"........ on the monitor, master."

Lip Service always enjoyed a good relationship with the media, particularly in Northern Ireland, but like all relationships it did have its highs and lows .........

Some UK Performance Groups  have actively pursued media attention, this is something to be honest that Lip Service has never felt the need to do. Somehow, usually by word of mouth or someone seeing us perform, enough media attention came our way, should it be radio, television or newspapers.

Either as a group, or as individuals and occasionally sometimes through our close connection with the UK fan-club "TimeWarp", our members have been involved in the following.

Irih News extract

Amazing as it may seem, we have also turned down some television and interviews. On these occasions it was obvious that the programmes and producers concerned did not have an idea what Rocky was about and merely wanted to set it up and those involved with it for ridicule. We just wouldn't give them the pleasure!





