Just a few quick words to tell you about us, and this website. We are non-political. We do not seek to influence any political debate whatsoever. We assume, you, as intelligent people know the diffence between right-and-wrong.
We believe, whether people like it or not, that the Nazis, Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich played a significant part in shaping the modern world. We also believe, as it says in the Bible that those: who do not remember the past shall be condemned to repeat it, and for these reasons, we feel it necessary to provide an impartial insight in to the German Nazi structure and activities of the 20th century.
We feel it important that history should be told via a non-agenda framework. Accuracy is the mainstay of our intention. We hope you find the information useful, and view it through the same unbiased eyes, and convey the content without prejudice.
The Team.
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