Snape?JKR: Dumbledore's about 150 years old... Wizards have a longer life expectancy than us Muggles. Snape's 35 or 36 [Red Nose Day Chat, BBC Online, March 12, 2001] This ties in reasonably well with an online interview given by JK Rowling, after the publication of GoF and whilst she was working on OotP, in which she said that Snape (whose birthday has been established as January 9th) was thirty-five or thirty-six. If this applies to GoF itself this fits well enough with a 1960 birthdate, which would make him thirty-five at the end of the academic year 1994/95. He could abandon the plan and simply learn to live with the memory of what his father had done on a summer's day more than twenty years ago ... [OotP ch. #29 p. 588] In OotP, in the Careers Advice chapter, which takes place in April 1996, Harry thinks that the bullying scene which he saw in the Pensieve took place "more than twenty years ago". The scene took place during OWLs, which are sat in June. That ought to mean that it cannot have occurred in June 1976, or any more recently, because June 1976 is less than twenty years prior to April 1996. That in turn ought to mean that the Marauders started at Hogwarts no more recently than 1970 and we know that's not true. We just have to assume that Harry got it wrong: after all, he may well not know his parents' exact ages. 'All anyone knows is, he turned up in the village where you was all living, on Hallowe'en ten years ago. You was just a year old. He came ter yer house an' -- an' --' [cut] 'You-Know-Who killed 'em. An' then -- an' this is the real myst'ry of the thing -- he tried to kill you, too.' [PS ch. #04; p. 45] 'Black lost everything the night Harry stopped You-Know-Who, and he's had twelve years alone in Azkaban to brood on that ...' [PoA ch. #04; p. 54] 'It was me what rescued Harry from Lily an' James's house after they was killed! Jus' got him outta the ruins, poor little thing, with a great slash across his forehead, an' his parents dead ... an' Sirius Black turns up, on that flyin' motorbike he used ter ride.' [PoA ch. #10; p. 153] 'But he didn't manage to disappear, did he? The Ministry of Magic caught up with him next day!' [PoA ch. #10; p. 153] 'Oh, I know Crouch all right,' he said quietly. 'He was the one who gave the order for me to be sent to Azkaban -- without a trial.' [GoF ch. #27; p. 456] They reached the bottom of the steps and ran along yet another corridor, which bore a great resemblance to the one that led to Snape's dungeon at Hogwarts, with rough stone walls and torches in brackets. The doors they passed here were heavy wooden ones with iron bolts and keyholes. [OotP ch. #07 p. 124/125] Rowling also stated on her website that Sirius was about twenty-two when he was sent to Azkaban. In August 1993 Sirius is said to have been in Azkaban for twelve years. This can't quite be true, since it's less than twelve years since the Potters died - but in order for it to have been even nearly true he must have been jailed soon after the murder. We know he was arrested on 1st or 2nd November 1981, depending on whether the scene Hagrid describes of Sirius coming to the Potters' house on his flying motorbike - following which he was arrested "next day" - was late on the night of 31st October or early in the morning of 1st November. We know that following his arrest he was sent to Azkaban without trial: so allowing for a few days or weeks of interrogation in the cells at the Ministry he presumably arrived at Azkaban by the middle of November. If he was exactly twenty-two when he was sent to Azkaban that puts his date of birth somewhere between early to mid November 1958 (depending on the exact date he was transferred to Azkaban) and early to mid November 1959 (because he could have been only just twenty-two, or at the other extreme just short of twenty-three). But in fact he must have been born on or after 1st September 1959, or he would have ended up in the 1970/77 intake at Hogwarts and that doesn't fit the dating given in Deathly Hallows. So if he really was twenty-two when he entered Azkaban, he was born between early September and mid November 1959. If he was only nearly twenty-two (which would be conssitent with his being "about" twenty-two), then he was born between early September and, say, late December 1959. STOP PRESS! On 10th October 2015, Rowling tweeted that Sirius was born on 3rd November. 'Listen, I knew Bertha Jorkins,' said Sirius grimly. 'She was at Hogwarts when I was, a few years above your dad and me.' [GoF ch. #19; p. 292] Bertha Jorkins was "a few years" above the Marauders - presumably two or three years. 