Twenty Questions
1 -
What country are you from?
Castille. My family owns land in the Rancho Torres region, which I’ll re-claim
as soon as we have driven the Montaigne scum back where they came from.
2 -
How would you physically describe yourself?
I am just a little taller than average, slim bordering on skinny, with short,
black hair, and clean-shaven. I am a priest, so I don’t dress flamboyantly like
many Castillians. I like to keep it simple: plain black with just a priest’s
dog collar and prophets’ cross. I have a scar across my left cheek that I got
in a duel – a duel which I won, incidentally.
other scar? I should have known you would ask about that. I was shot in the
head. Well, it was more like an execution, really, except whoever did it was
a dreadful shot, thank Theus, or I would not be here now. It looks a mess at
the moment, but it’s healing. It won’t be quite so noticeable once the hair
has grown back.
3 -
Do you have any recurring mannerisms?
I always check my boots for spiders before I put them on… I also have a habit
of crossing myself in stressful situations and uttering a silent prayer to Theus.
It’s a priest thing.
4 -
What is your main motivation?
Save the world from the threat posed to it by things that should not be and
that man was not meant to know. The end justifies the means. I can tell you
no more than that.
5 -
What is your greatest strength, and weakness?
My faith. I trust in the will of Theus, and he gives me strength. My weakness?
I’m a touch hotheaded, I suppose. I get into too many unnecessary fights.
6 -
What are your most and least favourite things?
Most: Feeling calm, at peace, at one with Theus – like when you’re in a church,
or at prayer. Romantic walks in the moonlight with a special lady. Castille.
Least: Spiders, the Inquisition, spiders, Porté sorcerers, spiders, the
Montaigne, spiders, Knights of the Rose and Cross, spiders, uppity Objectionists,
Mr. Toad, guns… Oh, and erm… did I mention spiders?
7 -
What is your psychology?
I wouldn’t know about that. Ask a psychologist?
Actually I prefer geology and astronomy, and natural philosophy. I studied at
the university of Altamira, which is the best in Théah.
8 -
What is your single greatest fear?
Spiders. No, actually that’s not true. My greatest fear is that I… we shall
fail, and that Théah will become a hellish, beast-infested place of chaos
and madness.
9 -
What are your highest ambitions, and greatest love?
My highest ambition is to serve Theus as best I can. A priest’s greatest love
should always Theus, but there is a certain lady who has recently become the
object of my affections.
10 -
What is your opinion of your country?
Castille is the most beautiful country in all of Théah. The countryside
is glorious, the people charming and passionate, its cities are centres of science
and learning, and, of course it is the home of the Vaticine Church.
11 -
Do you have any prejudices?
Yes. I dislike the Montaigne, and Porté sorcerers in particular. I’ve
never met a Porté mage I liked, except for Francine, and she’s still
an arrogant bitch. Knights of the Rose and Cross don’t figure highly in my estimation
either. They are too busy playing at being knights and basking in the glory
of their supposed reputation bothering to actually achieve any real good. They
are nothing but vain show offs.
12 -
Where do your loyalties lie?
If I told you, I’d have to kill you.
13 -
Are you in love, betrothed or even married?
There is a special lady who I would like to ask to be my wife.
14 -
What is your family like?
Dead, mostly. Killed by the Montaigne when they invaded Castille: even my little
baby nephew. My only surviving relative is my elder sister. She’s a bishop in
Vaticine City.
15 -
How would your parents describe you?
Ask Theus. They’re with him, now.
16 -
Are you a gentleman/woman?
Of course.
17 -
How religious are you, and which church sect do you follow?
Have you been paying any attention?
18 -
Are you a member of a guild, gentleman’s club or secret society?
19 -
What do you think of sorcery?
Evil. The greatest threat to mankind there has ever been, and an abomination
before Theus. There is a reason the prophets spoke out against sorcery.
20 -
What advice do you need to hear?
Follow your heart, have faith, and stop getting in so many fights!