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This Never Happened Too

This Never Happened Too - book cover

My second collection of short stories called: This Never Happened Too became available in the Kobo Bookstore on the 28th February 2018 (ISBN 1230002148076). This continued my '..dark, humorous, occasionally puerile..' style of short stories - fifty in total.

A few story examples are:

I, Chimp
It wasn't the bars and the wire fences that worried me, it was the in-house entertainment. I mean, there's only so many things you can do with a tyre tied to a tree branch: swing on it; push it; swing upside-down on it; bite it. For a chimp with a high degree of intelligence and a well-developed imagination, a tyre-swing is not an ideal form of stimulus. A bored zoo chimp starts to paint on his compound walls.
Chin A Panda
A man; a panda; a fight. Who wins?
War And Peace
The pacifists were out in force, beating up anyone moderately in favour of the war. War breaks out with disasterous consequences.
The Voices In My Head
The voices in my head told me to kill Sooty.
Tony was an atheist. Not for him the wimpish, effete, uncertainty of agnosticism: he was a devoutly, true unbeliever; staunch in his views, and active in his contempt for stupid, woolly-headed, God-fearing fools.
My Acting Career
A Thomsons gazelle recounts her acting career.

The book is price £1.99 or equivalent from the Kobo Bookstore.

See also: