Such is the family of Rocky Horror fans which have developed around the world as a result of the involvement that many dear and lasting friendships have been formed. Like any family there are a few bad eggs but on the whole 'Lip Service' have been very lucky, mostly only becoming involved with those slightly more sane mad people. In particular I want to pay tribute to those individuals in the UK mainland who came to rescue of the little Belfast group ..........often on repeated occasions, and at their own personnel expense for travel or time off work or college/university. Some mention may also be made in the other chapters to specifics involving these Angels of Rocky but here I want to cover generally their help and assistance.
Saffron Shearer-Gare - For all those hours of sewing, making, altering costumes and performing with us in Belfast. We just can't thank her enough.
Carole Howie - For having the patience to teach Davy O anything let alone the Floorshow! She has to be admired. For all those trips over to Belfast thanks again.
Cathy Marsh - For 'volunteering' Mike out of retirement, and for standing in as Janet herself, with no prior experience thanks again.
Mike Gardiner - A big thank you for coming out of retirement and performing Brad again and letting us learn from you experience over the years with Charming Underclothes.
In particular a special thank you to all the above people and others for coming over and supporting the meagre numbers of 'hardcore' Rocky fans in the front row of the Grand Opera House when the stage show has been in town. It was and is much appreciated.
Martin Fairgrieve - When we had a 'Janet' but no costume that would fit, thanks for agreeing to come to our rescue and loaning us yours. Cheers!