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Music - More Plink-Plonk Noise

The Sheep-Dog In The Hay-Baler,
The Cow Down The Hole
And Other Tales 2003

More Plinky-Plonk Noise

Here are a few more examples of Plinky-Plonk Noise, that computer-produced music that I put together (composed is too strong a word) using Studio Sound Evolution Gold software, from around 2003 to 2010. About ten CDs of music, lovingly produced using some music mixing software that I've forgotten the name of, Nero for writing the CD and producing the covers, Adobe Photoshop for the front covers and a bit of 'O' Level Music knowledge. Also some echo-distorted guitar (believe me, distorted is better) and a little bit of Microsoft's Narrator.

The following tracks are a brief selection of my output. Most of my CDs are 'in a box somewhere'. One of my tracks, off a CD that is 'in a box somewhere', was - I suspect - used by some bandits in a song that they had a big hit with in 2014. Hopefully, I will find that box sometime soon... Some of my CDs can be found on the web somewhere - if you are really interested.

At some point I might put the rest of the CDs out there - or, at the very least, their front covers.

A Gutful Of Plinky-Plonk Noise (2003)

My first foray into Plink-Plonk Noise. A CD of short, strange and repetitive tunes. The tracks on this album can all be found somewhere on the internet.

The front cover image was made using a black and white (only) hand-scanner. Fortunately, these days, there are things called flat-bed scanners and digital cameras which make life a little easier - although none of them (I own) can perform OCR like that old, b&w hand-scanner with its old Windows 3.1 based software. Progress...

Persist With This (The Ant Song)

The first track from the first CD A Gutful Of Plinky-Ponk Noise.

White Horse On Brown Hill

A rather jolly piano piece from A Gutful Of Plinky-Ponk Noise.

Open Your Flowers To The Sunlight (2003)

My second CD of music. Learning to do a bit more in the way of tune constuction.

The nice cover image of some geese, on shiny photographic quality paper - an improvement on the first CD's cover.

Piano Piece (I've forgotten the name)

Track 28 from the second CD of Plinky-Plonk Noise: Open Your Flowers To The Sunlight.

What Happens Next? (2003)

My third CD. All tracks are available somewhere on the internet.

Cajun Band Eaten By 'Gator

Track twenty-three from the third CD: What Happens Next?

Piano; Two Saxophones

Track number eight from What Happens Next?

End Of The Day (Sit Down; Shut Up)

Track twenty-four from What Happens Next?

A Song For All The Oppressed In The World

A classic track from What Happens Next? A real gem.

Lost In Transit (June 2004)

The cover influenced by the transit of Venus on 8th June of that year. Also check out the title track on page one of the MUSIC pages, which I think is one of my better tracks. This album is available somewhere on the internet.

Noise Almighty

A noisy sort of track from CD number 7: Lost In Transit.

A Taste Of Black Bush

A folky sort of track from Lost In Transit

Malcolm's Medley Parts One And Two

Track number forty from Lost In Transit

Tracks from CD (title to be found... later)

Her Name Was Mary

A sad tale...

Turn It Off (This CD)!!!

The track title says it all.


A "bats with hats" track.
