All cartoons are by me, Claire M Jordan, unless otherwise specified.
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Games rats play: caricatures of typical scenes from rat life (by me)
Bunny Duffy: cartoons by Bunny of rat-fantasies and scenes from rat life
Rats in Space: sample-art from SF comic with ratty heroine
A series of typical rat poses suitable for use as tattoos - just fill in your favourite markings.
This one was the illustration for a prize-winning entry in a competition to find the greatest number of words which could be made using the letters in \"Pro-Rat-a\", and then make an interesting rat-related sentence as far as possible constructed only from these words.
The prize-winning sentence was "Parrot roar[s] at rat para atop art".
This was another entry for the same word-game: "Pat a top Pa rat rapt atop pot".
Wide load: a portrait of Portly, who suffered from a genetic obesity problem but was surprizingly agile, all things considered.