Greetings and cosmic felicitations..... a small distant corner of insanity,
lost in time, and lost in web space!

From here it's possible to explore other pages and sites which give an insight into my interests and inner psyche ..... scary!!...

ConstructionThe whole thing is always under construction and may be a while before its finished, so drop in anytime and see what's new!

Remember ........
'Dreams are another reality ........ just  not here and now!'

"I am convinced that the only people worthy of consideration in this world are the unusual ones.

For the common folk are like the leaves of a tree, and live and die unnoticed."

                                                                                                                                                            The Scarecrow of OZ

These links take the willing traveller to various sites of friends and colleagues with equally varied interests and pastimes!

 Timeslip Clothing - Click for web site  - For the best corsets and costumes in the UK!!

Zaph's Site - Scots suburbia in Transsexual, TV!

"Normality is merely a state of mind!"

Thank You!..... those who gave permission for images to be used, and a special thank you to David Freeman for this help, advice and assistance.

All images are either my property or as far as possible permission has been obtained from those concerned. No insult or copyright infringement is intended by the use of any unauthorised images on these pages. After all, copying is the greatest form of flattery ... you must have got it right in the first place!!