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~~ Nocturne ~~

time for a little night musing

how to prevent accidental overdosing

by Stefan Lewis-Fish



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Difficulty sleeping?  Can't figure out why?  Try here




Sleep you want
As a panacea
It never is
Truth is always here
In morning light
The past becomes so clear
Whilst the pain remains
A reminder of regret

You might still if you're lucky
Find solutions for the future
The past won't change
Though it might be reframed
And whilst not removed
The pain still remains
And so to bed
With today's problems set

Tonight's unresolved insomnia
Determines the dreamscape
Tomorrow's rows uncertain
But they're waiting there

No escape for the anxious
Just a journey to the dawn
An eventual realisation
As past angst bows
And this state presages
More exhaustion
More incapacity
In the mighty here and now

In the future's lair
Sleep's impossible
Break out the diazepam
The tablets fly
Providing a picture
For suspicious Samaritans
Just circumstantial clues
And the pain remains

"No!" cried the shade
"I'm not a quitter...
I only wanted
A good night's rest"
"So!" cries the shade
"Now I'm cold and bitter
A posthumous reminder
a sleepy mistake."


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© Stefan Lewis-Fish

(22nd January 1999)