by Jan |
Twenty Questions
1 -
What country are you from?
2 -
How would you physically describe yourself?
I doubt I would, actually. Those who are not in a position to see me with their
own eyes likely have no need to know what I look like. However, if pressed,
I would say, ‘pale, reedy and unkempt’.
3 -
Do you have any recurring mannerisms?
Calling people “milord” or “milady” regardless of their social standing.
4 -
What is your main motivation?
To find some kind of place in the world and to do some living in the real world
rather than in books.
5 -
What is your greatest strength, and weakness?
Weakness: Overly trusting
Strength: Willingness.
- What are your most and least favourite things?
Favourite: books, the repository of all knowledge and a source of entertainment.
Least favourite: being drunk. It always gets me into trouble.
7 -
What is your psychology?
Extremely nervous of deception or uncertainty; considering my background, it
wouldn’t be surprising. I truly believe that honesty is the best policy; I like
to get everything important out front before entering into relationships of
any kind and I make it a policy to seek out the truth behind any given situation
without straining the bounds of courtesy. There’s also a certain need to get
out and live life to its absolute utmost; even if there’s a risk involved, I
will not let more of my life simply drift by without playing some active part
in its shaping. All the same, there’s a certain inability to go it alone, and
so am willing to be swept along with a group of strangers.
8 -
What is your single greatest fear?
Initially, I feared everything. Now I’m not sure what to fear. Viola dying is
probably the only thing that fills me with dread at the moment, with the possible
exception of waking up one morning to find out that everything that’s happened
since leaving Avalon is yet another lie.
9 -
What are your highest ambitions, and greatest love?
Highest ambition is very general, I want to be taken seriously for a change.
As for my greatest love, I have no real idea; I’m just working that out as I
go along.
10 -
What is your opinion of your country?
I know very little of it, as it is now. Much changed while I was absent, and
I was not willing to remain in the country long enough to explore it properly.
11 -
Do you have any prejudices?
Women with a great deal invested in their physical appearance put me off entirely.
While not disliking them on sight, I will have a hard time trying to find what
mind might be behind the body.
12 -
Where do your loyalties lie?
With Viola, Francine, Axel, Alejandro, and Idunn – they have stood by me on
short acquaintance, whatever their reasons for doing so. Also with the College
and Arciniega.
13 -
Are you in love, betrothed or even married?
In love with Viola Fallisci; unrequited.
14 -
What is your family like?
Apart from ‘large’, I am not sure. I kept out of their way whenever possible
in my early years, and have seen neither clan nor blood-kin in some decades.
15 -
How would your parents describe you?
“Changeling”, for the most part. My father believed that my appearance and manner,
when set against that of my brothers, was proof that my mother had sought another
man’s bed.
16 -
Are you a gentleman/woman?
I’m not entirely sure. I try to behave in a gentlemanly manner, but occasionally
forget myself; also, I have neither the money nor the bearing of a gentleman.
You could say I’m a gentleman trapped in a peasant/scholar’s body.
17 -
How religious are you, and which church sect do you follow?
I am an Objectionist, but this is as much because I do not agree with the priests
as I agree with the faith I follow. At times I am not sure entirely what to
believe, but have thus far seen too much to not believe that Theus exists.
18 -
Are you a member of a guild, gentleman’s club or secret society?
I am a member of the Invisible College.
19 -
What do you think of sorcery?
Formerly wary; now it depends on the sorcerer/sorceress. It is not the tool,
but he who wields it, who makes it dangerous.
20 -
What advice do you need to hear?
1) Get over it and get on with your life
2) Stop wearing your heart on your sleeve
3) Keep your mouth shut.