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MG Garage Sketches

The lady who commissioned this painting (for her Husband) supplied me with 'photos of each of his five classic cars owned at different periods in his life. She had no real idea of how she thought the painting should look, only it's size, so she left the rest to me.

Talking with Mrs. Ellis about Mr. Ellis, it seemed he always hankered after his own garage, so I thought this the ideal setting.
      As you can see, above, the original idea I had was a mirror image of how the painting actually turned out.

         I also found out that the Singer was probably his least favourite, so I put it on ramps in the garage!

The MG TC was his favourite, so it took centre stage with Mr & Mrs Ellis on board.

Also in the sketches above you will see my watering can & trolly jack (which appear at the garage entrance doors) and my old Castrol oil can (which I put on the window sill by the MG Y )

The Riley, in the back ground, was the car they went on their honeymoon in, so I added white ribbons! 

Above are sketches for the sign writing.
Their son is the petrol attendant and their daughter is stood by the Austin A35.
The recovery truck is a GUY Invincible a total suprise I included to remind them of the artist's name!

Click Here to see the finished Painting