We then headed to Dallington where Chris wanted to check the churchyard for Relf gravestones (what else). When we arrived we disturbed a churchwarden clearing a grave and asked if she knew of any Relf stones. Apparently she was waiting for another warden who would have the key to the safe so that we could check the churchyard map. This duly happened and we found 2 Relf names listed who were buried in the 'new' part - for new read 'across the lane in a field with grass five feet high with graves from the nineteenth century'. We started to walk to the part where we thought these graves were located, to be met by a gentleman also looking for a gravestone (not a Relf) so we told him that there was a map, which he could consult. A little further on we suddenly saw a head pop out from behind a stone with 'Hello, Chris, what are you doing here?' It was Cyril Relf, also from Berkshire, looking for his grandfather (maternal side). What a coincidence.
We did not find the Relfs - so decided to head for our B & B for a cup of tea and then set off for the pub in Mayfield for the evening meal. The evening was great fun and it was good to catch up with the others who came for the meal - family history stories were swapped and 'what have you been doing since last year' was heard many times. The pub staff coped remarkably well considering that they had only recently taken over running the place. I think we highlighted a few things over the two days that will need sorting in the near future.
Saturday was again bright and sunny (how lucky we seem to be with the reunions) and twenty-five people turned up for the meeting. We all managed to seat ourselves in the room allocated and despite not being enough cups for everyone to have coffee at the same time the meeting began. A.G.M. finished at 12 noon (as reported elsewhere) and everyone then decamped for lunch, stretch of legs and checking of family trees etc.
The regulatory photo call followed (see members page) with much hilarity and swapping of places as different people clicked away. Our President presented Elsie Archard with some flowers for all her support whilst Graham was Chairman over the last five years - much to her surprise.
Tina French had then organised a very interesting talk on the past iron industry in the area - the lady concerned was extremely knowledgeable and brought various items of ore etc. for us to see. We then had an hour before tea - some members walked (or drove) up the hill to visit the convent whilst others took the opportunity to relax in the sun with the Saturday papers or chat.
Tea had been organised for four o'clock, along with scones (excellent), butter, jam (ran out) and cream. Plenty of tea but not enough cups (again) - but it was all great fun and seemed to add to the day. We all left with lots of 'see you next year' and 'good hunting'. I hope we will see even more people next year and our very grateful thanks go to Tina for organising yet another excellent weekend.
E-mail to James Relf
Page last revised 21st October 2003.