Twenty Questions
1 -
What country are you from?
is from the greatest land in Théah – namely Montaigne
2 -
How would you physically describe yourself?
is about 25, tall, fair haired with auburn hair and steel-grey eyes. Although
not a classical beauty there is something about her bearing predisposes people
to find her intriguing.
3 -
Do you have any recurring mannerisms?
never uses 1 word when 10 will do.
4 -
What is your main motivation?
vary greatly. The include doing good deals, money, power, revenge on her father,
and coming to understand the world around her and her place in it.
5 -
What is your greatest strength, and weakness?
strengths are her self-confidence, bearing and her ability at Porté magic.
Her greatest weakness is never getting to the point when speaking.
6 -
What are your most and least favourite things?
favourite things involve being with her friends and seeing them happy and more
recently discovering things about the world she lives in.
7 -
What is your psychology?
8 -
What is your single greatest fear?
greatest fear would be everyone discovering that she has been living a lie –
being denounced and forced to live as a penniless peasant.
9 -
What are your highest ambitions, and greatest love?
highest ambitions would be to gain her rightful place in the Allias du Crieux
family and to understand as much as possible about the powerful beings that
seem to control so much of life on Théah.
10 -
What is your opinion of your country?
greatly loves her country but despises the current rulers.
11 -
Do you have any prejudices?
dislikes people who treat others badly – especially peasants.
12 -
Where do your loyalties lie?
loyalties lie with her friends – but mostly to herself.
13 -
Are you in love, betrothed or even married?
Francine has had only two relationships. One of these was before the game started
and one was very brief. Now, due to in-game happenings, she can remember neither.
14 -
What is your family like?
adores her sister Eponine (even if they do squabble) and is close to her mother
and her Aunt Clarisse (who is younger than she is). She is not at all close
to the rest of her family who do not know (or at least acknowledge) that she
is part of the Allias du Crieux household.
15 -
How would your parents describe you?
mother would say she worries greatly about her wayward daughter who wanders
Théah having so-called “adventures” and puts herself in great danger.
At the same time she would say she was proud of the things she has achieved.
father would say “What daughter”?
16 -
Are you a gentleman/woman?
like to think so.
17 -
How religious are you, and which church sect do you follow?
is very much Vaticine.
18 -
Are you a member of a guild, gentleman’s club or secret society?
is currently a member of no society but is interested in both the Explorers
and Sophia’s Daughters.
19 -
What do you think of sorcery?
the Prophets denounced it, why would Theus have allowed it if it is that wrong?
Those people who have those abilities must use them to make the world a better
place. Maybe if it is a thing of evil then that can help lesson the sin they
were born with.
20 -
What advice do you need to hear?
to connect to other people again – before it’s too late and you forget how to.