'Snape knew more curses when he arrived at school than half the kids in seventh year and he was part of a gang of Slytherins who nearly all turned out to be Death Eaters.' Sirius held up his fingers and began ticking off names. 'Rosier and Wilkes -- they were both killed by Aurors the year before Voldemort fell. The Lestranges -- they're a married couple -- they're in Azkaban.' [GoF ch. #27; p. 460/461] 'Lestrange ...' Harry said aloud. [cut] 'They're in Azkaban,' said Sirius shortly. [cut] 'Bellatrix and her husband Rudolphus came in with Barty Crouch junior,' said Sirius, in the same brusque voice. 'Rodolphus's brother Rabastan was with them, too.' [OotP ch. #06; p. 106] Sirius tells us in GoF that schoolboy Severus was part of a gang which included a married couple called Lestrange who both ended up in Azkaban, and it certainly sounds as though Sirius means he was at school with this gang, not e.g. meeting them during the holidays. It is possible that this refers to the younger Lestrange brother, Rabastan, and an unnamed wife, but Rowling probably did mean it to refer to Rudolphus and Bellatrix Lestrange. 'No, Andromeda's not on here either, look --' He pointed to another small round burn mark between two names, Bellatrix and Narcissa. [cut] [cut] Harry [cut] was too busy staring at the names to the right of Andromeda's burn mark. A double line of gold embroidery linked Narcissa Black with Lucius Malfoy [OotP ch. #06; p. 105] On the Black family tapestry, as described in OotP, it is clear that Bellatrix is the eldest of the three sisters (she is listed furthest to the left, with Andromeda in the middle and Narcissa on the right). It is likely that the sisters are three separate births, not a pair of twins and one singleton, because twins would normally be written one above the other, not side by side. 'Why aren't you supposed to do magic?'asked Harry. 'Oh, well -- I was at Hogwarts meself but I -- er -- got expelled, ter tell yeh the truth. In me third year. They snapped me wand in half an' everything.' [PS ch. #04; p. 48] Harry had had reason to believe before now that this umbrella was not all it looked; in fact, he had the strong impression that Hagrid's old school wand was concealed inside it. Hagrid wasn't supposed to use magic. He had been expelled from Hogwarts in his third year, [CoS ch. #07; p. 90] We know that Nymphadora Tonks, Andromeda's daughter, was born no later than August 1973. Assuming Andromeda left at the end of a school year in the usual manner, and that she wasn't already a mother or very heavily pregnant while at school, she must have left Hogwarts no later than summer 1972 and could only have overlapped Severus and the Marauders at school by a year, if she overlapped them at all. This means that if Andromeda actually stayed the full seven years and took NEWTs (which we don't know, of course), she turned eighteen no later than August 1972 and was born on or before August 1954. If she left school after OWLs she turned sixteen no later than August 1972 and was born on or before August 1956. Any younger than that and we have to assume either that she was heavily pregnant or a mother already whilst still at school, or that she left school before OWLs. In the latter case, judging from Hagrid, she probably wouldn't be allowed to use a wand, and we see no suggestion that this is so. She may of course be older, so long as she is younger than Bellatrix. If we go solely by what's in the books, then there is no problem about having Bellatrix overlap Severus at school, so long as Andromeda was no more than eighteen in summer 1972. If Andromeda was born in summer 1954, Bellatrix could have been born in autumn 1953 and the two sisters would be in the same academic year, enabling Bellatrix to overlap Severus by a year. If Andromeda was born as late as summer 1956, Bellatrix could have been born anywhere between autumn 1953 and autumn 1955, and overlapped Severus by between one and three years, without any problems. The only fly in the ointment is that in January 2006 an auction was held to raise money for a charity, and JK Rowling donated a hand-drawn family tree which purported to be the same one as is on the Black family tapestry. There are numerous problems with this family tree, the first and simplest being that all versions of its content have been derived from rather fuzzy images of the original, and Rowling's handwriting is a bit hard to read at the best of times. Then, assuming the content to have been transcribed properly, there are several problems with the dates. It has two or three people fathering children