...... well October 1999, actually. This the third and last of the Millennium of the TimeWarp Fanclub conventions was to be the last ever pubic performance of Lip Service any where in time or space ......... in anything remotely like it's old guise. It seemed fitting that the last show should be at the same event that nurtured the seed planted back in 1992. Anyway what a way to go out as THE performance group at an International Fan Convention.
Being Lip Service of course, problems were never too far away. Trying to assemble the group for last shout proved surprisingly difficult. Cash flow problems, work commitments all helped to prevent some members attending. The biggest nightmare was individuals dropping at the last minute!
Before Stephanie asked Davy to provide the performance cast for 1999, he had envisaged a sort of Fanclub cast rather than one specific group at the convention. So when he was given full control and did not have a full cast from Belfast attending, he 'invited' a few others to perform along side the Belfast crew.
Of course there were the last minute problems, the Wednesday night before the Saturday Convention, Davy was in Kent. He received a phone call to tell him that Aida who was performing as one of the other "Frank's" was in hospital in Barcelona. Quickly he rang Emma in Glasgow who agreed to take on the additional parts of the film up to the floorshow, where Davy would take over. On the Thursday night, Davy S rang to say that because of a serious back injury, and on the advice of a medical consultant it had been stressed that he shouldn't lift any weights, and as such couldn't play Eddie. Panic now set in. An attempt to contact Marty in Glasgow failed as he was already on his way to London. Luckily though on the morning of the Convention, Marty agreed to take on the role, borrowing Davy S's stuff as he had no Eddie costumes of his own with him.
The last minute assistance from Emma and Marty not only proved once again the friendship and co-operation amongst Rocky devotees, but also the special relationship which had been developed with the Glasgow fans from the outset.
Lets not forget the hard work everyone in the group put into helping with Stewarding at the event, ensuring that it was again the HUGE success that it was.
Other highlights through the day was Belfast's Barbara W, winning the best Columbia costume competition {she was only allowed to enter as this was not her performing costume, she portrayed Rocky}. Richard O'Brien also sang a number of songs which had everyone on their feet, and he had a beautiful pair of black wings!!!
The final Lip Service Pre-Show number had to be something special ....... something memorable ....... in your face ...... and yet easy to learn !!! No mean task ....... but we came up with ...... "Spice Up Your Life". It had the desired effect pulling most of the audience to their feet and dancing along with the fab five on stage;
Barbara W - Posh 'Rocky' Spice
Rosie - Baby 'Janet' Spice
Joanne - Scary 'Madge' Spice
Shelley - Sporty 'Groupie' Spice
Davy O - Ginger 'Tony' Spice {or should that be Tart Spice!}
The film rolled ........ what a night with such props as a real motorbike for Eddie, a real shopping trolley for 'Face cream' Frank, bedroom scenes which were properly lit through pink and blue chiffon, a creation tank and full sonic transducer panel, it was a night which would not easily be forgotten, by any of those who took part.
Oh yeah, and for only the second time ever (the first being the last show in Belfast) Davy smudged his make-up in 'I'm going Home'!
............ and all too soon it was over! Not the night that was sure, but the Convention, and Lip Service as it had been.