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Short And Curlies

This book came out on the 15th June 2023. A very, very short collection of very, very short pieces, that fell out of This Could Be Our Finest Hour and the back of a drawer.

This book is an experiment in silliness - and a blatant exercise in marketing psychology, through the employment of compulsive imagery (a snazzy front book cover). (The hope is) the book-reading public will not be able to resist it. Already it is a big seller in Japan (well, bigger than the UK, anyway). ありがとう

The twenty-one pieces contain:

A Remembrance Of Things Past
A very short take on the French classic.
52 Belmont Avenue
(A homage to Thomas Hardy) Fifty-two Belmont Avenue was an ugly terrace house on an ugly street but by standing on a rickety wooden stool near the tiny high window of the small, upstairs box-room Wilson could see the shrubby hedges and stunted trees in the gardens of the myriad of houses that squatted in the dark, gloomy vale that lay towards the back of his property...
German brick-layers have demonstrated the easy flow of spirit-levels and mortar across post-Brexit borders; but where has Boris's old wooden garden shed disappeared to?
A Zebra Is Not Just For Christmas
A black and white 'thing'. About zebras.
Happiness is a small, localised, temporary rupture in the fabric of the universe, whose natural state is misery: misery, in both its pure, high-level form of utter, intense anguish and low-level, grumbling background noise of dissatisfaction.

The book is FREE from the Kobo Bookstore.

See also: