Contact Us email us at: penultimateproductions@zetnet.co.uk Any website problems should be reported to: webmaster@penultimateproductions.co.uk
Submitting material to us We are interested in producing quality low budget material. We want to see quirky, original ideas, something that hasn't been seen before and that will make people sit up and take notice. We are also interested in all genres, be it comedy, drama etc. If you have such a project then why not send us an outline? Of particular interest at the moment are low-budget scripts. They can be on any subject or genre but the ideas must be strongly visual. The budget for such a production would be really tight, so please no casts of thousands or elaborate special effects sequences! We want to put good writing on the screen: our name says it all. We do read all submissions mailed to us. We are busy. Don't expect a protracted correspondence on the finer points of your writing. In fact, don't expect any correspondence if we are really busy. Email a synopsis only. Tell us what you see as the market for your script. Do not mail a script unless we ask for one. If we can see a market for your script you will hear from us. For Writer's Security