Photographs of British, Italian and American ship rats.
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Colour-varieties and markings.
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Variations in head-shape, ears etc..
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Portraits and personalities.
All animals shown are mine unless otherwise specified.
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Rennie, Rachel Donald's Californian alexandrinus (grey-bellied agouti) doe. Rennie was rescued from a cat as a small baby, and survived a perforated belly to become a very loving and playful companion.
Rachel says "she likes it when I blow, aggressively, into her face - she gets closer and closer, squinting her eyes and finally she freaks out, does what I think looks like a convulsive dance, and comes back for more... this is her coming back for more."
Rennie lives free-range, and shares her human's bed at night - sleeping between her feet.
Rachel Donald's Californian alexandrinus (grey-bellied agouti) doe Rennie. Rennie was rescued from a cat as a small baby, and survived a perforated belly to become a very loving and playful companion.
Rennie pinching a pencil - picking her way across the bedspread with her ill-gotten gains.
Rennie looking whiskery and alert...
Rennie again - just because it's a nice shot.
Rennie again.
Valerie Pfeiffer's Canadian buck Tobias, found as a hairless "pinkie" lying on the pavement, with paired puncture-wounds from some predator's claws or teeth on his back and belly. In this photo' he is about 4 months old.
Tobi is particularly fond of finger-wrestling.
Tobi again - he lives in a magnificent 7ft tall cage.
Janet Girard's frugivorous doe Ike-ola, rescued at about three weeks old from the mouth of a cat in the hills of Los Angeles, a few miles from the Griffith Observatory, and raised on canned milk, bread and cottage cheese. She started out as plain Ike, until I pointed out that "he" was a she!
Ike-ola in her own private fairground. The resolution on this image is very low, but I decided I couldn't resist it... She likes to be sung to in Italian, and lives very happily with her nice Norwegian boyfriend Stuie.
This photograph appeared in Pro-Rat-a, the journal of the British National Fancy Rat Society, with the caption "Hickory looking down on other species". Hicky once disappeared for 2 or 3 days, until I woke up to find her sitting on my forehead grooming my eyebrows.
Murdoch's ferocious son Yoyo, (he of the retractable balls, whose hobbies included "Shredding cloth" and "Making annoying twanging noises", and who only ate fruit if it came with cream and sugar), daring the entire universe to fight him, and demonstrating that if the invading Norway rat did kill off the native British ship rat (as most textbooks written by people who've never met a male ship rat claim) it was self-defence.