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Painting By Numbers

Book three, Painting By Numbers, came out in June 2019, with a meticulously-designed front cover that took me at least two hours to create (little did I know I had used the wrong shade of magnolia). The realisation that I would never have enough staying power to complete that sensational, life-changing novel kept me ploughing along the furrow of short stories. The thirty dark, humorous, et cetera stories in this book continued in the same/similar theme as before.

A few story examples are:

Painting By Numbers
Robert announces at his work's retirement party that he will be doing 'a bit of painting'. His wife is pleased that she will finally see a newly decorated kitchen - until she finds out what sort of painting Robert has in mind.
Fame Is The Spur
A story by Howard S Pring. About cardboard.
Force Equals Mass Times Acceleration
An explanation of death in terms of physics. '..Derek's little body was no match for the mass and velocity of the car or the mass and inertia of the oak tree by the side of the A38..'
Happy Families
Zeke and Nancy begin to worry when their first born, Mystic Moon Child, begins to show strange, orthodox tendencies.
A dragon-slaying and treasure-seeking adventurer from an action role-playing video game begins to worry when his children ask him to read a strange bed-time story to them about a washing machine.
The Penguin In The Freezer
A man has to return a penguin to the zoo before anyone finds out.

The book is price £1.99 or equivalent from the Kobo Bookstore.

See also: