To follow the development of the group we must go back to when Roisin and Davy first met, ..... or there abouts. When Davy joined TimeWarp the UK fanclub, and read the fanclub newsletter, he found in the penpals section, a name and address in Belfast, one young lady called Roisin. As it turned out, she had been corresponding with Darren at the University of Ulster, Coleraine. The scene was set for the three founder members of the Northern Ireland Rocky Horror connection to meet.
The Queens Film Theatre, Belfast, the only cinema in Belfast to regularly show Rocky had a showing scheduled for May 1992. Roisin, her friend Jack, Davy and Barbara arranged to go. As Barbara and Davy had been to Edinburgh the previous Halloween to see the stage show in the Playhouse theatre, they both had costumes, Magenta and Frank respectively. Roisin and Jack, also had arranged costumes, as Columbia and Magenta. So with little bags of rice and a few hours studying the Audience Participation Book, and quite a lot of vodka we set off.
In those days the RHPS was shown in QFT 2, a small cinema which doubled as a lecture theatre for Queens University. It was as if the seating had been made for Rocky Horror participation, complete with the pull up and around tables to set props on at each seat, it couldnt have been designed better. The film started, and so did we. Then came Sweet T, after a little coaxing, Davy rushed to the front joined by Roisin and Barbara and ran through the song and throne scene. The audience loved it!
The seed was planted .........
Later that year came the first major UK Rocky Horror Fan Convention, Transylvania 92. Little did we realise then how much this single event would influence and change our lives for ever.