when they themselves were about thirteen; it has what appear to be James Potter's parents having him when his mother was forty, and dying in late middle-age, when Rowling has said elsewhere that they had James when they were old even by wizarding standards; it has Sirius's mother dying at sixty although her portrait shows an old woman; and it has Regulus dying in 1979 when we were told in OotP that he died in 1980 ("some fifteen years previously" from the viewpoint of August 1995), although the last point can be reconciled by assuming that Regulus died on or just before New Year's Eve and his family initially assumed he had died some days later. It also shows Bellatrix as having a 1951 birthdate, which on the face of it ought to mean she started at Hogwarts no later than September 1963 and left in June 1970, a whole year before the Marauders and Snape started. And if we want her to be in the same academic year as Molly (and Bill to have been born in 1970) she would have been born earlier in 1951 and have attended Hogwarts from 1962-1969. It's possible of course just to say "The family-tree is full of errors and it's not in the books, so it's not actually canon", and ignore it. If so, we can happily have Bellatrix and Severus overlapping at Hogwarts by up to three years, as above. However, the other anomalies do all have possible explanations. Perhaps Walburga Black looked much older than her years because her skin had been wrecked by a drink problem (it would explain a lot about her). The Potters shown in the family tree might be an uncle and aunt of James's, rather than his parents, or the father might have been much older than the mother. It's not unknown for boys to father children at thirteen, and there's a possible reason for the anomaly to do with Regulus as well, of which more anon. It is possible to accommodate Bellatrix's anomalous birthdate as well, in one of two main ways. The first is just to say that she never did overlap Severus at school, and that the Lestranges he was at school with were Rabastan and an unspecified future wife who also became a Death Eater and also ended up in Azkaban (although she wasn't one of the group tried with Rabastan for the attack on the Longbottoms). The second is to say that for some reason Bellatrix remained at Hogwarts until 1972, when she would have been twenty, thus enabling her to be born in late 1951 and still overlap Severus by a year. [We don't want her to have been born earlier than September 1951, because that would exacerbate the problem by making her another academic year above Severus.] This could happen because she had to repeat two years, due either to academic failure or to poor health - in her case, probably poor mental health.
'I'm holding the House Cup and the Quidditch Cup' [PS ch. #12 p. 155]
If they won their next match, against Hufflepuff, they would overtake Slytherin in the House Championship for the first time in seven years. [PS ch. #13 p. 158]
[cut] 'and fifty points will be taken from Gryffindor.' 'Fifty?' Harry gasped - they would lose the lead, the lead he'd won in the last Quidditch match. [PS ch. #15 p. 178]
It was decked out in the Slytherin colours of green and silver to celebrate Slytherin's winning the House Cup for the seventh year in a row. [PS ch. #17 p. 220]
Against that, we have an apparently flatly contradictory statement in PS, where Harry thinks - in January 1992, because it's early in the term after Christmas - that if they win their next Quidditch match, against Hufflepuff, they will overtake Slytherin in the House Championship for the first time in seven years. That would mean they last won in 1985, and if he's referring to the Quidditch Cup there's no way that can be compatible with what both McGonagall and Wood say in PoA.
However, we know that the House Cup and the Quidditch Cup are two separate entities, and that had Slytherin been allowed to keep their victory in the House Cup that year, it would have been the seventh year in a row that they had won it. We are actually told that wins at Quidditch contribute points towards winning the House Cup - when McGonagall docks points after the escapade with Norbert, we see Harry think that he is losing the points which he had gained at Quidditch. We can surmise, then, that when Harry links a win at Quidditch to a House Championship in which Gryffindor haven't beaten Slytherin for seven years as at 1992, he is referring to the House Cup. So we can discount this statement as evidence for Charlie's dates: all it means is that even though Gryffindor won the Quidditch Cup in 1986, Slytherin won the House Cup.
