The Lounge

Regretfully the The Vampyre SocietyVS Badge as an organised body was suspended in the Spring of 1998. This however has not split up the group which was based in Belfast. It had a modest membership in Northern Ireland. Members had been involved in a number of radio interviews for BBC Radio Ulster and interviews for local newspapers. Being separated from the rest of the UK Vampire Society Areas by the Irish Sea, we found it next to impossible to attend the Society activities that we would have liked to, however we did organised a number of 'local' events.

For six years in July we ran a joint annual bar-b-que with Lip Service which always proved popular. Especially the veggie burgers, for those who don't like meat!!

We attended the charity premier, of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, which was introduced by Belfast's own Kenneth Brannagh.

We attended the Victorian fancy dress centenary party at the Grand Opera House, Belfast.

A Grand Day Out picnic was organised and run at Castle Ward.

A couple of members have explored one of Belfast's oldest graveyards, which was linked rather obscurely to the activities of Burke and Hare in Edinburgh.

The group had regular monthly pub meets in Belfast when new vampire related films and books are discussed and occasionally a quiz with a relevant prize for the winner.

Watch this space for photos of the local Vampire lovers!
