Falisci Vodacce Lawyer |
is Veronica’s youngest brother, and besides her younger sister is one
of her closest siblings. They argue all the time,
loudly, but with the other members of the family they rarely talk. While Veronica
has difficulty trusting any of her family, Vito is the one she feels most comfortable
with out of her brothers. So when she needs help, especially help with things
she can’t generally talk to anyone about, she calls Vito.
It is about the family that Vito and Veronica argue most. Vito is happy to do as the family asks, where Veronica goes out of her way to do the opposite. This meant Vito was happy to go to law school when the family said they needed another lawyer in the family. He studied hard and graduated well. He could do no less, as to fail would have been to fail the family too. What Veronica never understood is the competition Vito felt with his elder brothers. He may have had two younger sisters, but he still felt like the youngest in the family. At a very early age he decided he would prove the most successful and the most valuable member of the family. So far he is well on the way to doing just that.
Even though becoming a lawyer wasn’t his choice, Vito has found great enjoyment in the profession. He loves the verbal battle and the mental challenge of winning a case. He cares little if his client is guilty or innocent. It is up to him to prove their innocence and win against the opposition. He also enjoys the wealth that his success brings; the cars and the nice suit are part of what life is all about to Vito.
Recently Vito has begun a path that may well get him into a lot of trouble. In an attempt to gain more power for himself he has made a few dangerous friends. Various crime lords are always looking for a talented young man, and especially one who knows the law. So far his occasional freelance work for some bad people has only brought greater connections and wealth. However, it will not be long before things get serious. Vito is aware of this, but there is no great win without great risk.
(Vito joined the characters briefly when Veronica called on his legal expertise)