Altogether, then, we have the following information about Bill and Charlie's dates:
How can we make sense of the facts that Charlie was Quidditch Captain, that Charlie was considered to be the exemplar of excellence as a Seeker, that Charlie didn't start at Hogwarts until 1984 at earliest, that Gryffindor haven't won since Charlie in some sense "left" and that the last time Gryffindor won the Quidditch Cup was apparently in 1986?
We're told that they they haven't won the Cup since Charlie was Seeker, rather than since Charlie was Captain, so he may well not have been Captain yet when they last won the Cup. Indeed, it's very unlikely he could have been Captain in second year, and even less so in first year, so the sequence must have been: Charlie becomes Seeker; Gryffindor win the Cup; Charlie becomes Captain.
What did Fred mean, when he said that they hadn't won since Charlie left?
a) They hadn't won the Quidditch Cup since Charlie left school. No, because they last won the Cup in 1986 and we know Charlie was at Hogwarts long after that date. He couldn't have been more than a second year in 1986, it's most unlikely that he was Captain in second year, and we know he did become Gryffindor Captain - so he didn't e.g. suddenly leave in 1986 to go to another school. Ergo, he was at Hogwarts well after the last time Gryffindor won the Cup, so there's no reason why Fred would link Charlie leaving Hogwarts with Gryffindor last winning the Quidditch Cup.
b) They hadn't won the Quidditch Cup since Charlie ceased to Captain. No, because they last won the Cup in 1986, when Charlie couldn't have been more than a second year. It's most unlikely that he was already Captain in second year, so his Captaincy happened later and was a separate thing from winning the Cup. So there's no reason why Fred would link Charlie ceasing to be Captain with Gryffindor last winning the Quidditch Cup.
c) They hadn't won the Quidditch Cup since Charlie ceased to be Seeker. Possible but unlikely. We know Charlie was Seeker when they last won the Cup, and he could have suffered an injury or a growth-spurt which forced him to resign as Seeker soon afterwards. But since he went on to captain the team it's unlikely that Fred would characterise his ceasing to be Seeker as his having "left".
d) They hadn't won any matches at all since Charlie left school. Not if Charlie did the full seven years at Hogwarts, because the earliest he could have been born was 1972, which would leave him attending Hogwarts from 1984 to 1991. If Charlie only left Hogwarts in June 1991 it would make no sense for Fred to say, in September 1991, that they hadn't won any matches since Charlie left school. They haven't had a chance to play any matches since Charlie left school. However, it makes perfect sense if Charlie left school earlier than seventh year/1991. If he left school after OWLs, or at the end of sixth year (if he was born in 1972), Gryffindor could perfectly well have won no matches since.
e) They hadn't won any matches at all since Charlie ceased to Captain. Possible, but it would require him to have resigned as Captain before the end of his seventh year, which could not have been earlier than 1990/91. So if he was still at school, he would have sat on the sidelines and watched the disaster which was the 1990/91 Gryffindor team, and not intervened.
f) They hadn't won any matches at all since Charlie ceased to be Seeker. Possible but unhelpful. We know Oliver Wood was Captain in 1990/91, so Charlie had either left school or resigned as Captain. That he might have resigned as Seeker at the same time as ceasing to be Captain tells us nothing extra. And if he ceased to be Seeker at some point before he ceased to be Captain, Fred would be unlikely to see that as him "leaving".
Of these, d) (always assuming that Charlie left school prior to seventh year) and e) are the only ones that work. The idea that Gryffindor hadn't won any matches for a year or even two years would explain why McGonagall was desperate enough to bend the rules to allow a first year to join the team, and to own his own broom....
