I suppose it was one of those things that was bound to happen eventually ..... Lip Service were propelled off into cyberspace and the mysticism of the world wide web.
Our presence was initiated by Joanne complaining to Sal Piro that all the performance groups featured on the Official RHPS web site were American and there were none from the UK. He called her bluff and said, OK send details about Lip Service ....... Joanne contacted Davy O, he pulled together the details of the cast and photographs used on our publicity flyer and they were sent off to New York. In no time at all the world wide web was aware of the presence of this little group in Belfast, Northern Ireland performing to the greatest audience participation film of all time. {Click the Fan Club button to check out the page.}
Davy now decided it was time to take it a stage further ..... why not have our own web site!! Joanne kept reassuring him that it was easy .... and that HTML {the language used for writing web pages... as if you didn't know ;-))} was easy to use and learn ....... not convinced Davy gave it a go!
It was easy .... so easy in fact that the web site has grown to cover the various aspects of the groups activities, including the promoting of the stage show tours, and event a bit for Saffron's costume making skills etc.
As a result of the web page we have frequently been contacted by others commenting on our site, asking for details of Rocky Horror fandom, either within Northern Ireland or the UK. It has also proved to be a point of contact for those who are fans of Belfast's own Rocky Horror star ..... the one and only Miss Patricia Quinn.
It was also through our web page that we contacted mid 1999 by a girl in Limerick, Ireland about travelling to a local Gay Pride event and performing. Despite her begging for us to do it, somehow, anyhow, we had unfortunately to turn it down as most of the group were otherwise occupied the weekend in question.
In an effort to help out though Davy O provided her with leaflets, posters, and a full audience participation script with Belfast, Dublin, London, Glasgow and Edinburgh amendments!!
He also gave her contact details of the Dublin based performance group ....... however she didn't use them in the end as they wanted £800Ir as opposed to Lip Service simply wanting petrol money, a couple of drinks (nothing new there then) and somewhere to 'crash' for the night.
Despite the demise of Lip Service as a performance group the web site will be kept active as a record of the existence of a wee group of dedicated Rocky fans in Belfast who performed to the film. It will also be maintained and updated as point of reference for the Northern Ireland Rocky fans ........
"We haven't gone away you know!"
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