
Filming On A Microbudget 

by Paul Hardy

Review by James MacGregor

A very nugget of a film production book, absolutely crammed with information about filming at the sharpest end – the one with no money. It is much more of a director’s guide than a producers, but it makes for a handy pocket reference for anyone and any New Producer reading it will get a much better insight into the factors and concepts his or her director is battling with.

The most astonishing thing about this wee gem is its price - £3.99!!

Before taking to the film battle ground it would be advisable to pack it as part of the field kit, or simply slip it in the back pocket. Of course, if you know of any youngster or indeed anyone with filmmaking aspirations, it will certainly slip into a Christmas stocking!

Pocket Essentials 2001

ISBN 1-903407-48-X

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