'[cut] you can't tame dragons, it's dangerous. You should see the burns Charlie's got off wild ones in Romania.' [PS ch. #12 p. 169]
We do have another hint that Charlie left Hogwarts itself, not just the Gryffindor Quidditch team, earlier than 1991. At or just after Easter 1992 Ron tells Harry 'You should see the burns Charlie's got off wild [dragons] in Romania.' Ron did not go home at Christmas or Easter that year, so unless he has been fire-calling Charlie without Harry's knowledge, he has to be referring to burns which he has seen on Charlie prior to September 1991. It's possible that Charlie had been doing summer work with dragons for some years before he left school, or that he left school in June 1991 and started work with dragons immediately, so that he had already managed to accumulate some impressive scars only two months later. But it certainly does sound more as if Charlie had been working with dragons for some considerable time before Ron started at Hogwarts, and that would make sense if he left school after OWLs.
Having Charlie leave after OWLs also explains why he didn't become Head Boy, despite being both a prefect and a Quidditch Captain - although of course that may also be true of whoever did become Head Boy.
It is worth noting, incidentally, that it is common and acceptable for British pupils to leave school at sixteen. I went to a grammar school - i.e., a school whose pupils had been selected on the basis of high academic potential - in the 1970s. A high proportion of the students were Jewish or Asian - that is, from cultures which emphasize the importance of education. We had an excellent academic reputation all round. And even so, only about a third of students stayed on after sixteen. It is ridiculous, therefore, to expect that among the Hogwarts students we know of, there wouldn't be some who left after OWLs.
The following scenarios fit everything we've been told:
Charlie was born in 1973 and is two years, eight and a half months older than Percy (which is the closest he can be to being three calendar years older, given their respective birthdays), and two academic years ahead of him. If Charlie had done the full seven years at Hogwarts his years would have been 1985/92, but he in fact left after OWLs in 1990.
Like Harry, Charlie became Seeker when only a first year. However, it remains true that Harry was the youngest Seeker for a century, because he was only eleven when he joined the team, whereas Charlie with his December birthday would probably have been twelve.
Gryffindor last won the annual Quidditch Cup in 1986, when Charlie was a Seeker and was in his first year. Charlie didn't become Captain until after that last win, and although he was an excellent Seeker the rest of the team was not so good, or the other sides were better, and Gryffindor never won the Quidditch Cup during Charlie's term as Captain. Charlie left Hogwarts in 1990, following his OWLs, and Gryffindor won no matches during the single academic year 1990/91.
Charlie was born in 1972 and is three years, eight and a half months older than Percy, and three academic years ahead of him. If Charlie had done the full seven years at Hogwarts his years would have been 1984/91, but he in fact left either after OWLs in 1989, or at the end of his sixth year in 1990.
Gryffindor last won the annual Quidditch Cup in 1986 when Charlie was Seeker and was in his second year: it is unlikely that he could have been already Quidditch Captain and have led his team to victory, but he certainly became Captain later. However, Gryffindor did not win the Cup again during Charlie's term of office. If he left Hogwarts in 1989, Gryffindor won no matches during the two academic years 1989/90 and 1990/91; if he left in 1990, they won no matches during 1990/91.
Against version A), we have Ron's surprise when Harry is made Seeker, and his statement that "first years never --", which is anomalous if Charlie was Seeker in first year. If Charlie was a first year Seeker he must have been appointed very late in the year, and perhaps only by default after an existing Seeker was injured, for Ron to be so surprised by Harry's appointment.
On the other hand version B), in which Charlie became Seeker in second year, requires us to accept that Bill either stayed at Hogwarts until he was nineteen or re-visited it a year after his NEWTs. It also means that either Gryffindor didn't win any matches at all for two years running, 1989/90 and 1990/91, or Charlie in fact didn't leave until the end of his sixth year.
