


Born and raised in Keynsham, Bristol, Benjamin Burford-Jones was but one member of a large family. With six brothers and sisters to play with and very little money, he was forever learning the art of imagination as it was free, reusable and there was plenty to go around. This imagination he put to great use in both schoolwork and playtime. As he grew up, these brothers and sisters produced nephews and nieces. In fact, he could hardly turn a corner without being confronted with another tiny new addition to the ever-expanding family. The result was that he grew into adulthood with the strong belief that nobody should ever be talked down to or patronised whatever their age.
When he realised that his childhood dream of becoming a fireman could quite possibly cause him to get burnt, he decided to drop the fantasy and focus on more obtainable goals. Unfortunately being an astronaut was also not his cup of tea. During his adult life he has put his hand to many things, from very tedious clerical work to building and performing with puppets. As a result, he appreciates the sacrifice that clerical workers give to enable artists to flourish. He also realises the pain and suffering that the poor puppeteer has to undergo, with his hand up an animal's bottom.

As well as making puppets, he sometimes puts pen to paper. He has written two novels, published by Candy Jar Books.   His children's novel Beware of the Mirror Man, should be read by everyone. The other is more adult in nature, and is a spin off from Doctor Who called Lethbridge-Stewart: The Dreamer's Lament. Currently he is working in education teaching young people how to make television programmes.

About the Author and Links

Benjamin Burford-Jones

This website is the copyright of Benjamin Burford-Jones 2014, except quotations and photographs used to illustrate various traditional and television puppets.
No material should be reproduced in any form whatsoever for purposes of commercial gain without obtaining the copyright holder’s express permission. 