Since both scenarios require Charlie to have left school before NEWTs, the first is much tidier so long as we can accept another first-year Seeker. It does not result in any need to work round the fact that Bill was last at the school in 1990, and it only requires Gryffindor to have failed to win any matches at all for a single year, not two. However, the fact that nobody ever says to Harry "Charlie was a Seeker in first year too" leads me to conclude, reluctantly, that B) is the more likely scenario. Rowling's website apparently now also gives Bill's birth-year as 1970, although this can't be taken as absolute gospel because she managed to get the date of Dumbledore's death out by a year on the website.
That leaves us with Bill being present at the school in summer 1990, when he was nineteen. He could have been visiting, or been called in as a Curse-Breaker to investigate the curse on the Defence Against the Dark Arts post. He could have done an extra year at Hogwarts: perhaps he missed a year due to illness or injury. Or perhaps for some reason he started a year late, in 1983 when he was twelve, in which case we can if we want have Ginny remembering his first going-away-to-school, so long as she was very well-developed for a two-year-old.
If, in fact, Charlie left school in 1990 at the end of his sixth year, rather than in 1989 after his OWLs, there must have been some sort of crisis, and perhaps Bill came to offer support.
Although it is very unlikely that Charlie was Captain in his first or even his second year, since there are no substitutions allowed in Quidditch matches it's possible that the Captain was injured mid-match and Charlie took over, leading his team to victory. An overall win at such a young age would explain his proud reputation, despite the team's failure to win the Cup in subsequent years. And since he does have such a glowing reputation, despite his team never having won the Cup since he was in second year, we must assume that Gryffindor kept losing because their opponents were so good rather than because they were so bad; or perhaps due to circumstances which were none of their fault, such as half the team being struck down with food-poisoning on the morning of an important match.
At any rate, we can conclude that one of two things is true. Either Bill was born in 1971 and Charlie in 1973, and Charlie became Seeker in first year, or Bill was born in 1970 and Charlie in 1972, and Charlie became Seeker in second year. The second option has more support from Rowling. And however you arrange it, Charlie left school before seventh year, so either he didn't do NEWTs at Hogwarts, or he was so brilliant he took them early.
'Well, I thought of, maybe, being an Auror,' Harry mumbled. 'You'd need top grades for that,' said Professor McGonagall, extracting a small, dark leaflet from under the mass on her desk and opening it. 'They ask for a minimum of five NEWTs, and nothing under "Exceeds Expectations" grade, I see.' [OotP ch. #29; p. 583]
'Well, you'll need to demonstrate the ability to react well to pressure and so forth,' said Professor McGonagall, 'perseverance and dedication, because Auror training takes a further three years, not to mention very high skills in practical Defence.' [OotP ch. #29; p. 586]
Tonks is someone else whose birth year we can make a good guess at. When she turns up in OotP, in summer 1995, she says that she completed Auror training a year ago, and we know Auror training takes three years. She must have done NEWTs, since the qualifications required to do Auror training are high. So assuming she started training as soon as she left school, and didn't repeat a year anywhere, she attended Hogwarts 1984/1991 (making her an exact contemporary of Charlie Weasley's if he was born in 1972) and was born between September 1972 and August 1973.
Now to the older generation. We know that Snape and the Marauders were in the same academic year, so whatever age they are, so he is. The tombstones we see in Deathly Hallows firmly date James's and Lily's births to early in 1960, so everybody in that year must have been born between September 1959 and August 1960, and they must have attended Hogwarts 1971-1978.
This ties in reasonably well with an online interview given by JK Rowling, after the publication of GoF and whilst she was working on OotP, in which she said that Snape (whose birthday has been established as January 9th) was thirty-five or thirty-six. If this applies to GoF itself this fits well enough with a 1960 birthdate, which would make him thirty-five at the end of the academic year 1994/95.
In OotP, in the Careers Advice chapter, which takes place in April 1996, Harry thinks that the bullying scene which he saw in the Pensieve took place "more than twenty years ago". The scene took place during OWLs, which are sat in June. That ought to mean that it cannot have occurred in June 1976, or any more recently, because June 1976 is less than twenty years prior to April 1996. That in turn ought to mean that the Marauders started at Hogwarts no more recently than 1970 and we know that's not true. We just have to assume that Harry got it wrong: after all, he may well not know his parents' exact ages.
'Black lost everything the night Harry stopped You-Know-Who, and he's had twelve years alone in Azkaban to brood on that ...' [PoA ch. #04; p. 54]
'It was me what rescued Harry from Lily an' James's house after they was killed! Jus' got him outta the ruins, poor little thing, with a great slash across his forehead, an' his parents dead ... an' Sirius Black turns up, on that flyin' motorbike he used ter ride.' [PoA ch. #10; p. 153]
'But he didn't manage to disappear, did he? The Ministry of Magic caught up with him next day!' [PoA ch. #10; p. 153]
'Oh, I know Crouch all right,' he said quietly. 'He was the one who gave the order for me to be sent to Azkaban -- without a trial.' [GoF ch. #27; p. 456]
They reached the bottom of the steps and ran along yet another corridor, which bore a great resemblance to the one that led to Snape's dungeon at Hogwarts, with rough stone walls and torches in brackets. The doors they passed here were heavy wooden ones with iron bolts and keyholes. [OotP ch. #07 p. 124/125]
Rowling also stated on her website that Sirius was about twenty-two when he was sent to Azkaban. In August 1993 Sirius is said to have been in Azkaban for twelve years. This can't quite be true, since it's less than twelve years since the Potters died - but in order for it to have been even nearly true he must have been jailed soon after the murder. We know he was arrested on 1st or 2nd November 1981, depending on whether the scene Hagrid describes of Sirius coming to the Potters' house on his flying motorbike - following which he was arrested "next day" - was late on the night of 31st October or early in the morning of 1st November. We know that following his arrest he was sent to Azkaban without trial: so allowing for a few days or weeks of interrogation in the cells at the Ministry he presumably arrived at Azkaban by the middle of November.
If he was exactly twenty-two when he was sent to Azkaban that puts his date of birth somewhere between early to mid November 1958 (depending on the exact date he was transferred to Azkaban) and early to mid November 1959 (because he could have been only just twenty-two, or at the other extreme just short of twenty-three).
But in fact he must have been born on or after 1st September 1959, or he would have ended up in the 1970/77 intake at Hogwarts and that doesn't fit the dating given in Deathly Hallows. So if he really was twenty-two when he entered Azkaban, he was born between early September and mid November 1959. If he was only nearly twenty-two (which would be conssitent with his being "about" twenty-two), then he was born between early September and, say, late December 1959.
STOP PRESS! On 10th October 2015, Rowling tweeted that Sirius was born on 3rd November.
Bertha Jorkins was "a few years" above the Marauders - presumably two or three years.
'Lestrange ...' Harry said aloud. [cut] 'They're in Azkaban,' said Sirius shortly. [cut] 'Bellatrix and her husband Rudolphus came in with Barty Crouch junior,' said Sirius, in the same brusque voice. 'Rodolphus's brother Rabastan was with them, too.' [OotP ch. #06; p. 106]
Sirius tells us in GoF that schoolboy Severus was part of a gang which included a married couple called Lestrange who both ended up in Azkaban, and it certainly sounds as though Sirius means he was at school with this gang, not e.g. meeting them during the holidays. It is possible that this refers to the younger Lestrange brother, Rabastan, and an unnamed wife, but Rowling probably did mean it to refer to Rudolphus and Bellatrix Lestrange.
On the Black family tapestry, as described in OotP, it is clear that Bellatrix is the eldest of the three sisters (she is listed furthest to the left, with Andromeda in the middle and Narcissa on the right). It is likely that the sisters are three separate births, not a pair of twins and one singleton, because twins would normally be written one above the other, not side by side.
Harry had had reason to believe before now that this umbrella was not all it looked; in fact, he had the strong impression that Hagrid's old school wand was concealed inside it. Hagrid wasn't supposed to use magic. He had been expelled from Hogwarts in his third year, [CoS ch. #07; p. 90]
We know that Nymphadora Tonks, Andromeda's daughter, was born no later than August 1973. Assuming Andromeda left at the end of a school year in the usual manner, and that she wasn't already a mother or very heavily pregnant while at school, she must have left Hogwarts no later than summer 1972 and could only have overlapped Severus and the Marauders at school by a year, if she overlapped them at all. This means that if Andromeda actually stayed the full seven years and took NEWTs (which we don't know, of course), she turned eighteen no later than August 1972 and was born on or before August 1954. If she left school after OWLs she turned sixteen no later than August 1972 and was born on or before August 1956. Any younger than that and we have to assume either that she was heavily pregnant or a mother already whilst still at school, or that she left school before OWLs. In the latter case, judging from Hagrid, she probably wouldn't be allowed to use a wand, and we see no suggestion that this is so. She may of course be older, so long as she is younger than Bellatrix.
If we go solely by what's in the books, then there is no problem about having Bellatrix overlap Severus at school, so long as Andromeda was no more than eighteen in summer 1972. If Andromeda was born in summer 1954, Bellatrix could have been born in autumn 1953 and the two sisters would be in the same academic year, enabling Bellatrix to overlap Severus by a year. If Andromeda was born as late as summer 1956, Bellatrix could have been born anywhere between autumn 1953 and autumn 1955, and overlapped Severus by between one and three years, without any problems.
The only fly in the ointment is that in January 2006 an auction was held to raise money for a charity, and JK Rowling donated a hand-drawn family tree which purported to be the same one as is on the Black family tapestry. There are numerous problems with this family tree, the first and simplest being that all versions of its content have been derived from rather fuzzy images of the original, and Rowling's handwriting is a bit hard to read at the best of times.
Then, assuming the content to have been transcribed properly, there are several problems with the dates. It has two or three people fathering children when they themselves were about thirteen; it has what appear to be James Potter's parents having him when his mother was forty, and dying in late middle-age, when Rowling has said elsewhere that they had James when they were old even by wizarding standards; it has Sirius's mother dying at sixty although her portrait shows an old woman; and it has Regulus dying in 1979 when we were told in OotP that he died in 1980 ("some fifteen years previously" from the viewpoint of August 1995), although the last point can be reconciled by assuming that Regulus died on or just before New Year's Eve and his family initially assumed he had died some days later.
It also shows Bellatrix as having a 1951 birthdate, which on the face of it ought to mean she started at Hogwarts no later than September 1963 and left in June 1970, a whole year before the Marauders and Snape started. And if we want her to be in the same academic year as Molly (and Bill to have been born in 1970) she would have been born earlier in 1951 and have attended Hogwarts from 1962-1969.
It's possible of course just to say "The family-tree is full of errors and it's not in the books, so it's not actually canon", and ignore it. If so, we can happily have Bellatrix and Severus overlapping at Hogwarts by up to three years, as above.
However, the other anomalies do all have possible explanations. Perhaps Walburga Black looked much older than her years because her skin had been wrecked by a drink problem (it would explain a lot about her). The Potters shown in the family tree might be an uncle and aunt of James's, rather than his parents, or the father might have been much older than the mother. It's not unknown for boys to father children at thirteen, and there's a possible reason for the anomaly to do with Regulus as well, of which more anon.
It is possible to accommodate Bellatrix's anomalous birthdate as well, in one of two main ways. The first is just to say that she never did overlap Severus at school, and that the Lestranges he was at school with were Rabastan and an unspecified future wife who also became a Death Eater and also ended up in Azkaban (although she wasn't one of the group tried with Rabastan for the attack on the Longbottoms).
The second is to say that for some reason Bellatrix remained at Hogwarts until 1972, when she would have been twenty, thus enabling her to be born in late 1951 and still overlap Severus by a year. [We don't want her to have been born earlier than September 1951, because that would exacerbate the problem by making her another academic year above Severus.] This could happen because she had to repeat two years, due either to academic failure or to poor health - in her case, probably poor mental health.